The gardening thread

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Re: The gardening thread

Post by Anapan »

The Wormwood is sprouting well. It was about 1/2 inch when I left for work a week ago and there looked to be about 80 sprouts heading toward the window. The beans are also doing okay-ish. I took my mom to the best garden center and we bought a cart full. My selections were all flavors - herbs and veg, and she chose a selection of brightly colored flowering plants. She's doting over the variety of Hibiscus I made her decide on adopting.
Before I left for work here I made one of the best dressings I ever made by blending a couple of different varieties of young light-colored bay laurel leaves with some good white wine vinegar, salt, cream and light refined olive oil.
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Re: The gardening thread

Post by opa »

While last year was kind of a flop for my garden (had too many other things going on) this year is going to be different. I've ordered all my seed and am anxiously awaiting the warmer weather. Recently we got a one of those chest freezers so I plan on freezing some vegetables this year. I'm also going to try to learn how to can food.

I've got a lot I'm going to grow this year so expect pics. I may even get back into selling vegetables again. We used to sell a bunch of peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon to local food markets and grocery stores. That was a lot of fun (and pretty easy money if you're willing to do the work early in the morning).
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Re: The gardening thread

Post by s1mplehumar »

Cool thread! Grow big or go home. :lol: I enjoyed catching up on all your posts. Looking forward to getting a head start on some early cut flower seeds.
Nintendo ID, PSN, XBL: Eronnicus * Steam ID: s1mplehumar * Switch Friend Code: SW-3270-7921-5525
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Re: The gardening thread

Post by Anapan »

All of my *special* crops died except the pot trees. Those produced better than previous years, and everyone involved enjoyed.
If it weren't for the fact that it's been scientifically proven that thujone is not responsible for any effects, I'd be slightly deterred

I'll import seedlings this year for the Sweet-Anne crop. This is for Science!

I had to resort to dried An (sweet red beans) to make anpan, and I seem to have lost my Taikyaki press.
I resorted to store-bought Taiyaki :<

Last year was impressively full of fresh herbs and I prepared the best chard stocks I ever made. Similarly, the standard vegetables did well. I assisted in a mass 30+ jar tomato canning as well as a ~50 jar cucumber pickling. Those cannings are tradition, and I'm happy I could attend; Usually I'm at work.

My mom's Hibiscus all are doing well; overwintering properly. Surprisingly, I think all my thyme and rosemarry survived and even possibly my bay laurel.

I am going to set up the tent in the basement soon. I'm going to try to grow massive Pinto and Cannelli beans this year. Those (dried) beans were the highlights of my duck meals back in November. If I could improve the Duck Confit & the final Cassoulet, it'd be with fresh herbs and home-dried beans. Sorry no pics, but I'll ask my relatives for some cat pics with last year's awesome garden in the background...
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