Games Beaten 2015

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

Harvest Moon is a dating sim right? I thought you are just supposed to do to win a woman's heart is to give her tons and tons of food right? RIGHT?!
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

-I am the idiot that likes to have fun and be happy.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Exhuminator »

BogusMeatFactory wrote:Harvest Moon is a dating sim right? I thought you are just supposed to do to win a woman's heart is to give her tons and tons of food right? RIGHT?!

Well, that's after you work your ass off getting rich from your farm, build an exquisitely furnished home, and become a respected local socialite. After all that, she will finally think you're worth marrying and then you can watch her lard butt expand endlessly.

You know, just like real life.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Forlorn Drifter »

Exhuminator wrote:
You know, just like real life.

It's better than real life, the ones in the game don't expand.
ninjainspandex wrote:Maybe I'm just a pervert

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Luke »

Exhuminator wrote:You know, just like real life.

This made me imagine a turn based style battle where the final boss is named "PRENUP". After fighting the Father-in-law. beating up the brother-in-law, and satisfying the Mother-in-law, you finally reach the prenup.

Marriage the game. Trademark. 2015, Luke.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Ack »

1. Renegade Ops (PC)(Multidirectional Shooter)
2. Borderlands 2 (PC)(FPS/RPG)
3. Gunpoint (PC)(Puzzle Platformer)
4. Robotrek (SNES)(RPG)
5. The Tick (SNES)(Beat 'Em Up)
6. Alien vs Predator (SNES)(Beat 'Em Up)
7. X-Kaliber 2097 (SNES)(Action Platformer)
8. Metal Slug (MVS)(Run and Gun)
9. Shadowrun (SNES)(RPG)
10. Quake II (PC)(FPS)
11. The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang (SNES)(RPG)
12. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (PC)(Action)
13. A Story About My Uncle (PC)(Platformer)
14. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (PC)(FPS)
15. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (PC)(FPS)
16. Catacomb (PC)(Top-Down Shooter)
17. Catacomb Abyss (PC)(FPS)

18. Catacomb Armageddon (PC)(FPS)
19. Catacomb Apocalypse (PC)(FPS)
20. The Catacomb (PC)(Top-Down Shooter)
21. Catacomb 3-D (PC)(FPS)
22. EarthBound (SNES)(RPG)
23. Quake II: Ground Zero (PC)(FPS)
24. Quake II: The Reckoning (PC)(FPS)
25. Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader (PC)(RPG)
26. The 7th Guest (PC)(Puzzle)
27. Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (PC)(RPG)
28. Loom (PC)(Point and Click Adventure)
29. Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)(Action Platformer)
30. System Shock 2 (PC)(Survival Horror FPS)
31. Final Fantasy V (SNES)(RPG)
32. Descent (PC)(FPS)

Six degrees of freedom, baby!

I had an absolute blast playing through Descent for my Summer Games Challenge. It's a challenging game that required I figure out how to best deal with different types of enemy robots(some quite nasty) while dealing with an entire axis that I have never had to spend much time worrying about. What's that axis? The Z-axis! In Descent, you can go forward and back, left and right, or up and down in ways unlike most other FPS. This requires some getting the hang of, and you have a variety of control options and adjustments you can make to help you. Want to use a mouse? A joystick? The keyboard? All are fine. I ended up with a hybrid mouse/keyboard setup that was similar to most modern FPS with WASD. By about level 10, I had finished making my changes and never adjusted again, though I would have appreciated a slightly higher mouse sensitivity. Even at max, I never quite felt as quick as I would like.

The game does help you a little by gently ramping first. The first 7 levels were released as shareware, and they introduce the colored keys one at a time and don't throw too many enemies at you. Once you beat the first boss however...well, it's too late. You've gone down the rabbit hole. Starting on level 8, Descent decides to chew you up and eat you by unveiling one of the nastiest enemies in the game. At this point, the challenge begins. While some levels are considerably easier then others, the game gets tough and stays tough from here on out. The maps are confusing and perfectly utilize the new axis of movement, making your wireframe map crucial but also occasionally difficult to understand. But each new level is a jumble of corridors, massive halls, twisting paths, and wicked surprises.

What I absolutely love is that it really does feel like you're traversing a series of mines, even if each new set of planets doesn't feel unique from each other. All present some new challenge, be it starting in a room with enemy spawners or revealing new arrangements of enemies, or making you whip around corridors into groups of enemies because you need a new key. Eventually I established a pattern for each level: grab the blue key, go in the blue door. Grab the yellow key, go in the yellow door. Grab the red key, go in the red door. Clear out the red area, then go back for the hostages before taking on the power core that must be destroyed in each level. Doing this let me keep the hostages in 25 out of the 26 main levels they appear in. Because it is likely you will die, and if you die while carrying hostages, they die too. You don't want that to happen, because they're worth a fair bit of score, and you want as much score as you can so you have as many extra lives as possible. The other downside to dying is that you lose all of your gear, so I always did my best to fly to a safe place to die there.

There are some tactics I devised to help get through things, namely sticking to corners and trying to ensure that you can duck around to throw off tracking missiles. Enemies are also incapable of opening doors; use this to your advantage to both block their fire and stop their pursuit! But if you want to divide a group, your fire knocks them back, so you can push enemies through doors as well if you desire. And since your shots stun most enemies, shooting the enemy is a great way to stop them from shooting you...most of the time. The missile guys don't always like this, so be careful.

If you like FPS, give Descent a try. I found it quite incredible. You should at least check it out to judge for yourself.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Gamerforlife »

darsparx wrote:- Batman Arkham asylum(would've perferred to 100% it but getting the credits to roll is worth it, beat it in less than a day though joker's fight pissed me off...and before anyone says it I'll get back to snes and such when my extensions for my controllers arrive so next up is Arkham city ;) )

RyaNtheSlayA wrote:Search still not working. Added the stuff I can remember

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance PC
Rogue Legacy Vita
Grid 2 PC
Dirt 3 PC
Splatoon WiiU
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge WiiU

Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition WiiU

With all the talk in the Arkham Knight thread I thought I'd give this version of City a try since it has long been sitting on my shelf with only 20 minutes or so of playtime. I'm actually pretty impressed, and definitely came away from it with the impression that it's probably the best console version of the game.

So, there's all your standard Arkham City fair including the DLC which is still entirely awesome even for a casual Batman fan like myself. The game is named after the new armor you're given for both Batman and Catwoman. The B.A.T system is neat (charges up through regular combat and allows you to unleash critical hits for a short time) and it looks pretty cool, although quite shiny. What's really nice about the WiiU versions is the gamepad specific stuff. It reminds me of Deus Ex in that the gamepad stuff is all implemented thoughtfully and doesn't really feel like it's there just to be a gimmick. It feels cool to mess with their interpretation of the computer Batman has on his arm after seeing him mess with it so much in the other versions but not actually knowing what he's looking at. It takes a tiny bit of getting used to but, before I knew it I was swapping gadgets, hacking nodes (in a far different fashion to the other versions), and gyro aiming baterangs with ease. Voice coms come through the gamepad speakers, and all your character bios, map, upgrades, and data are easily accessible on the gamepad at all times. There's one new gadget in the form of the Sonar which automatically logs Riddler trophies for you so you don't have to scan them all in.

If I have any complaints about this specific version it's the odd framerate issues. It runs fine most of the time, even gliding through the city. What's odd is that, in only some specific instances, the framerate will tank during battle sequences. It was never so bad as to cause me to miss a counter but it was visually jarring many times, especially since the framerate is unlocked and in the indoor sections seems to hover above 30. That said, it's nice that this release has some pretty darn good anti-aliasing and has v-sync permanently enabled. Despite the unlocked framerate, it didn't seem to have the annoying frame-pacing issues that sometimes crop up with that. So the image quality is top notch.

But you know, it's still Arkham City and it's still great. I ended up beating the main story in 3 sittings so I guess that says something. Frankly, it was the perfect place to end the Arkham series in my honest opinion. There are far more stories to be told about the other villains but, perhaps they should have put this particular world to rest, or stuck to doing a few side-story things or prequels instead.

The two best games in the series. It's all downhill from here on out. Origins = recycling, technical issues and stupid multiplayer mode. Knight = Crappy Batmobile + obnoxious tank battles + obnoxious tank stealth sequences + WAY too much Joker + some of the worst boss fights in the entire series (all revolving around Arkham Knight)


Possibly the worst portrayal of Jason Todd I've ever seen. A massive step down from his character in the movie Under the Red Hood

Reading that post about the Wii U version of Arkham City, I kind of want to try it now. God knows my meager Wii U library could use another addition.
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:
Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by RyaNtheSlayA »

It's worth a try if you're looking for an excuse to replay the game I'd say. It's pretty easy to find for like ten bucks brand new even.

I think I might even give the New Game Plus mode a try. I wonder how well I could adapt to the combat system without counter indicators.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Gamerforlife »

Most players never pick up on the fact that you don't need to counter much (if at all) if you make ample use of the redirect move (the move where Batman vaults over an enemy and goes behind him)

It's the bread and butter of high level play.

That said though, I hate how they remove the counter icons. It makes me not want to use counter at all, because it's riskier, and I actually enjoy doing counter attacks from time to time just for the fun of it.
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:
Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Fragems »

1. Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition(PS4)(Good)
2. Infamous First Light(PS4)(Good)
3. Drakengard 3(PS3) *Endings 1-4. Ending 5 I watched online due to BS boss.(Good except for the boss of the final alternate branch ending who can go burn in a firey hell :lol: )
4. Infamous Second Son(PS4)(Good)
5. Thomas Was Alone(PS4)(Great)
6. Uncharted Drake's Fortune(PS3) *(Good)
7. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves(PS3) *(Great)
8. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception(PS3) **(Good)
9. Deadpool(PS3)(Great)
10. Red Dead Redemption(360)(Good)
11. Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare(360)(Okay)
12. The Walking Dead Survival Instinct(360)(Shit)
13. Fuse(360)(Okay)
14. The Bureau Xcom Declassified(360)(Okay)
15. Asura's Wrath(360)(Great)
16. Beneath a Steel Sky(PC)(Good)
17. Soul Gambler(PC)(Okay)
19. Harvester(PC)(Good, but disturbing)
20. Coma: Mortuary(PC)(Shit)
21. Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure(PC)(Good)
22. Freedom Planet(PC)(Great)
23. Tropico 3 Steam Special Edition(PC)(Great)
24. Far Cry 4(PS3)(Okay kinda meh)
25. Shellshock 2 Blood Trails(360)(Shit)
26. Grand Theft Auto V(PC)(Great)
27. Shadow of Mordor(PS4)(Great)
28. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare(PS4)(Okay)
29. Fallout 3(PC)

Haven't been playing much recently finished the main quest of Fallout 3 other day. It's probably about my 3-4th time through the base game. The main quest in terms of story is pretty crappy and feels like a slog, but I thoroughly enjoy them atmosphere and exploring. I still think the best thing about this game is the exploration I especially like the locations that don't have a quest connection but have been designed to tell their own story.

Anyways I'm going to try and blow through the DLC the only one I have ever completed was Operation Anchorage and it sounds like it was the weakest expansion. So glad that the Broken Steel expansion lets you continue playing regardless of your choice at the end of the base game. The fact that you couldn't continue playing after finishing the main quest line always annoyed me.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by GSZX1337 »

[quote="GSZX1337"]1) Cannon Spike - Dreamcast
2) I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - PC
3) Mighty Gunvolt - 3DS (as Mighty No. 9)
4) Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X - PSP (Vile Mode)
5) StarCraft - PC
6) Naughty Bear - Xbox 360
7) The Last of Us - PS3
8] Eets (100-percented) - PC

9) Gunpoint - PC

It's rare that a game ends up better than I expected. I played the demo and was fairly impressed by it. I eventually decided to start the game up and play up to where the demo ends, but I ended up beating the game that night when I should've gone to bed. It sucked me in like a high priced whore. The levels are short enough for casual play, but meaty enough to encourage a binge. While the Hyper Trousers gimmick is what initially drew me in, it was the electrical rewiring that kept me engaged. Utilizing the facility's lights, doors, and motion detectors to fuck with and sometimes kill the guards? Good stuff.

Much like the gameplay, the plot was better than I expected. I found the dialogue in the demo to be quite humorous, but it only gets better going into the full game. In addition to being comedic, the plot is actually rather engaging. It's not Game of Thrones or anything, but the conspiracy had me interested throughout the whole campaign.

This game is great, probably the best game I've played or will play all year. Definitely download the demo and try it.
casterofdreams wrote:On PC I want MOAR FPS!!!|
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