Can the Revolution Knock Out ROM Downloading?

I just wanted to follow up my past commentary on the Revolution classic download situation. I’ve mentioned numerous times that Nintendo might possibly (and should) set up their game distribution system in a manner that is similar to Apple’s iTunes Music Store.

Well, I found it interesting that just the other day it was revealed that iTunes is more popular than almost every P2P service. In many ways they have conviced consumers that paying for music downloads from their store is better than downloading them for “free”. They compete with free on ease of use, reliability, and legality. Cost isn’t everything.

Could Nintendo overcome rampent ROM downloading with their classic game downloads?
They could offer an interface that could give them recommendations and guides much like Apple does. It could also offer an easy way to find that elusive game. After all, the average person would have a hard time finding a ROM of Mischief Makers for the N64.

Just as people have been getting fed up with trying to find and download a good copy of a song on Kazaa, eMule, or whatever the other hot P2P apps of the moments are, ROM sites have been disappearing and finding a particular game can be more challenging for all but techie gamers.

As I’ve said before, Nintendo can really make or break itself here. If it does an exceptional job with a combination of ease of use, fun, and low prices, it will turn the gaming market around for the better. If they are smart, they will hire some really smart people (Apple employees?) and do a lot of user testing. Are you listening, Big N?

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jemsic says:

I think it could stop rom downloading. As long as its cheap -like no more than a dollar a game. I’d pay for official nintendo roms, but there’s a limit. I mean come on, we have been getting them for free.

Kameo says:

I have every single Nintendo ROM that ever got released so they better offer us something good for our money. I’d love to see a translated version of Animal Forest or a emulated N64 version of 40 Winks, that’s something I’d pay for.

If they don’t do anything but providing us with the exact same Games as I have the ROMz of with out any advances over the ROMz I’ll stick with my ROMz. I can hook up my PC to my TV if I really want so I’m surely net getting into it because it would enable me to play it on my TV.

Nintendo better works this out properly and if they do, yes, in that case they can deliver a mighty blow to the emulation scene…

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