Racketboy Podcast #31 – The Reset Button



In this first podcast of 2012 we finally unveil the new format for the show – one that will combine the best of the existing show with a slew of new features that people have wanted to see introduced.

First and foremost, the show now has a co-host: John Stringer (jmustang1968 from the forums) joins Dave to talk about a variety of topics related to retro gaming and retro game culture and will be a new fixture of the show.  Hear his first foray into the limelight in this edition of the show, wherein our hosts discuss the past, present, and future of the podcast, the retro-gaming friendliness of modern handhelds, some upcoming releases of older games, and much more.

In other big news for 2012: the show will now be posted every other week, so you can expect a lot more regularity.  We’ll feature some episodes in this new format, some episodes in the more traditional interview-based format you’ve come to know and love, and some that combine the two approaches in interesting ways. The bottom line is that you’ll be getting more show, more often, and more regularly.



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Show Outline:

  • (show theme music)
  • Introduction of the new show format
  • Currently Playing/ Recent Pickups
  • News (Zone of Enders HD Collection and Nightmare Busters)
  • Together Retro Discussion (Soul Calibur wrap up, Ys preview)
  • “Forum Thread of the Fortnight”
  • Mailbag
  • (“Let the Battles Begin!” – Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections)

Do you have something to add? Do you have questions about this episode? Do you want to heap scorn or praise? Please let us know below or in the forums or email us at podcast at racketboy dot com.


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One Comment

Trevor says:

This was my first cast to tune in for. Sounds like it worked out since your re-formatting. Here’s an idea for the what we are playing segment, how about “Now Loading”. A reference to the many loading screens that haunt so many games.

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