Ben Heck – Console Hacker Extraordinare

I’ve recently seen a number of people reaching my site by searching for Ben Heck — the mastermind behind a number of amazing portable gaming systems. (See my recent interview with Ben)

Not only does Ben have the amazing technical knowledge that is necessary to piece these wonders together, but he also has great design sense. The handhelds seem to be sturdy and sport a retro/modern look that I love. I’m surpised a big manufacturer hasn’t hired him away 🙂

I’ve covered a couple of his projects in the past, but I’ve decided to do a little tribute post featuring his most interesting projects. Click on either the name or the picture of the project to find out more information and see larger pictures.

Portable Atari 2600s
Photo of Portable Atari 2600

Atari 2600 / PS2 Combo Unit
Photo of Atari 2600 PS2 Combo Unit

Atari Laptop
Photo of Atari Laptop

Portable NES/Famicom
Photo of Portable NES/Famicom

Portable Genesis/Megadrive
Photo of Portable Genesis/Megadrive

Portable SNES
Photo of Portable SNES

Portable PSOne
Photo of Portable PSOne

Portable PS2
Photo of Portable PS2

Portable Nintendo 64
Photo of Portable Nintendo 64

Portable Neo Geo MVS
Photo of Portable Neo Geo MVS

Portable Colecovision
Photo of Portable Colecovision

Custom Neo Geo Arcade Machine
Photo of Custom Neo Geo Arcade Machine

If you would like to find out how to create these projects yourself, Ben shares his guides and techniques on both and his book, “Hacking Videogame Consoles”

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Anonymous says:

That guy is a genius!

gabe Brandolini says:

sell! sell! Sell! SELL!!!!

u could make a fortune

more than any of the originals

gabe Brandolini says:

i would pay so much for one of them

Chris Proctor says:

You are the techno jesus. I i could do what you could iwouldnt be sitting in college learning about network cards and their few, complex and boring function. instead i waste my life happily play goldenye on a portable N64, on buses and trains, so when people ask what it is i can rub it in their face, with their rubbish DS which old people seem to have adopted, making now uncool FOREVER.

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