Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

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Raging Justice
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Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Raging Justice »

Lately just about every old classic is getting re-released or remade, even some really niche, obscure stuff. I just posted a thread about Beyond Good and Evil coming back and mentioned the Lollipop Chainsaw remake/re-release as well. I recently heard of a new Double Dragon Collection too. Why do you guys think of this? Should we throw away our old consoles :lol:

Even Game Boy Advance stuff has been getting re-released

Retro in General is on fire right now. A company just announced a 2d beat 'em up based on GI Joe. Also, there's a new Dinosaur game coming out that seems inspired by Dino Crisis.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Anapan »

Oh totally! The companies embracing their golden-era games is so cool! They're really trying finally. M2 is always coming out with some enhanced remake and other companies are building engines that can enhance originals to be cross-platform while still using the original code accurately.

If you have the capability, IMO the OG is still preferable - look at the Sonic Origins launch. Gaming on OG hardware is still more cool, and a better experience than launching an emulated game.

If you can't afford the hardware, it's so easy to get a near-original experience officially now with almost any device with a screen. You can play so many retro games legally and officially the same way you could rent DVDs back in the day that one device can totally keep you retro-gaming better than when I grew up and dumped all my resources into playing every game I could.

You can't go wrong with some variant of the MiSTer. Ulao makes a module that interfaces nearly all the controllers, and the MiSTer supports *all* the video outputs without compromising any quirks in the hardware (if you avoid the emulated bits).

I fully understand the people who prefer vinyl records, and love having tactile feel and control over the analog perfection, but I have replaced a lot of my hardware with digital FPGA devices.

I still play older retro games on original consoles for the most part, but not often on a CRT, and I'll buy the 4K scaler for my 65" OLED soon. I still have a bunch of cartridges for my consoles, but rarely plug them in.

The tech is just to good now. No compromises in experience.

I have to admit, despite being a CRT aficionado, The RetroTink 5X Pro with my own tweaking over the image filtering leaves little to be desired.

I still game on handhelds with a setup of backlights to minimize glare to achieve the best picture; Sunlight isn't as good as my backlight array. That is one thing I prefer on OG hardware.

My modded handhelds lost a lot, and I would still choose playing them on a screen with a vast array of filters to mimic the screen over the screen-modded systems (this is why I try many new screens and then donate them to our annual charity)

With these re-releases getting more accurate and the retro-gaming audiences growing, It's really cool that the CRT filters are getting so close to my autistically-detailed remembered experiences.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by RCBH928 »

I am not sure what you mean by old games making a come back. Through out videogames history there has always been re-released, remakes, and ports. retro "style" games has been mainstream for like maybe 10 year now with games like Vampire Survivors.

I wouldn't call Lolipop Chainsaw old although it a decade old...maybe I am old...
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Raging Justice »

RCBH928 wrote:I am not sure what you mean by old games making a come back. Through out videogames history there has always been re-released, remakes, and ports. retro "style" games has been mainstream for like maybe 10 year now with games like Vampire Survivors.

I wouldn't call Lolipop Chainsaw old although it a decade old...maybe I am old...

Well, I just meant that there's been an increase of them on modern consoles in the past year or so. Not only re-releases, but all out remakes as well, like they've done with Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4. Plus, a lot of niche/obscure games have been brought back as well, which is surprising. Some games has even been re-released more than once.

Lollipop Chainsaw is not that old, that's true. However, it might be surprising to realize that the game is now two console generations behind. That's kind of old by today's standards. LC was a PS3/Xbox 360 game. If you think back to the PS2 era, a game two console generations before that would have been on the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis, which was before 3D gaming even existed.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by RCBH928 »

The standard of measuring "oldness" (or retro-ness) by time doesn't work. I noticed that old/retro is more correlated with how much advancement have been made. This is why an NES game from '89 looks ancient compared to a PS2 game from 2002 . 13 years apart but when you compare a 13 years apart game today , 2010, like Red Dead Redemption it really feels pretty modern and I might saw ... "new"
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by REPO Man »

Lately? Retro and retro-inspired games started making a comeback AGES ago.

Personally, I'm a total fan of PS1-style games, especially horror games. Puppet Combo and 616 Games are MASTERS of low-poly horror games. And since 2020, Haunted PS1 has put out a yearly "demo disc", as well as a "Madvent Calendar" around the holidays and an EEK3 Virtual Show Floor back in 2020. A few of those games have even gotten standalone releases. They also host game jams.

As for the comeback of retro and retro-inspired games, it's a cyclical thing. Like how '50s trends like rockabilly and Cold War metaphor sci-fi films came back in style in the '80s, or how '80s and '90s nostalgia waves have been going off for a while now.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Anapan »

Here's some PS1 style platformers I haven't gotten around to trying yet:
Love the visual style!
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by REPO Man »

Frogun is so cool! I backed it on Kickstater last year.

Have you tried the Toree games?
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Limewater »

If this thread were about movies instead of games, everyone would be lamenting how there are no original ideas anymore, and everything is either a remake, reboot, or sequel.

What is different about gaming versus movies that would lead this to be a positive thing versus a negative thing? I have some ideas, but I'd prefer to hear what other people think.

I am personally pretty neutral regarding re-makes and remasters in gaming.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by REPO Man »

Games and films are different media. Films keep getting rereleased onto new formats but a video game doesn't always get the same treatment.

Remakes in gaming typically serve as a way of upgrading elements that didn't work in the original, like how if they remake Mega Man Legends they could give it a more modern third-person shooter control scheme. Inversely a film remake doesn't always need to happen since you run the risk of changing something too drastically.

Sequels in gaming are a chance to add new ways to enjoy the series, such as adding new mechanics and locations. But a film sequel tends to just be like the previous films but more.
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