Metal Slug Collection Announced for PSP

 The PSP will soon be recieving a big shot of retro action. During GDC 2006, SNK announced that a Metal Slug Collection will be released for the Sony PSP. It is scheduled for a November 2006 release.

This is looking to be the biggest official compilation of Metal Slug games for any system as it will include six ports of the Neo-Geo originals.

  • Metal Slug
  • Metal Slug 2
  • Metal Slug 3
  • Metal Slug 4
  • Metal Slug 5
  • Metal Slug X

The PSP version will have 2-player wireless co-op play. SNK Playmore is promising perfect translations of the arcade classics, as well as wireless support for two-player action.

SNK has been doing a good job spitting out compilations of many of its most popular franchises. Obviously, I’d like to to see more on other systems like the XBox or the Nintendo DS. It will also be interesting to see if they join in on the fun with the XBox Live Arcade or the Nintendo Revolution Virtual Console.

Update: Here’s an official statement from Terminal Reality, the company doing the PSP port: “We came up with an advanced scaling method to fill the screen with minimal distortion with the original tiles. Most players will be happy with this. But for our hardcore fans, we will have a display option that will be the original pixel for pixel version of the game.
Thanks to insertcredit

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Dave says:

I wanted to ask you how to use your SegaCueMaker (as I get an error when I try to run it) but I couldn’t find a contact address on your site…

Mozgus says:

Holy crap. If these make proper use of widescreen on the PSP, and perform perfectly, then this is the first title for PSP that catches my interest.

alonzobots says:

This game looks amazing, but what does it tell you that the two best games for PSP are the gradius collection and the metal slug collection? There all collections of old games!

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