Dreamcast VGA Cable Compatibility List
While VGA mode is supported by most every Dreamcast games, there are a few that do not support it. Some of the non-VGA games can be patched to be used with a Dreamcast VGA cable by making some quick modifications to the ripped game’s CDI file.
You can also get a full-featured Dreamcast VGA Box that sports both S-Video and Composite Video for non-VGA games.
Fortunately, most of the games that do no support VGA mode aren’t that good anyway. The only game I am bummed out about is Last Blade 2. However, if you must play this game on a VGA monitor, you might as well just emulate it with MAME.
Anyway, you will find a list of nearly every Dreamcast game and their VGA compatibility status.
See Full Compatibility List at EmuParadise
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Great work, thanks.
Excelent work!! and LACK OF LOVE Do not work unfortunately i dont know if can be patched.
You can also boot the DC with the VGA If your VGA adapter as a switch, you can boot the DC with the switch on RCA. After hearing the DC “beep” to confirm a successful boot, toggle the switch to “VGA” mode. I have used this for Bangai-O with mixed results (sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not). This may or may not always work, and I am unsure if there are any side-effects to the VGA converter, the DC console, or the VGA monitor.
My Evolution does not work my VGA box, Video mode does not support.
My Mortal Kombat Gold works fine without patch.
can somebody help me where can I get the patch or Boot cd for those incompatibility games to work with the vga output? email me at [email protected]
Are they originals or backups?
Which region are you?htpu
The german version of Resident Evil CODE Veronica does NOT work in VGA mode. Also, my Version of Railroad Tycoon 2 only shows a black screen on the VGA box, although it should work according to the “VGA Compatible” icon on the box. Dunno why…
All my games are original, no copies or bootleg
can not get european version of shenmue 2 to work with this cable any help?
Excellent resource, thanks very much – just one thing though: it should be ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ and not ‘Who Wants To Beat Up A Millianare’, though I imagine the latter would make for a pretty entertaining evening as well. Probably more so, actually.
Actually, there is such a game
My European Version of Code Veronica doesn’t work in VGA mode. Is there any way to patch it or something?
The VGA box I bought from you is nice though!
I would recommend downloading one of the rips of the game that are out there. That should do the trick for you.
So not every VGA compatible game actuallly states it? for example, USA version of SF3 double impact doesn’t list VGA, but the list on this site says it is VGA compatible, I hope that’s true.
No, not every one states it. Not sure how they made the decision of it they mention it or not….
My european version of Soul Calibur doesn’t support VGA, but by using the switch trick I still got it working
regarding shenmue II: 3D models do look great, but only those of humans. textures, especially those for walls, floors etc are very low res. it really looks strange seeing ryu walk down a street where humans and signs look great and the walls and tiles are unsharp
Super Boom Tread Troopers from the Official Dreamcast Magazine does not work.
with my dreamcast and the vga box with composite and s-video out, nfl blitz 2000 is not compatible, contrary to what the list above says.
Actually, Super Boom Tread Troopers from the Official Dreamcast Magazine is patchable, although it looks pretty bad all around, besides the tanks.
Just to let you know, I have had success running Iron Aces with the VGA Box i bought from you on a Staples 19″ LCD monitor with no issues. for what its worth, by using the switch trick.
About Space Channel 5… the 3D models are great.. but the backdrops are muddy and just look nasty- are they pre-rendered? Something that would make this monitor (using VGA) show the backdrops strangely? And I’m using a ‘Performance VGA Adapter’.
In the first Space Channel 5, they are pre-rendered. And if you are running off a backup disc, they have been downsampled to fit on a CD-R, making them look worse.
Evolution 1 doesnt work with the vga box with the switch (svid output) even though the evolution 1 box states it is vga cable compatible. To get around this you can use the switch technique. I havent tried it with the vga cable as I do not have one of those. Can anyone confirm?