PS3 Fat vs Slim - Horizontal vs Vertical YLOD

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PS3 Fat vs Slim - Horizontal vs Vertical YLOD

Post by CRTGAMER »

PS3 Fat vs Slim - Horizontal vs Vertical YLOD
I know YLOD has been talked to death, apologies for yet another thread. Also please bear with this short emotional rant for a couple different points that follow.


Well my PS3 60gb once again has gone YLOD. This is after surviving the early April Fools Leap Year hurdle. I won't put my Lynch mob pic again Niode, but here is the Link if anyone is curious. I feel like I'm the guy leading the pack!

The only good out of this is still in warranty, just made it with 2 weeks to spare. Free. Sony sending free shipping box to exchange with free replacement. I asked if possible to get a Slim for the replacement. No luck Sony policy is to replace with exact same model. Operator assured me I would again receive the same 60gb Emotion chip PS2 compatible version all over again.

Just like this boomerang I get a return full circle repair/replacement tap dance again.


Right now if I factory upgrade to Slim it would be 142 bucks vs the 162 dollars I paid previously. :evil:
(Stop laughing at me, not funny, okay maybe just a little ridiculous)

So I'll stick with the free warranty replacement while chanting many not so nice words till transaction is all done two to three weeks from now.

Sony Repair site:

1SCEA Playstation Sony Repair Phone Number : 1-800-345-SONY (7669)


Okay Rant soap box is over, now to the meat and potatoes .......

First, the next eventual YLOD fail
Love PS2 compatibility but with YLOD issues, maybe a Slim PS3 is better after all. I have two PS2s with HDAdvance/HDLoader so at this point Emotion Chip is moot compared to possible better durability of newer PS3 Slim.

Each machine has advantages disadvantages concerning USB ports 2 vs 4, DolbyTrueHD, Cell processor, Emotion Chip, Power Consumption, etc, none of which is as critical as YLOD.

Some Specs:

How about it, anyone think Slim PS3 more reliable concerning YLOD?

A secondary not as important question[/b]
Seems to me of all the Fats, the emotion chip version might run hotter. More chips cooking away on motherboard. Slim has even less chips toasting on the insides, but maybe thinner drive motor.
Any thoughts?

A third does it matter question
Upright like a Tower or flat like a Desktop, the PS3 can sit either way according to Sony. Wait a minute, my trust is wavering on their recommendations lately. Tower does give more air circulation, risk of toppling over. Desktop mode seems better position for game discs spinning in the drive. Also issue if weight of parts hanging vertical or horizontal have any bearing on heat failure of solder joints.
Any thoughts on this too?


Again primary question of PS3 Fat vs PS3 Slim, which do you think is more durable?
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by corn619 »

The slim is a externally and internally refined version of the fat model. Refined meaning it runs much cooler. Since cooler systems tend to be more reliable than hot ones, I would say hands down that the slim is less likely to YLOD. I get the feeling released the slim to fix the fats overheating issues and lower costs.
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by Niode »

I understand that it may appear that standing the PS3 upright would improve cooling, since heat rises. However, the way that the fan works is that hot air is expelled out of the right hand side (when the PS3 is laid down). In the case of PC cooling, I know that to have the most efficient cooling possible I should have equal air flow going into the case (to pull cool air in) and equal air flow going out (to push hot air out), if either side is not functioning correctly then efficient dissipation of heat does not happen. For example on my PC case I have 2 fans coming in, and 2 fans going out. If I set the front fans to high and the rear fans to medium, then the heat in the case goes up, likewise when I set the rear fans to High and the front fans to medium, the heat in the case goes up. If they are both equal then the heat returns to normal. This is all to do with air pressure, and positive and negative air pressure affects temperatures drastically. Now in regards to the PS3 when it is laid down (not upright), the air is pulled in from the little slots on the left hand side of the console (with the blu-ray drive slot facing you). If you stand it up, you are closing the air-intake off and therefore restricting the amount of cool air that can enter the machine, therefore driving temperatures up.

The PS3 should be laid down at all times with clear access for air intake on both sides of the machine. It must be allowed to ventilate. The exact same principle applies to the 360. I have had all of my machines (360 and 2 PS3s) in this orientation their entire life (well the 60GB PS3 was second hand but I've been assured it's never had any problems and has been cleaned regularly before I bought it, the warranty stick is still intact) and never had a single RROD/YLOD. That can't be some kind of coincidence.

One other thing, if you smoke in the same room as your consoles you are killing your machines. Tobacco, just as it stains your furniture/ceiling is also getting sucked into your consoles and leaving a sticky substance on your components and even worse, the fan. This is going to kill your systems much faster.

Plus, give your systems a clean every time you dust/clean your house. If you clean your house once a month (Shame on you, you dirty bastard!) At least give your consoles a clean and a blast with compressed air to get rid of the dust once a fortnight (more often if you use them every day). Chances are it's the dust build up in the air intakes that is killing your systems faster. If I had a pound for every time I went to fix somebody's PC because it was acting strange and the case is completely clogged up with dust I'd have enough to buy a sealed copy of Radiant Silvergun!
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by the7k »

While the Slim hasn't been around long enough to know for sure, Ben Heck's deconstruction of the PS3 Slim seemed to indicate that it was built with air flow in mind. If Ben Heck is confident in it, then so am I.

Also, if we talk durability from more than just a heat stand-point...

I was playing MAG one night - getting really into it. My cat walks on to the desk where my PS3 Slim is and knocks it down. It fell a long way, while a game was in and active. I thought this would be a kiss of death at first...

Except that my game kept going. Not even any audio/video weirdness - it was operating as if nothing happened. After I finished the match, I ejected the disc, and it still looked like it was brand new.

Sorry, just wanted to tell that story.
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by Niode »

You probably got lucky. If I were you I'd do an integrity check on the hard drive and make sure everything is functioning properly. HDD do not like being dropped. It's the reason why modern laptops (well, Macintosh's have since the Powerbook range) have accelerometers in them, they deactivate all moving parts when exposed to a certain amount of Gs in any direction.
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by the7k »

Interesting. Any way to test it without formatting the hard drive?
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by Niode »

If you have a PC with SATA (if it's built in the last 10 years, this is highly likely) then take the drive out and pop it in your PC, depending on the drive's manufacturer they will have tools for doing integrity checks, Seagate drives have Seatools, this will also work with Maxtor drives (same company).
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by CRTGAMER »

Niode wrote:Now in regards to the PS3 when it is laid down (not upright), the air is pulled in from the little slots on the left hand side of the console (with the blu-ray drive slot facing you). If you stand it up, you are closing the air-intake off and therefore restricting the amount of cool air that can enter the machine, therefore driving temperatures up.

The PS3 should be laid down at all times with clear access for air intake on both sides of the machine. It must be allowed to ventilate.

Niode you are one smart cookie! Thankyou! Maybe should engrave your notes on the Sony website. I bet even now, some readers are laying those PS3's flat.

Lookey, there are slots on the left side hiding towards the base below the Hard Drive. It is completely covered when sitting like a tumbling tower of bricks or should I say BRICK. No airflow from left side causing heat to rise inside like the rising of my blood pressure when I saw that ugly Yellow Light.

To Sony, a Raspberry for misleading information. The replacement when it arrives will have PS Logo permanently set to Desktop mode!

Looks like my third "does it matter" question after Niode's answer really does matter!

Spoiler for OP
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by Niode »

Well, I'm not saying I'm hundred percent right 'my word is gospel' on this. I'm just applying some knowledge and hefty bit of experience to come up with an answer. I can't guarantee that this will work for everybody, it seems to be working for me though.
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Re: PS3 Fat vs Slim and Tower vs Desktop YLOD durability

Post by CRTGAMER »

Niode wrote:Well, I'm not saying I'm hundred percent right 'my word is gospel' on this. I'm just applying some knowledge and hefty bit of experience to come up with an answer. I can't guarantee that this will work for everybody, it seems to be working for me though.

What you wrote really makes sense to me, thanks for great heads up.

Definitely as you said not good to block any of the air flow ports. No towers in this house any more. Except for the PC.
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