Metal Slug 5So yeah, busted out
Metal Slug Anthology the other night. I don't think I've ever beaten the fifth game, so that's what I played. It was pretty good! It's definitely got a different tone to it. I think it's all the weird enemies it throws at you. Locales and such seemed very diverse, and the vehicles are fun as always. The soundtrack sounded like redbook audio to me, some pretty slick rock stuff for the most part. Definitely different sounding from the rest of the series. The end boss... was way, way different. Never seen anything like that in a
Metal Slug.
So my real gripe is that there doesn't seem to be a single perfect control option for the Wii. The sideways Wii remote option has you shaking the controller to throw a grenade. You can't use a Classic Controller. You
can use a GC controller, but even there, you can't use the d-pad, you're chained to the blasted analog stick, severely hampering your precision. So frustrating. You'd think they would have
one option that actually works perfectly, but no dice.
Anyway, I credit-fed the heck out it. I'm normally pretty good at
MS, but I was terrible here. Thirty (30!) continues, and I blame part of that on the controls. Still, I'm no savant at the game, although I do remember playing
Metal Slug X back in the day and clearing up to the second level on one quarter before I had to dash to class, so I know I'm better than
Still, if you snag it cheap, you could find worse ways to play the games. I'd love to have a Neo Geo and the actual carts, but that ain't happenin' any time soon.