Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Michi »

Been watching some more stuff.

Continuing on with my "theme":

Food of the Gods <--- Link to more detailed thoughts here


A footballer and his buddies go to a remote island for some target practice and hunting, and instead find the island full of gigantic animals who seem intent on putting them on the menu instead.


This is a Bert I. Gordon film. I didn't know that going in. But I was still optimistic, because even though his films are cheesy they're still usually charming. Not this one though. It's based on the H.G. Wells tale, but it's turned into an Eco-horror instead. And not a good one, either. The plot barely makes sense, the effects aren't even any good, and the characters are annoyingly dumb. It feels like they're just making decisions based on their character archetype, rather than the plot going on around them. And I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a bunch of people would continue to listen to some random football player, when it's been established that his decisions aren't really all that smart.

Also watched....



A brother and sister team pretend that the sister is some kind of psychic who can tap into the spiritual world. The brother claims it's to help people "get over their grief", but really they're just doing it to con gullible folks out of their money. But, perhaps inevitably, they pick the wrong client and things take a gnarly turn when they're asked to exorcise an old orphanage where several young girls were brutally murdered.

Nice atmosphere and good acting. But as prfsnl_gmr said it's also very predictable, but good for what it is. So, a good time waster, but doesn't contain anything that really makes it stand out. I did like the ending, though.

And finally...

The [Rec] Series


Film 1) A reporter and her cameraman follow the members of a fire truck into a building on what is supposed to be a routine call, but instead get trapped with everyone inside when the building is sealed due to some mysterious "plague".

Film 2) A SWAT team is sent into the same building to retrieve vital information that could help in containing and curing the strange disease sweeping the building, but quickly realize their mission isn't exactly what it seems.

Film 3) An elaborate wedding reception quickly goes to hell when the "plague" hits, forcing the bride and groom to scramble in order to find one another and survive.

Okay, so I was sitting through most of the first film scratching my head and wondering why the hell the film seemed so familiar yet completely new, only to realize right at the end that, "Oh! This is what that Quarantine movie is based on." Derp. I need to go and re-watch that movie again, but clearly it didn't leave too much of an impression. This one though, I thought was very good, and I can see why it's held up as one of the "better" found footage films.

The sequel picks up a couple of minutes before the ending of the first film (the descriptions say "15-minutes after", but the ending clearly establishes they were in the building before that film ended, so those descriptions lie), and feels much like a continuation of the first film, just with different point's of view from more than one camera. Still pretty good by found footage standards, so if you like the first one then you'll probably like this one too.

The third one though, switches things up a bit. It starts out from the usual first-person camera angle, but then about 20 minutes in the camera "breaks" and the rest of the movie is viewed in the standard 3rd person. Which is weird, because the series is literally called "Rec", as in "record", so it seems odd that they would so suddenly abandon their theme like that. But whatever. Not my movie, not my call. Though if you don't like found footage films then the change in point of view is likely a bonus. Other than that, the movie just feels like your standard ho-hum zombie flick, so I can see why this one isn't as highly rated. Still okay and has a couple of good moments, but otherwise "meh."

Though this does mean I've knocked out one more full horror series, so go me.

And I see I got not one, but two recommendations for the Annihilation book, so I'll be adding that to my shopping cart (not that I need any more books, but when have I ever let that stop me before :lol: )
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Below (2002) - A fairly simple ghost story, but I found that this was made a lot better than usual by a) its WW2 submarine setting, and b) the psychological aspect of it. Making a setting where people can't escape, and is already claustrophobic in the first place made this exciting. The dialogue was incredibly sarcastic, but I felt like it worked for the most part as a form of comic relief.

Savageland (2015) - I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being the best horror of the month. It plays out like a sort of true crime doc, but then it turns into a strange way of presenting found footage through the use of photographs instead of video. It was played in a very intense way, and in a grotesque way it was gorgeous to look at. It was also very cynical with its politics, but accurate. You can tell this was made as a response to Trump's campaign.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Ack »


Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell

If you are asking why I would watch a Japanese film called Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell, I would recommend you look at my post history.

Shinji, a featherweight body builder, takes his ex-girlfriend reporter and a off-putting psychic to his dad's old house. Only dear old Dad happened to once murder a crazy ex and bury her under the floorboards. This means the place is haunted, and with Shinji looking just like his dear old dad, and the ghost pretty much being too angry to care, things don't go well. Unfortunately the ghost needs a body. Fortunately, the psychic is dumb enough to provide one.

This movie looks like it was made in the early '80s, but was filmed in the '90s, lost until the late 2000s, and has now made its way into streaming services. And the creator, whom I believe playa Shinji, really loved Evil Dead, so...rapid fire close ups, eyeballs getting popped out, blood and dismemberment, the main character grabbing a shotgun and declaring "Groovy"...yeah, the film is even nicknamed the Japanese Evil Dead.

It's ridiculous, it's bloody, it features a severed hand attaching to a severed foot and flying through the air to repeatedly kick the hero in the face. Also, it's short. Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell is fantastic db fun, and I loved it.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Tonight’s film was Totally Killer, a horror-comedy that’s equal parts Halloween and Back to the Future. In it, the protagonist‘a mother is murdered 35 years after a masked killer’s rampage, and her daughter travels back to 1987 to stop the murders and, presumably, save her mom. It has a stupendous cast, and a really great script, even if the kills are a bit ho-him. The movie also lampoons our collective ‘80s nostalgia, and it is very, very funny. Highly recommended. (Streaming on Prime Video)

Your Blood Runs Cold at the Sight of prfsnl gmr’s October Horror Movie List Spook-tacular!
The Girl with All the Gifts - :D
Rabid - :cry:
Totally Killer - :D

Scream at prfsnl gmr’s Pre-Gaming Watchlist of Blood!
Altered States - :)
As Above So Below - :|
Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter - :|
Dead & Buried - :D
Evil Dead Rise - :D
Insidious - :D
In The Mouth of Madness - :|
Malevolent - :)
The Pope’s Exorcist - :)
Run Rabbit - :cry:
The Stepfather - :)
Tenebrae - :D
Train to Busan - :D
Unseen - :)
Vivarium - :)
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Ziggy »

PretentiousHipster wrote:Land of the Dead - I decided to rewatch it because I've heard it actually goes deeper and in an almost satirical direction. I watched this when I was 15 and just thought it was a silly zombie film. It's not great, but I definitely appreciate its approach. The internet can be cringe with that, but I can totally see how it's about a communist style revolution. It's fascinating because this goes for the usual case of the humans being the real virus, and it stays that nihilist, but this time the hope and the people that you end up rooting for end of being the zombies. That alone made it worth it for me.

Deep Rising - I was curious to see this because he directed The Mummy, and the plot sounds absurd. The second Mummy film and Van Helsing are a mess though, so I was a bit wary going into this. This went beyond my expectations. It had the same vibe as The Mummy. An incredibly silly b-movie with jokes that work most of the time, and some fun gore. Also that ending was absolutely hilarious when you look up the imdb trivia and you realize what it actually was.

I've only seen it once, but I really liked Land of the Dead. I think it's hard to compare to Dawn or Day of the Dead, so I haven't bothered. It doesn't feel like it's in that same line of movies, but I like it for other reasons. I was thrilled to see Simon Baker in a leading role. And seeing John Leguizamo and Dennis Hopper as adversaries again was really fun (Luigi and Koopa!). The cameos were also great, the two guys from Shaun of the Dead as well as Tom Savini. I'll have to watch it again to really form an opinion. But it seems like you have to take the first three "of the dead" movies seriously, but Land of the Dead is more of a popcorn flick. Just a fun time.

I remember Deep Rising being very enjoyable. I haven't seen it in ages, but I use to catch chunks of it back when it was first out. I don't think I've ever seen if from beginning to end. It's actually been on my list to re-watch for a long time, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But it has one scene in particular that has really stuck with me through the years. The axe in the head scene. That made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it. It just takes you completely off guard!
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Note »

Last weekend my partner and I watched Unseen (2023), thanks to prfsnl for that recommendation earlier in the thread! The movie has a unique setup where a woman who lost her glasses and can barely see is escaping from her ex and another woman who is in touch with her via a video call is guiding her to safety. The movie was suspenseful and a fun watch. I totally recommend it as well. However, just be aware there is a Netflix TV show called The Unseen, which is totally different from Unseen the movie!

Last night, we watched The Boogeyman (2023), which my partner was interested in due to the cast. The movie's received mixed reviews so far, but I thought it was a fun watch. The movie doesn't have much in the way of gore, but it does have some suspense, jump scares, a gross monster, and some disturbed characters. If you're looking for a newer release, I'd say check it out.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Last night’s movie was The Burning, a 1981 summer camp slasher film. The set up is simple. An alcoholic groundskeeper at a summer camp is burned alive when a prank goes wrong, and after five years in the hospital, he returns to exact revenge on a group of camp counselors with a very, very sharp pair of garden shears. (It’s amazing how five years of convalescence and serious burns give you super strength and enhanced senses…) It is really, really predictable, but is has those wonderful Tom Savini gore effects. It also has a strangely stacked cast, with both Holly Hunter and Jason Alexander (a/k/a George from Seinfeld) in supporting “way before they were famous” roles. Moreover, the synth soundtrack was composed and performed by Rick Wakeman, the keyboardist for prof rock band Yes. Despite this, it’s still only the fourth best summer camp slasher film, but the fourth best summer camp slasher film is still pretty fun! Recommended. (Streaming on Prime Video)

EDIT: Last night’s film was Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill. It plays like an American giallo film, and it is undoubtedly well made. Moreover, it has a pretty great cast, with Michael Caine and Angie Dickinson in two of the leading roles. Some of its themes have aged horribly, however, making it very hard to recommend today. It also isn’t that scary, and despite a brutal murder, it’s more of an erotic thriller than a horror film. (Streaming on Kanopy)

Your Blood Runs Cold at the Sight of prfsnl gmr’s October Horror Movie List Spook-tacular!
The Burning - :)
Dressed to Kill - :|
The Girl with All the Gifts - :D
Rabid - :cry:
Totally Killer - :D

Scream at prfsnl gmr’s Pre-Gaming Watchlist of Blood!
Altered States - :)
As Above So Below - :|
Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter - :|
Dead & Buried - :D
Evil Dead Rise - :D
Insidious - :D
In The Mouth of Madness - :|
Malevolent - :)
The Pope’s Exorcist - :)
Run Rabbit - :cry:
The Stepfather - :)
Tenebrae - :D
Train to Busan - :D
Unseen - :)
Vivarium - :)
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

It’s still October, everybody!!!

A few nights ago, we watched The Bloodhound, a low budget 2020 independent film based on Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher. Set entirely in an aggressively modern Southern California home, the movie tracks Poe’s story pretty tightly, but adds a few creepy flourishes (such as the titular bloodhound). Despite the very low budget and wooden indie film acting, the film manages to evoke a strong sense of dread (and, particularly, existential dread). It also has a really great ending. Recommended. (Streaming on Prime Video)

Last night, we watched Renfield, an action-comedy-horror(?) movie about Dracula’s loyal familiar in modern day New Orleans. The movie’s running joke, is that Renfield is the victim of an abusive relationship from which he desperately yearns to escape. The movie stretches that premise well past it’s breaking point, but it is redeemed by: (1) gratuitous early-Peter-Jackson- level gore effects; and (2) Nic Cage as Dracula. Nic Cage is, of course, perfectly cast, and he chews right through every scene. The rest of the movie pretty cheap looking, especially the special effects, making me wonder if they spent the $48 million of the movie’s purported $50 million budget on Nic Cage. (If they did, that’s OK! He’s worth it!). Still, I don’t mind cheap looking effects when they’re used to creat fountains of blood and comically severed body parts. It’s charming! (Streaming on Prime Video)

Your Blood Runs Cold at the Sight of prfsnl gmr’s October Horror Movie List Spook-tacular!
The Bloodhound - :)
The Burning - :)
Dressed to Kill - :|
The Girl with All the Gifts - :D
Rabid - :cry:
Renfield - :)
Totally Killer - :D

Scream at prfsnl gmr’s Pre-Gaming Watchlist of Blood!
Altered States - :)
As Above So Below - :|
Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter - :|
Dead & Buried - :D
Evil Dead Rise - :D
Insidious - :D
In The Mouth of Madness - :|
Malevolent - :)
The Pope’s Exorcist - :)
Run Rabbit - :cry:
The Stepfather - :)
Tenebrae - :D
Train to Busan - :D
Unseen - :)
Vivarium - :)
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Raging Justice
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Raging Justice »

Did we say that games count for this thread? I've been hearing about this bizarre game called Dredge that has been described as a horror fishing game. What the hell?

I kind of want to try it.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 14: Please Call First

Post by Michi »

Raging Justice wrote:Did we say that games count for this thread? I've been hearing about this bizarre game called Dredge that has been described as a horror fishing game. What the hell?

I kind of want to try it.

Absolutely! Go forth! Try it. Report back to us your findings about the odd horror fishing game.

WTF would anyone make a horror fishing game....?

prfsnl_gmr wrote:It’s still October, everybody!!!

I'm still watching stuff!

Still continuing with my "theme":

Feast <--- Link to more detailed write-up thoughts here


A bunch of people at a remote bar are attacked by a family of very angry, hungry, and horny monsters.

Okay, this one is simple, but fun. It's just a cheesy, bloody monster movie, but it also knows it's a cheesy, bloody monster movie, and it rolls with that knowledge accordingly. I wouldn't say it knocked my socks off or anything, but it's very entertaining for what it is.

Also watched some things the rest of you all have been seeing....



A gas station clerk gets a random call from a near-blind woman begging for help and ends up having to try to help guide the woman through the woods in order to escape her kidnapper.

I like this one, thought it was fun. But I have some problems with it. The main one being that, considering Emily bashed Charlie's head in at least half a dozen times, and the amount of blood loss that resulted, there's no way Charlie got up from that, let alone chased her through the woods. At the very least there should have been a lot more stumbling, but more realistically he'd still be lying on the ground in a puddle of blood and drool from that level of head trauma. But that's just a pet peeve of mine. Other than that, not bad.


Totally Killer


A killer returns after a 35-year hiatus and the daughter of his most recent victim goes back in time to try to stop him before he starts his killing spree.

I really liked this one. It's like a bizarre combination of Freaky, Back to the Future and Happy Death Day, but it works. The rare charming slasher that's smart, but doesn't try to be too smart to the point it feels pretentious. Fun film.


Pet Semetary (2019)


Look, you know the plot. Family moves to small town. Cat dies. Dad buries cat in the local pet semetary. Cat comes back from the dead, but is evil. Everything snowballs from there.

This is an okay remake, that very closely follows the plot of the original, and thus the book. The only real difference are the updated visuals, the "switch" they pull, and the ending. But other than that there isn't anything really impressive or surprising here.

One interesting thing to note though, is that the filmmakers clearly assume you've already watched the 1989 film, because they pull a couple of "gotcha" moments that are clearly nods to the original...and then end up doing exactly what you expected them to do anyway. Like, "oh, ooooh, here it comes, here it comes, wait for i-....PSYCH! Tricked ya!....Okay, maybe not. Hehehehe." So in other words, the filmmakers were purposefully trying to be assholes. The little scamps.

And Finally....

Pet Semetary: Bloodlines


War vet Timmy is brought back from the dead by his distraught father Bill, who buried him in the local "pet semetary." So now a group of townfolk, including a much younger Jud, are forced to put Timmy down before he ends up knocking off too many people.

This is a prequel film depicting what happened when the last human was buried in the Ludlow "pet semetary" in 1969, prior to it occurring again some time later in Pet Semetary. It's...kinda meh, actually. It's got some nice and gnarly visuals, but isn't all that scary or even exciting. It's also wrought with characters making spectacularly dumb decisions (Why the hell are you idiots splitting up? Again?!?), and a waste of good talent (Pan Grier deserved better.) Though I did like that poor kidnapped Norma ended up having to save herself because everyone else is too fucking busy fighting off the possessed demon corpse that it looks like they kinda forgot about her for a hot second. Really though, the film just makes me wonder why, after all the shit that's depicted here, Jud would ever tell anyone about the pet semetary.... ever. Like, he ends the film saying to stay "the fuck away" from Ludlow, but the first chance he gets he helps a veritable stranger bury their kids dead cat in the burial ground from Hell to start the cycle all over again? Seriously, WTF is wrong with you, dude?

Here's a peculiarity though: this movie is a prequel based on the updated 2019 remake. Which isn't peculiar in and of itself, however, the peculiar thing is that Timmy's story isn't really brought up in the remake. In the 1989 film (and the book), Jud sits down and tells Louis all about Timmy and his dad and how Timmy didn't come back right and they had to kill him yadda yadda. But in the remake that conversation doesn't happen. It's replaced by this odd segue into a story about the Wedigo (of all things.) All you hear about Timmy is from an article Louis reads online, and the whole thing goes by in less than 5 seconds, so quickly I bet most viewers outright missed it. So without that reference the film really feels more like a proper prequel to the original 1989 film rather than the remake...except it can't be, because they went and changed the time frame from WWII to Vietnam, because I guess WWII is too old now, and if you go by that time frame that means poor Jud aged atrociously. It's just kinda odd, is what I'm saying.
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