Games You Gave Up On 2021

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Raging Justice
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:I don't know if I'd say I gave up on it per se, but I started Mega Man Zero and have quit at least for the time being. After playing 11 consecutive Mega Man games, I'm just a bit burnt out on the series for the moment lol

There is a passionate fan base that ADORES these games, yet every time I tried to play one I lost interest. They've ramped up the difficulty on a series that didn't need to be harder, and they changed to this awful art style. Zero, once one of the most badass looking characters in video games, now looks like a crappy, fan art, version of Mega Man X

How did we go from this:


to this:


From what I've heard the story is great there's that.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Na man, I'm a fan of the angsty teen anime look. The story that I got was fantastic.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by marurun »

Zero looks less like an angsty teen and more like a 9 year old in a pull-up.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »

So after attempting an infuriating, timed, platforming section for the fiftieth time, I'm not proud to say that I just ripped up the instruction booklet, and insert for my PS4 copy of Blue Fire...then took a box cutter to the disc itself. Part of me hopes the developers of this game die in a house fire. I should point out that this platforming section was in a new area that I've been running around in for like half an hour and STILL haven't found a goddamn save point.

If there is one thing I've come to loathe about the indie scene in recent years, it's the abundance of hard just to be hard games that it keeps endlessly pumping out. Here's my thing, if you're going to be a douchebag and intentionally design your game for the sole purpose of appealing to "hardcores" and pissing off NORMAL people, there better at least be some incentive for putting up with all your BS game design. Your game should have a compelling story, a beautifully distinct art style, and maybe one of the most awesome soundtracks in recent memory. Blue Fire has none of these things. It has your typical, boring, protagonist who never speaks (and has an ugly ass character design too), boring NPCs who are just there to give you side quests or sell you stuff, a barely there story, a completely uninteresting environment, hardly any music (either that or it was so bland that I just didn't notice it), shitty combat that makes Ocarina of Time's fights look like Bayonetta by comparison, and flat, bland, graphics. Much of the game's challenge seems to come from it's obnoxious, PS1/N64 era platforming that is very poorly executed.

Essentially, it's another one of those indie games that thinks that simply making a game hard and obnoxious makes it special. Every other aspect of the game be damned. Well, I won't be wasting any more time on this, not that I can given what I did to the disc anyway...

I'm gonna go play Cris Tales and I hope that that game is actually FUN, something a lot of indie devs don't seem to believe in anymore
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

marurun wrote:Zero looks less like an angsty teen and more like a 9 year old in a pull-up.

Lmfao now that you've said that, I can't unsee it...
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »


I really like Cris Tales. It's a cool game with some neat ideas...but I am sick and goddamn tired of the annoying and inconsistent timing for parrying attacks and landing critical hits.

There are two types of Paper Mario clones. The ones where enemy attacks are well telegraphed and the timing for deflecting them feels intuitive like South Park: Stick of Truth. The other kind is...well....Cris Tales, which is not any of those things I just said.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Raging Justice wrote:Sigh

I really like Cris Tales. It's a cool game with some neat ideas...but I am sick and goddamn tired of the annoying and inconsistent timing for parrying attacks and landing critical hits.

There are two types of Paper Mario clones. The ones where enemy attacks are well telegraphed and the timing for deflecting them feels intuitive like South Park: Stick of Truth. The other kind is...well....Cris Tales, which is not any of those things I just said.

That is exactly the issue I've seen quite a few people bring up about Cris Tales. Though I haven't played it (and honestly barely even know what it is XP), it definitely seems like a case of a game having SO much right save for some of the most important things.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Gunstar Green »

I love Mega Man Zero but the first game is easily the weakest of the four and the hardest to get into. It's a very grindy experience if you want to use the Cyber Elves to make things easier. The third entry is absolutely stellar.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »

PartridgeSenpai wrote:
Raging Justice wrote:Sigh

I really like Cris Tales. It's a cool game with some neat ideas...but I am sick and goddamn tired of the annoying and inconsistent timing for parrying attacks and landing critical hits.

There are two types of Paper Mario clones. The ones where enemy attacks are well telegraphed and the timing for deflecting them feels intuitive like South Park: Stick of Truth. The other kind is...well....Cris Tales, which is not any of those things I just said.

That is exactly the issue I've seen quite a few people bring up about Cris Tales. Though I haven't played it (and honestly barely even know what it is XP), it definitely seems like a case of a game having SO much right save for some of the most important things.

Yeah, that about sums it up. The art style is beautiful. The voice acting is charming. The music is good. The use of time travel in both the story and in gameplay is super interesting. You literally use time manipulation in the game's turn based battles to get an edge against enemies. It's really cool. Cris Tales has all the makings of an indie classic, but the timing based stuff feels off. There are some enemy attacks where if I hit the parry button right after I hear the sound effect for my character getting hit the game registers it as a parry. That doesn't even make sense. How do you parry an attack AFTER it hits you? I also have a fire based attack I've unlocked for one character and after using it like 50 times I still keep getting a "good" rating when I hit the enemy. In this game, hitting the button at the right time when you attack makes a ringing sound and counts as a "Critical" hit. I haven't gotten a critical hit one single time with this fire attack. I have no idea WHEN the game wants me to hit the button.

So irritating.

EDIT: I also have to bring up the game's weird random encounter rate. Sometimes I'll get random encounters happening regularly. Other times, it feels like I'll walk around for 5 minutes without a single encounter. There's a lot of little things this game could do better
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »

Mayhem Brawler

Shitty, cheap (as in unfair), Streets of Rage 4 clone with poor gameplay

God, I am so SICK and GODDAMN tired of mediocre, derivative brawlers from the indie scene. Sometimes I wish the 2d beat 'em up genre would just die already since nobody seems to have a clue how to make great ones anymore.

The only positive I can give Mayhem Brawler is the cool looking art on the trophy screen. It's just a picture of a character posing, not a box with art in it like literally every other Playstation game. It's rather unique
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