What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

Never used color filters, though I've toyed with the idea of using those LED bulbs that can change colors. Maybe with the ones that also have Bluetooth speakers. How would one sync four of those so the signal is fed into each without loss?
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Ack »

I have for professional purposes used color gels to change light hues. The stuff we use can get expensive and can be problematic with some of the high heat bulbs that sometimes get used, so we'll usually also work with a heat shield for it, but since you're using LEDs, you won't have that kind of trouble.

Also, how big is this lens? The stuff we use comes in sheets or full rolls if you do want to look into it. You are going to want Color Temperature Straw (CTS) for a yellow hue, though how much is up to you. For what you're doing, I'm thinking 1/4, but that's your call:


Here's 1/2 for a quick visual comparison:


Rosco is a trusted company. If these are too much, they also manufacture in 1/8 CTS. I doubt you're gonna want full straw.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Ziggy »

Thanks, Ack! The diffusers on my light fixtures are something like 12" in diameter. I ordered some painfully generic sounding 1/4 sheets from Amazon. They at least have some good reviews and pictures from people doing what I'm trying to.

I would love to one day see LED bulbs that really mimic incandescents when dimmed. Or do people really not care about this?
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Ack »

A lot of gaffer lights are going the LED route these days since they're safer, though the big lights are still often tungsten. Having seen more than one of those suckers explode though, I don't mind the move to LEDs because they're easier for the electrics to work with, as well as us. That said, we have ways of changing hue and doing crazy stuff with lights through cheap tricks (and can get away with some things in post production), so paying for that level of adjustability isn't worth it yet. As for the folks outside my industry, no idea. I guess yellow incandescent just isn't cool anymore.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Jrecee »

I feel like you can typically find 2500k led bulbs pretty easily. I usually use 2500k in lamps for night use, and for ceiling lights and such that I use during the day 3000-3500 since I like them to blend a bit more with daylight. And then I've got some 4000k lights for my kitchen since I feel like tungsteny colors are a bit odd for a kitchen, but pure daylight 5-6k is just too gas stationy for a home. All that said, I find that a lot of those all in one leds can be limited in color or have weird tinges (all in one can lights, built in ceiling fan lights etc, so I pretty much only use stuff with swappable bulbs. Gel-wise, sometimes you can find reasonably cheap sets on Amazon which might be fine for your use.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

:( Three of the items I ordered (two copies of Tommy Boy on DVD and one of the two copies of Beverly Hills Ninja I ordered) apparently won't get here until next Thursday.

Ironically, one of the two copies of Beverly Hills Ninja that I ordered will be here tomorrow. Both copies of both movies were part of the same order!

:x Two-day delivery, my ass!

I literally put back two copies of Black Sheep for the same reason.

Well, with Peach, Daisy and Link being out of town around Christmas, they'll probably be getting their presents after Christmas, anyway.

EDIT: Turns out it got shipped today and will be here tomorrow.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

Got my microphone today and while trying it out...

:( There's this annoying squeal throughout the audio. I'm using only the stuff that came with the microphone (link here) and I'm currently trying to fix it in Audacity.

I tried Noise Reduction and set every slider to maximum and it kinda worked. Here's the before and here's the after.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

:D Finally got a second pair of jeans up at Walmart. Also snagged a few grocery items (mostly stuff they don't have at Food Lion) and a new electric blanket.

:?: So did anyone figure out what's going on with my microphone?
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by marurun »

I don’t know, DID you figure out what’s wrong with your cheap, no-name microphone?
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by SamuraiMegas »

You only owned one pair of jeans? Was that your only pair of pants til now?
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