Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

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Gunstar Green
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Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Gunstar Green »

I was going to hop on this but it seems like I'd be better off waiting for the holiday and getting it with the expansion.
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Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Gunstar Green »

Soooo I caved because I'm so hyped about other upcoming space sims (Star Citizen, No Man's Sky) and I needed the fix. I've also been itching for a long term game I can play a little bit at a time and make progress in that isn't a traditional MMO. I've been really hooked. It's definitely not for everyone but I find it extremely immersive. I envy Oculus Rift players.

Currently I'm in a Cobra MK III, mostly doing cargo runs, though I've pimped it out enough to handle a fight and I take on targets of opportunity such as running into random bounties when I pick up an unidentified signal source or allowing pilots to interdict my FDS drive and judge whether I should ice them or run the hell away. Any time I've actually tried to do bulletin board combat missions I've gotten in over my head so I only fight if I run into wanted people I know I can take.

It's sweet when some idiot low-level pirate interdicts me in the middle of a run and I add the price of his bounty to my haul. Not so great when it's a badass pirate or the system cops are interdicting me to scan my illicit cargo. It's best to fight the interdiction when you're carrying something illegal. :lol:

Once I thought I could get the jump on a criminal in an Anaconda and they quickly showed me my place, my canopy burst and I made it back to dock with 50 seconds of emergency air left. The game can sometimes be hours of uneventful travel but when it gets intense, man it gets intense. I love how unforgiving it can be at times.

My current goal is to earn enough to purchase an Asp, while making improvements to my Cobra because I want to keep it around for hauling and light combat while I completely outfit the Asp for heavy duty deep space exploration.
Opa Opa

Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Opa Opa »

Glad to see someone else playing. I haven't spent much time on it lately but the last thing I did was purchase a Diamondback Explorer. Pretty good FSD range.
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Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Gunstar Green »

I discovered a base with an amusing name. :)


And here's a random shot of my Cobra MKIII docked elsewhere, just because the level of detail is really great. I love seeing tiny cargo containers or trucks driving on the rings inside the larger ports.

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Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Gunstar Green »

I ran into a pirate with a very, um, interesting name:


"Mostly Harmless" too, what are you trying to say, Elite? :lol:
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Re: Elite: Dangerous - PC/XB1/PS4

Post by Gunstar Green »

Seems like I'm the one talking to myself now. :lol:

I was finally able to purchase an Asp and outfit it for exploration. I took a journey out to the North America and Pelican Nebulae as as trial run and here is a visual log of my journey:

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