Racketboy Asks: What Classic Console Do You Play Most?
My goal with this little site it to provide a place that is as useful and practical as possible for anyone that is looking to build upon or maximize their classic gaming collection.  However, since we have such a diverse readership here, I thought it might be a good idea to run a poll every now and then to see what consoles you have the most interest in – either that you currently have or what you plan on getting in the future.
This is the first in a series of polls that I’ll post every now and then.  I’m curious
Just choose one of options below (I know it’s probably hard to choose one) and feel free to justify your choice in the comments section below.
[poll id=”12″]
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Actually, it shifts between the classic consoles of the early 80s. Atari 2600, Atari 800 Home Computer (but still one of the greatest gaming machines ever), Intellivision, Colecovision. Since only one was on the list, I chose “other”.
N64. I emulate the other systems when I want to play them, but I don’t have the hardware to hook an N64 controller up to my PC, and N64 emulation still isn’t anywhere near as good as other systems anyway.
I wanted to say the Genesis or Saturn, but that wouldn’t be the truth. I think I play more PS1 games on my PS2 than anything.
The Dreamcast has gotten a lot of attention from me over the last few months. If my N64 was functional, I’d be playing No Mercy instead of MvC2 and NBA 2k2 right now.
I chose N64 because it has the nostalgia factor for me as it was my first console and i’d really like to start building up my collection again. I’d also like to see some more TG-16/PCE (specifically the imports games as I dont think many non-japanese readers know a whole lot about what it has to offer).
Sega Saturn for the past 6 months or so, N64 for 6 months before that, something else before that. It changes so often.
But really, I’ve been playing with my Apple IIgs more than anything else. Technically a computer, but it sure feels like a game console.
It’ll shift around, but I’d say I spend a lot more time on average with my SNES than any of these others. Always have, and I likely always will.
Don’t own a Saturn, but plan to buy it soon.
PS2 would dominate this list 😀 It’s pretty much a classic console nowadays anyway!
i havent stopped playing my DC since 9.9.99 when i got it… i play a lot of genesis (the real console and emulated on the PSP), but the DC is still number one!!!
rather supprising to see the megadrive outbeat the nes, growing up with the mega-drive i have always felt sort of like an outsider, all anyone ever talks about is the snes/nes when quite frankly, a lot of people are missing out on a lot of fantastic megadrive games.
Dreamcast by far. Played some Soul Caliber this afternoon.
Neo geo lately (usually my #3) behind Genesis/Saturn. This list accounts for the last 2 or so years of gaming I’ve done
My SNES and NES get the most use out of the ones on that list.
But really I play my original Xbox the most.
My Dreamcast is broken… otherwise that would be the one. Emulated SNES on my (hacked up) Wii is the current winner.
hard freaken question!!!!
Saturn followed by Xbox 360 and Dreamcast
Erm…the poll is claiming that I voted for Super Nintendo, despite the fact that I haven’t even voted. Anyway, my vote truly goes to Dreamcast.
MD/Genny, Saturn, Dreamcast, NES/FC, SNES/SFC
things go in that order.
I immediately put NES, but after thinking about it the truth is PS1.
Sega Saturn by a long way, funnily enough!
Followed by MegaDrive then Dreamcast.
Poll says I voted for Atari, but I haven’t voted yet. Followed the RSS link from my newsreader, perhaps that’s the problem?
My most played classic is NES, followed by SNES.
had to go with the megadrive, with super famicon a close second.
It was a tough choice between the Saturn and the Dreamcast, but since my Saturn shares the tv connection with the PS2 I usually end up playing more Dreamcast
If the Dreamcast is on the list the PS2 should be also. Since PS2 isn’t on the list, I can’t vote!