Few Replies down - Star Wars Episode 1 Insider Guide, Win 7 Full Install Option
Star Wars Behind The Magic
Windows 7 64bit Fix - Full Install Option
STAR WARS FANS - Please link this to your forums
Boot Loader RAR files attached below
I had posted the obscure Windows 95 reference disc in my Sales Thread years ago with information how to run it on new PCs. Now documented to include a full hard drive install option not available in the original software designed to run off the CDs. I included downloadable RAR files at the bottom and created a unique bat file to run the fully installed discs. Note that you still would need to purchase the Lucas Arts Star Wars discs, this is simply the fixes to keep the files below legitimate.
Star Wars Behind The Magic is inexpensive (links at bottom) due to not compatible to Windows 7 and newer Windows. The fix were first started by installing the program to Windows XP, copying the install folder over to Windows 7 and updating the Registry. Just a matter of putting everything together and creating a start bat file to handle multiple discs. The ideas presented here could be used for other Windows 95 games that have incompatible older 16 bit installers.
Right Click image for a larger view
The Star Wars reference set of discs can run in Windows XP, Windows 98 and Windows 95. It will run in a 64 bit Windows 7 only with the installer fix documented further down. Originally designed to run off the CDs to save hard drive space, I have created a full install to hard drive option so the discs once installed can be put aside.
Original 40 Copies Finds Post - Click the spoiler
CRTGAMER on January 7, 2012 at Amazon wrote:Star Wars Behind The Magic Encyclopedia discs are a treasure trove of information, far better then a web site or the extras in the DVD and BluRay movie discs. The user interface is detailed and keeps track backwards and forwards of all the pages you visited with multiple cross links. So much better researching with a mouse instead of using a remote to view a movie disc extra. Rare footage includes the lost video of Biggs with Luke. The amount of data stored in the pages of the discs is amazing. Find out each scene, character and ship in detail in how various props were created. All sorts of hidden Star Wars historical information is presented. Why does Han Solo's pants have stripes, who is Biggs, what ship is faster then the Millenium Falcon, see Chewbacca's family, the data just streams on an on. Wrap it up by answering a trivia questionnaire which has even more information.
Windows 7 Installer Bypass and Full Hard Drive Install
1. Download BTM1.RAR and BTM2.RAR files at the bottom.
2. Extract and merge the files to the same BTM Folder.
3. Place BTM folder to root directory of Windows 7 hard drive.
4. Open the BTM folder and create two sub folders CD1 and CD2.
5. Copy entire contents including sub folders of Star Wars Disc 1 to CD1 folder.
6. Copy entire contents including sub folders of Star Wars Disc 2 to CD2 folder.
7. Open Registry folder, run the registry installer: "BTMx64 Install Disc Drive C CD0.REG".
8. Start the game by running RUNME.BAT which automatically renames selected folder to CD0.
9. IMPORTANT! Be sure to exit "Press X" in RUNME.BAT to correctly rename folders back to CD1 and CD2.
10. May the Force be with you. Enjoy!
CRTGAMER wrote:The RUNME.BAT file can be added to the Start Menu. The icon from the original start file BEHIND.EXE can be imported to it.
Note that the bat file is basically a "DOS" text file. I cannot emphasize enough about exiting the RUNME.BAT file properly (Press X) so that the file will rename the CD0 sub folder back to CD1 and CD2. Once Star Wars Magic is exited (click Controls at the bottom of the screen); the Bat file might be hiding in the task bar. Bring it up to the desktop and follow the text prompts.
Be sure to properly exit (press X) RUNME.BAT (MSDOS Prompt) when done.
After pressing a key, the bat file will rename the CD folders back to CD1 and CD2.
Star Wars Behind The Magic front end, click Start to begin.
Nuts and Volts of creating your own registry files. No need to type, downloads are at bottom.
Reference CD Roms of the past have information that need rediscovered
Please feel free to leave a reply on success as well as review of Star Wars Behind The Magic. I think in today's age of convenient access online research many tend to miss out on valuable information on some older CD ROMs such as this. The reference CDs and hard drive install route means the information always available and not lost when a website goes away.
Links - Star Wars Behind The Magic only $5.00 shipped online!
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars ... _the_Magic
Review by Koffee Kenobi - https://www.coffeewithkenobi.com/star-w ... ers-guide/
Rancho Obiwan Museum - http://www.ranchoobiwan.org/
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Behind ... 0_70668520
Amazon 2nd Listing - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004UBJD/re ... eml_rv0_dp
Ebay - https://www.ebay.com/p/Star-Wars-Behind ... 8/56241170
Star Wars Behind The Magic Review Video
Star Wars Weapons Test Video
Star Wars Behind Magic Screenshots - Click the Spoiler
Rob Wainfur wrote:https://www.coffeewithkenobi.com/star-wars-behind-the-magic-a-look-back-at-the-insiders-guide/
The information packed on to these discs was simply incredible. Selecting a category such as technology and then vehicles you could find out all the information you need on say a Speeder Bike. You would have options such as a full description of the bike or a gallery including a 3D model that would rotate so you can see every angle of the bike. You even got audio to hear the familiar sound of the bike and a video showing of course the speeder bike chase and Leia falling from her bike. It truly was a multimedia experience.
Just like Wikipedia today you could start looking at one article and then you could click on something related or in the same category. Before you know it you’ve gone from looking at Speeder Bikes to a Princess Leia fashion show. Yes you read that right. On the discs were some funny 3D rendered scenes made especially for Behind The Magic. As mentioned we had a Leia fashion show which showed Princess Leia in her various costumes on a virtual catwalk with cameras flashing all around.
The Expanded Universe was also represented and this I used a lot for cross referencing my Kenner Star Wars collection. Every figure was represented with a photo and some useful information on each one. It was like a menu virtual Steve Sansweet book. In fact it was Steve Sansweet who contributed to this section, sharing the impressive collection he had acquired even back in 1998. The last category was Glossary so you could look up every word relating to Star Wars.
The best of these animations though was the virtual tour of the Millennium Falcon. Painstakingly recreated for the CD-ROM which was designed by artist, Dan Colon and David West Reynolds. For the first time ever, you could walk around a fully rendered Millennium Falcon stopping at various points to find out exactly what each component did. It was incredible!
Steve Sansweet Star Wars memorabilia is amazing, the CD Rom shows part of the collection.
Wookie Roar: "Get Star Wars Behind The Magic! May the force be with you."
RAR files download for creating Star Wars Windows 7 full install: