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Re: Books!

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:47 am
by Ziggy
So it's pretty interesting. They made the movie as intended, but then realized it probably wouldn't do so good. So they change a lot of it. The first two acts are largely the same, but with some Hollywood no-nos taken out and some other additions. The third act was changed completely. I wont spoil any of it by telling you more than that. Except to say that it is much darker. I definitely like the original theatrical cut more. It's just a funner movie, and with a much better soundtrack. But the director's cut was very interesting to watch. Even though two-thirds of it is more or less the same, it ends up feeling like a completely different movie.

I finished the book, The Hunter. The ending is actually similar to the original ending of Payback from the director's cut. Only the book doesn't end there, it has a double climax. I was expecting that, it was a complete surprise. I suppose it sets up the next book better.

Re: Books!

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:19 pm
by SamuraiMegas
I recently just finished Speaker For The Dead, and I've been waiting for a good place to gush over it.

I first read Ender's Game in 6th grade. Absolutely loved it, was my favorite book until I read Speaker again recently. I read Speaker for the first time shortly after in middle school and thought it was decent, but was thoroughly disappointed with the lack of action in comparison to Ender's Game. The concept was always extremely interesting to me- Ender is essentially an agnostic priest who comes down after someone's died and tells the true story of their lives, warts and all. All the drama in the book that comes along with it just kind of bored me at the time, but now I resonate with it.
Some of y'all might remember this, but about six months ago my roommate committed suicide. He was a close friend of mine. He didn't leave a note or any indication of what was up. Reading that book had me in tears at multiple parts because it made me realize I saw a lot of myself in Ender as a Speaker, with all Simon's friends and family looking to me for answers. I saw myself in every one of the main family's shoes, and the similar struggles I ended up facing in my home when I was younger.

Never had a book make me belligerently sob before, 10/10. Wish Card wasn't a piece of shit and that Xenocide wasn't legit terrible. Gonna have to get into the Enders Shadow series.

Re: Books!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:39 pm
by Limewater
Orson Scott Card is unfairly maligned, and Xenocide is much better than you remember. I would suppose that it is probably less interesting if you don't have much of a religious background, but that is supposition on my part. It was nominated for a Hugo award.

I don't think he had as much interesting to say in Children of the Mind, however.

Re: Books!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:55 pm
by SamuraiMegas
I just remember finding the ending of Xenocide contrived; I'll still probably end up reading it. Don't think I ever made it to COTM.

I don't remember the story super well but I just remembered being so annoyed about them mcguffining out of danger essentially, made it seem lame.

Re: Books!

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:20 pm
by marurun
Some insane news dropped today. Bill Willingham, author of Fables and owner of the IP, has been trapped in a contract with DC for a long time, and DC has apparently been refusing to pay and consult when contractually required. Bill has fired back in a rather creative, and insanely generous, way. ... s-into-the

Re: Books!

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:37 pm
by Raging Justice
marurun wrote:Some insane news dropped today. Bill Willingham, author of Fables and owner of the IP, has been trapped in a contract with DC for a long time, and DC has apparently been refusing to pay and consult when contractually required. Bill has fired back in a rather creative, and insanely generous, way. ... s-into-the

Well damn...that's...surprising

I used to love Fables (and have a bunch of issues and trades in my house), but it got to a point where I kind of fell off of it and now I don't know if I remember enough to jump back into it without having to re-read a lot of stuff

If what he says is true, than I applaud this decision. It's definitely a fan friendly choice.

Re: Books!

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:57 pm
by Ziggy
Awesome story.

Now, where's the link to download the entire collection?

Re: Books!

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:06 pm
by marurun
That’s the thing, the art isn’t in the public domain. Only the text and IP for the series, all the stuff Willingham controlled. It means that anyone can play in his universe and profit off making their own art with his characters and setting.

Re: Books!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:59 am
by Ziggy
Ah, OK. So then theoretically someone could take his texts and create new art to reconstruct the existing comics?

Re: Books!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:06 am
by marurun
Yeah. They’d need a new logo, too, though they could probably still call it Fables. I couldn’t find a word mark for Fables but I bet they have a design mark.