Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy Color

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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by alienjesus »

Loving the collection Nemoide. Cave Noire is one I've been interested to give a try!

One nice thing about the Game Boy library is how many different ways there are to play it. Obviously the analogue pocket has been mentioned and there are other unofficial machines like the Retron5 and similar too. But even just within official Nintendo hardware, you have so many options. You've got the original consoles, the GBA (which plays both GB and GBC games), Super Game Boy (which plays original GB compatible games) and the Game Boy Player for Gamecube which works with both.
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by Nemoide »

Thanks! I've actually been getting back into Cave Noire this month and having a lot of fun with it. I want to complete all the quests, which are all simple (eg. "kill X monsters" or "get X gold") but can be pretty hard later in the game. It's also very import friendly in that the Japanese text is minimal; most of the game uses icons instead of text. I know RPGs weren't as popular outside of Japan but it feels like a game that deserved an international release.

I have a Gamecube with a Game Boy Player which was my preferred way to play GB titles for a long time. At the moment I'm in the mood for handheld more than TV-gaming, but the Game Boy Player is an excellent way to play. I never owned a Super Nintendo (and at this point and feeling obstinate in my not getting one) but I always thought the Super Game Boy was cool and I sometimes think about getting one. I wish the Game Boy Player could handle the Super Game Boy enhancements. One of the coolest enhancements is in the Game Boy version of Space Invaders (I believe only the Japanese release) which plays a full-on SNES game if you put it in a Super Game Boy!
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by Nemoide »

I have a friend who's also a hardcore DDR-player/retro gamer and last night we did something amazing... TWO PLAYER DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION FOR GAME BOY COLOR!
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Awesome, Nemoide! How was it? I’ve never seen those controllers before.


I ADORE the GameBoy, and my GameBoy/GameBoy Color collection is one of my favorite collections. By number of games, it is one of my largest collections. By volume, however, it is one of my smallest! :lol:

Anyway, I took some pictures of it, and I hope you enjoy them!












(Most of my games are NTSC, but my JPN and PAL games are in the last picture. Also I keep most of my games in dust covers, but I hope you can still make out the labels.)
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by Nemoide »

Dang, that is one very impressive collection!

2-player DDR was fun, although honestly you might as well just play 1-player and compare scores: there's no interaction besides one person picking a song for both players and then comparing scores. The clip-on dance-pad (which was bundled with the game) is such a fun and ridiculous concept that makes it pretty great though! The game works better than it should, although it's definitely a very different experience from real DDR. A worthwhile novelty for Bemani fans, probably not worth it for anyone else.
I wish there was something like that for the Game Boy version of Beatmania. There was a clip-on attachment for the Wonderswan version of that game, but for GB they expect players to just use the normal buttons.
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by opa »

I've enjoyed the collections, everyone! I'll take pics when I have time! (my collection sucks compared to y'all's but I like what I have)

I don't have a lot of time these days but I wanted to pop in and say a few good words about the Game Boy platform.

Probably my favorite system! The Game Boy was my go-to as a kid. I borrowed my brother's original brick system until I got my own GB Color (which I still have to this day and play fairly regularly). I do a run through of Pokemon Blue at least once a year (I typically do solo runs for the added challenge). I think I lean more towards the GB side and less of the "color" titles. Though I do appreciate better graphics/music when I find a decent title to play.

I got a few games over the weekend to add to my stash: Battleship, Monopoly, Solitaire, and 4 in 1 Fun Pak. I just had a few games of chess on the 4 in 1 Fun Pak. I suck at chess but I've been meaning to get better. Maybe I'll eventually get a copy of Chess Master.

I wish I could say I was a hardcore retro nerd but I typically dump the roms and play them on my PC. I do have a SFC with a Super Game Boy 2 for the ultra-retro-nerd bonus gaming sessions, but I don't have a lot of time to dedicate on my CRT setup. When I've got more space I will definitely have the SFC w/SGBC 2 on stand-by at all times.
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by alienjesus »

opa wrote:
I wish I could say I was a hardcore retro nerd but I typically dump the roms and play them on my PC. I do have a SFC with a Super Game Boy 2 for the ultra-retro-nerd bonus gaming sessions, but I don't have a lot of time to dedicate on my CRT setup. When I've got more space I will definitely have the SFC w/SGBC 2 on stand-by at all times.

Speaking of Game Boy games on PC, I've just recently purchased on of these:

It allows you to play GB games on PC but the main reason I got it is because you can use it to dump save files - pretty nice for when you want to replace batteries, or if you want to restart a game with only one save slot without losing your original data!

Nemoide wrote:I have a friend who's also a hardcore DDR-player/retro gamer and last night we did something amazing... TWO PLAYER DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION FOR GAME BOY COLOR!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. This is the type of stupid stuff that you mostly only really get with retro games I think.

Nemoide wrote:Thanks! I've actually been getting back into Cave Noire this month and having a lot of fun with it. I want to complete all the quests, which are all simple (eg. "kill X monsters" or "get X gold") but can be pretty hard later in the game. It's also very import friendly in that the Japanese text is minimal; most of the game uses icons instead of text. I know RPGs weren't as popular outside of Japan but it feels like a game that deserved an international release.

Thanks for this - it sounds interesting. I enjuoyed reading your review in the Games Beaten thread too! Definitely one I'll be keeping my eye on!

prfsnl_gmr wrote: and my GameBoy/GameBoy Color collection is one of my favorite collections. By number of games, it is one of my largest collections. By volume, however, it is one of my smallest! :lol:

Anyway, I took some pictures of it, and I hope you enjoy them!

I very much did - and I have a few I'd love to hear more about. If you have time to offer your thoughts on these, I'd appreciate it!:

- Altered Space
- Adventure Island
- Castlevania Legends
- Blaster Master Boy
- Blaster Master: Enemy Below
- Crystalis
- Heroes of Might & Magic
- Go Go Tank
- Legend of the River King
- Lufia
- Maru's Mission
- Nail & Scale
- Rolan's Curse (1)
- Perfect Dark

There's a few I couldnt recognise too, what are they:

- Game between Bill & Ted & Bionic Commando
- Game to the left of Balloon Kid
- Game Left of Dragon's Lair
- Game to the left of Klax
- Game below Motocross Maniacs
- Game left of Nail & Scale
- Game between Quest & Radar Mission
- Game to the right of Toobin'
- Game to the right of Trax
- Most of the Japanese titles :lol:

Finally, there's also a lot of games in your collection I wouldn't think to pick up based on the name or cover. Any standouts in there that you'd recommend that we might not know about?
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by opa »

You should've got a Joey Jr when they were in stock. Dumps roms/saves to pc for $28.

Edit- apparently the new one is up on bennvenn. $50 for gb/c/a.
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by alienjesus »

I've not been as involved in this thread this month as I would have liked due to being away on holidau, so I'm going to try and use the last few days to post a few cool Game Boy games you might not have heard of that I think are worth a look. I'll be trying to focus on stuff that isn't part of a big or well known series mainly.

Here's my first batch of cool stuff I think is worth a look, with soundtrack links too because some of these have some great tunes as well:

Bubble Ghost

This is a fun little game where you have to navigate a bubble through a mansion without it popping. You play as a ghost and you move the bubble around by blowing on it. Various hazards will get in your way, some of which you can interact with by blowing on them (blow out a candle for example) but many of which have to be avoided with careful timing and precise movements. It's short and sweet but challenging enough that it'll likely take you a few tries to get through the game. The main level theme is also my vote for probably the single best song on the Game Boy:

Balloon Kid

OK, so this is actually part of a fairly well known Nintendo IP, being part of the Balloon Fight series. This has more in common with Balloon Trip mode, with your character flying through levels avoiding obstacles. It has some fun ideas such as the ability to let go of the balloons to fit through smaller gaps and to be able to run along the ground, which is required on occasion, and it also has quite challenging boss fights. It's definitely not perfect, it's kinda stiff to control for example and it can be quite slow paced - but it has an undeniable charm and I have a real soft spot for it. Some fun tunes too, here's one:

The Adventures of Star Saver

The Adventures of Star Saver is a platformer with a fun 90s aesthetic where you run around as a radical kid who can hop in a mech and runs around on the rings of Saturn. Gameplay wise it's honestly only OK, but the soundtrack really makes it stand out, with the stage 1 theme being another contender for a top 10 song on the system: It has a sequel called 'Max' which is similar gameplay wise but unfortunately has worse music.

Amazing Penguin

Amazing Penguin is a game that really seems like it shouldn't be amazing, but it's actually kinda amazing how fun it manages to be with such simple mechanics. You guide your little penguin character around a grid of lines avoiding enemies and trying to colour in the centres by removing the various dots along the side. Some can be removed by walking over them and pressing the correct button, whereas other need to be removed by stopping next to them and kicking them - which can also be used to defeat enemies, although they will eventually respawn. It's a fun arcadey time and oddly compelling. It's one of Natsume's good games from an era where they put out a lot of quality. The music is fun but maybe not as standout as the other titles I mentioned:


Trax is a fun top down shooter by HAL Labs, of Kirby fame. You control a tank which can move freely and you navigate the levels blasting everything in sight. The tank has a turret which can be rotated with one face button and then you shoot with the other, so positioning to move and fire in different directions is key. It's a short and fairly easy game but it's charming, fun and satisfying so well worth a look. It looks simple, but great. The music fits but isn't a standout feature of the game. Here's a sample:

I'll try and remember to post another 5 interesting titles tomorrow - would love to see people share some of there's too!
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Re: Console of the Month (March 2022): Game Boy & Game Boy C

Post by Nemoide »

I love reading about those kind of obscure GB games!

I have one (maybe two) hidden gems for Game Boy Color. You'll think I'm crazy but Mary-Kate & Ashley: Get A Clue! is a secret Lost-Vikings-esque puzzle platformer where you control Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen and their dog Clue. They each have different abilities and you have to use them to solve puzzles in short levels to collect puzzle-pieces. It's not exactly a face-meltingly awesome experience, but it seems like a pretty solid game that almost nobody knows about because it's hard to get past the "for small girls only" license. Considering that the game can be found easily for less than $5 (one store I visited over the weekend had a bunch of cart-only copies in their "3 for $10 bin" and another had a CIB copy for $10) I'd say it's worth picking up if you run across a copy. Apparently The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley has identical gameplay, so you might as well get that one too!
It's very obvious that this game started development as something else and when the publisher got the license for the Olsen twins, they just slapped those characters onto the game. It has some bad digitized speech and pictures of the girls and you might feel embarrassed to play it, but it's surprisingly good!
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