Wireless NES and SNES Controllers
I’m not sure why I never saw these earlier, but I just found this in the new issue of WIRED:
“Can you get any more classic than Nintendo’s Super Mario Brothers? Not much. Well, for all you grumpy old-timers still living in a dream world of 8-bit gaming, here’s a perfect gift: a sturdy, 2.4Ghz wireless controller for your 20-year-old NES. Inspired by Nintendo’s awesome wireless WaveBird for the Gamecube, this retro-styled gamepade is built with all the modern bells an whistles, including great battery life and ergonomic grips.”
Personally, ever since I got my first WaveBird for my Cube, I’ve never wanted to buy another wired controller again. In fact, just the fact that all my Dreamcast controllers have wires discourages me from playing by favorite white box.
I find it wonderful that there is a company out there that still caters to the vintage community.
Apparantly the company is also thinking about working on wireless controllers for Atari, Genesis, and Dreamcast. (No Saturn or PSX?) If I actually had an NES (I was deprived as a child), I would snatch one of these immediately.
Here are some user comments already on the Net.
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i need a wire less super nintendo because i have one and it is messing up….