Ended up picking up Second Son at sale on amazon and also went ahead and got the Final Fantasy Origins(FF1&2), and Anthology(FFV&VI) on the PS1 since both had been reduced down to $10
Games1. Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection(PSP)- $13.29
2. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep(PSP)- $14.99
3. Wonderbook: Book of Spells(PS3)- $10.30
4. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance (360) -$7.50
5. Zone of the Enders HD Collection (360)- $10.51
6. Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (PS3)- $17.99
7. Lord of Arcana (PSP)- $5.99
8. Rock of the Dead(PS3)- $2.69
9. The Last of Us(PS3 another NFR variant)- $5
10. Dishonored(360)- $4.49
11. Truth or Lies Someone Will Get Caught(360)- $0.89
12. Spy
Games Elevator Mission(Wii)- $1.79
13. Infamous: Second Son (PS4)- $20
14. Final Fantasy Origins(PS1)- $9.99
15. Final Fantasy Anthology(PS1)- $9.99Systems/Accessories:
1. Xbox 360 Slim 250gb with controller- $100
2. Walking Dead Plug n Play- $10
Total so far for 2015: $245.41