The Wrestling Thread

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

I think you mentioned you are in your early 20s so I will tell you some things:-

*Before internet there were still some people thinking it might be real, its not like today they tell you in your face this is a tv acting sketch. You can stretch this up to the year 2002 or so.

*Back then there was no crazy amount of entertainment like today. So when the wrestling show was on it was exciting, you had to pay like $30 for the PPV and there were only like 5 a year. Today with the internet, youtube, snapchat, streaming services, not much place has remained for prowrestling.

*Pro-wrestling is very repetitive so its normal to get bored with it. The bigger than life characters like Undertaker and Hogan made it interesting. Today why would it be more interesting to see Cody Rhodes taking on Roman Reigns, when you can see a real fight in UFC.

*Wrestling back then was part of the tv program. So you had news, football games, sitcoms, then wrestling is on, so it was pretty much part of the culture yes. Today you have to specifically look for it to know about it because everyone has his entertainment customised to his liking like his YouTube Feed and streaming service. Back then you turn the tv on and watch whats on tv.

*The 80s and 90s was more exciting tv programming than today's very "corporate" commercial made canned show. It as much more fun watching Jake the Snake drop a real snake on his defeated enemy than The New Day dancing in the ring with trumpets.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

I think you will find this fascinating RCBH928. Vince McMahon is under investigation for misconduct involving company funds being used as a hush payment and possible sexual assault allegations as well. He has stepped down as CEO and Chairman of WWE and the board of directors has appointed Stephanie McMahon (who was on a forced leave of absence) in his place. Pretty crazy stuff. I believe Vince is scheduled to appear on tonight's Smackdown as well. Must be a bit awkward for the talent backstage

John Laurinitis is being investigated as well. The story has hit all the mainstream spots CNN, NBC, etc, etc. ... y.html?p=1
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

Honestly , if Vince paid hush money isn't that like an outside court settlement? Of course, its complete fraud if he paid it from the corporates bank account, honestly didn't he think they will see a missing 3 million?
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

Wow. AEW's product is the worst it's ever been right now, even compared to the Covid Era. The world title situation is a mess. Forbidden Door was the worst pay per view they've ever done I don't care who says otherwise. YOU'RE WRONG. Forbidden Door SUCKED. The women's roster is trash. Every time Tony Kahn hires a new woman, like Athena, he does NOTHING with them. She's already doing worthless matches on their youtube shows that nobody watches. Jade Cargill is boring and needs to drop her TBS title. Thunder Rosa's title run has sucked and Marina Shafir keeps being featured on TV despite being AWFUL. Britt Baker is STILL the best thing on the women's roster and they are doing NOTHING with her right now. You don't even see their joshis like Hikaru Shida or Riho anymore because they are always doing shows in Japan. Speaking of which, Stardom is doing far more for women's wrestling than anybody in WWE, AEW, or Impact Wrestling is right now. They have a roster full of great talent and are putting out banger show after banger show with great matches.

Darby Allin, once one of AEW's top stars, somehow feels like a jobber right now. Hangman, the former world champion, got eliminated in the Royal Rampage by Brodie King who is way, way, WAY below Hangman's status. Super talented guys like Keith Lee and Swerve are just being wasted. Nobody on AEW's roster feels important right now and nobody has ANY momentum whatsoever. A bunch of their top guys are on the injured list including the wimpy CM Punk who stubbed his toe diving into the crowd and decided he needed time off right after winning the title, or they are gone for other reasons like Jeff Hardy's DUI. We still have no idea what's going on with MJF who was their top heel and AEW is acting like he no longer exists now. Eddie Kingston is a fat, out of shape, garbage wrestler and a garbage character and his never ending feud with Chris Jericho which somehow manages to keep pulling in tons of random other wrestlers into it is boring, repetitive, and has consumed HUGE amounts of TV and PPV time that could be better used for other people on the roster.

The company keeps hiring WWE people like Cesaro instead of focusing more on their own stars. AEW's ratings haven't been great since the build up to Forbidden Door lost everyone's interest. Even when they do pop a decent rating they are always stuck around the one million mark. The company is NOT growing its fan base at all. Quite frankly, AEW just feels like WWE right now. The quality of the product is pretty much on par with WWE at the moment and everything people complain about in WWE pretty much applies to AEW right now as well. They have absolutely ZERO direction right now and nothing feels important. AEW is basically what TNA became right now. It's WWE-lite. It does NOT feel like an alternative anymore.

Frankly, Impact Wrestling is putting on a better product than AEW is right now. Their 20th Anniversary Slammiversary show was far more entertaining and felt far more important than Forbidden Door. Hell, Speedball Mike Bailey is more entertaining and charismatic than most of AEW's cruiser weight level guys like Darby, Sammy Guevara, Dante Martin, etc, etc. and has been having amazing matches in many different promotions all year.

I think I'm just going to spend more time watching older stuff like Attitude Era or 80s WWF or just check out more Japanese stuff. Stardom is just killing it right now

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

you had a real quick turn of opinions about AEW, you started highly praising them now you seem to be upset by their product. I know you are only judging what you see but that was very short lived. Reminds me of TNA in around 2009-2010 when some people thought they might take on WWE, how they were majorly wrong. Although I have to say in 2009-10 TNA roster was probably better than WWE.

got to give it to Vince and WWE, they crushed all their competitors....

Raging Justice wrote: keep pulling in tons of random other wrestlers into it is boring, repetitive, and has consumed HUGE amounts of TV and PPV time that could be better used for other people on the roster.

told you wrestling is very repetitive and gets boring after some time...
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by marurun »

Raging Justice wrote:I don't care who says otherwise. YOU'RE WRONG.

Hyperbole much? :lol:
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

RCBH928 wrote:you had a real quick turn of opinions about AEW, you started highly praising them now you seem to be upset by their product. I know you are only judging what you see but that was very short lived. Reminds me of TNA in around 2009-2010 when some people thought they might take on WWE, how they were majorly wrong. Although I have to say in 2009-10 TNA roster was probably better than WWE.

got to give it to Vince and WWE, they crushed all their competitors....

I saw the direction the winds were blowing. A lot of people have been criticizing AEW's product of late, like they've all started to see what I was seeing when I started complaining about them in this thread. There's been a pretty MASSIVE momentum shift recently. Vince McMahon just "retired", though most people think he stepped down due to the allegations against him and the investigations into his activities that have put him in hot water. Triple H has taken control of the company in terms of creative and talent management while Stephanie McMahon and Nick Kahn will be handling the corporate side of things as co-CEOs. I have to state this again because it's monumental news:



They removed all signs of his name behind the scenes, including taking his name off of his office (presumably Stephanie's office now). They built a NEW office for Triple H. I think they just took Vince's name off the website as a WWE talent as well. Stephanie publicly announced his retirement on Smackdown like two or three weeks ago

There is a renewed interest in WWE with Triple H in charge. Already, he has re-hired some of the people that were fired under Vince's watch. Also, the product from WWE has gotten a bit better since he took over, not in a massive way, but you can clearly see changes. WWE's SummerSlam PPV was a huge success, and was a FAR better pay per view than AEW's Forbidden Door. Forbidden Door SHOULD have been AEW's best pay per view of the year, but wasn't. The Brock Lesnar/Roman Reigns match exceeded expectations and felt like something from WWE's Attitude Era. The show also had some exciting changes and debuts for the women's division. Some say SummerSlam marked the beginning of Triple H's influence on the product.


AEW feels cold right now. The company isn't generating any buzz, the quality of the product fluctuates up and down, and their women's division is honestly the worst in all of professional wrestling right now with a poorly utilized roster and two champions that literally no one cares about in Jade Cargill and Thunder Rosa (her stock has fallen dramatically since becoming champion with some pretty awful matches, poor crowd reactions, and rumors of her sandbagging opponents).

Also, with the guy running Warner Bros. Discovery doing cuts to shows, movies, and HBO Max, there is some concern for AEW's future. It wouldn't be shocking if they had to go to another network. At the very least, they will NOT be making more money on the next TV contract they get with the current network given their poor performance in ratings and demos recently. AEW is NOT growing. Meanwhile WWE's post SummerSlam show got a pretty big boost in ratings and demographics. It was something like 2.2 million viewers, more than double what AEW is getting on their Wednesday night flagship show right now.

AEW is starting to feel like where TNA was many years ago when they started losing momentum. Tony Khan in a lot of ways is showing the same flaws as Vince McMahon. He wants to do everything himself and can't cut it. When AEW started it was supposed to be run by Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, and the Young Bucks with Tony Kahn bankrolling everything...then Kahn just decided to seize full control over everything for himself. He controls everything in AEW, while also trying to run Ring of Honor and it just feels like a big mess. He keeps throwing Ring of Honor matches on AEW shows and the fans don't seem to give a crap about them. He's trying to do all of the booking and creative by himself for AEW as well as Ring of Honor and it's been terrible. Triple H, to his credit, has stated that he has a team of people he plans on working with in order to make WWE succeed in the wake of Vince's retirement

Things can change rapidly in pro wrestling, and AEW kind of feels like yesterday's news right now
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

We are starting to see some big names in pro wrestling put out to pasture, with Vince McMahon retiring, and Ric Flair having his, supposedly, last match recently on a pay per view show for Jim Crockett Productions.

The match was awful by the way, with Flair looking like he could literally die at any moment, and looking like he didn't know where he was or what he was doing for much of the match. Someone literally checked his pulse at one point in the match

Yet in spite of all that, the crowd was into everything he did. This pathetic looking, 73 year old man (who was probably drunk), was still getting a building full of people excited over every dumb thing he did on a show that featured matches with younger, more athletically gifted wrestlers that the crowd didn't seem to give a crap about. I guess that's a testament to how much of a star he is

The show did good business too, and even had a celebrity there in the form of Kid Rock, along with some other big names in pro wrestling in attendance like Undertaker and Mic Foley

But my god, that match was sad, and Flair's post match interview was even sadder. Flair is like literally that guy from the movie The Wrestler.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Yeah…Flair almost died a few years ago. (He’s a local celebrity in ATL and CLT, and our local news outlets keep us updated on his health.). That he still wrestled a match is shocking. The man has a pacemaker!
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:Yeah…Flair almost died a few years ago. (He’s a local celebrity in ATL and CLT, and our local news outlets keep us updated on his health.). That he still wrestled a match is shocking. The man has a pacemaker!

To say he "wrestled" a match is an overstatement. I can't stress enough how awful it was. If this wasn't a tag team match (which felt like a bait and switch to people who bought the show by the way) I don't think he could have finished the match. His partner was literally picking him up off the mat and putting him into a figure four leg lock on his opponent because Flair couldn't even apply the move himself. I'm pretty sure Flair passed out at one point in the match and even said in the post match interview that he had already forgotten most of what happened in the ring

Flair's chops were the most pathetic ones he's ever delivered. Everyone in that match was bending over backwards and performing miracles to try and make Flair look good.

The fact that the crowd was cheering throughout the match is a testament to the love people have for Flair, because it was easily the worst performance of his career and one of the worst matches I've ever seen. The guy didn't even look like he belonged in a ring. I don't know how people approved of him going through with this
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