What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Windows, Mac, DOS, and all those-other personal computing platforms

Which OS do you use?

Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Linux Mint
No votes
Linux Ubuntu
Other (Please explain)
Total votes: 32

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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by RCBH928 »


you use it more than you fix it. It just works :p
beautiful interface, stable, everything great. I can see lots of improvements, but if you make every OS out there free and all applications run on all of them I think MacOS wins easy.

People don't use MacOS for:-
1)missing software(games or other utilities)
2)expensive hardware
3)none upgradable hardware
4)Limited selection of hardware

Everytime I use Windows seems like I am looking stuff on the web on how to fix something or make something work. The Privacy and data collection is another issue for me lately. I have been interested in Linux lately and learned that all the distros are basically a customized version of like only 5 basic ones. I thought there was more to it. Linux problem is really lack of software, there are alternatives but I really do not expect to see software online and there will be a "Linux" version of it. I am willing to bet a lot of people working in different professions are missing a ton of software like architects, doctors, artists, video editors...etc. The GUI looks primitive, I know you can customize it to make it look beautiful but if you look at something like GIMP and compare it to Photoshop you will understand what I mean. Of course, you can't complain when the software is free but in comparison, there is a better.

I am not sure how it plays with syncing and backing up smartphones and tablets. It can fit some needs but its not fit for the average user.
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by fastbilly1 »

I use Win10 as my primary. But I use Win10IOT, Ubuntu, Centos/Redhat, and Server2k16, pretty much daily right now.

As much as I would love to get into a solid early 90s OS wars, it just doesnt matter anymore. OS2 is better than Win3.1 which is better than OS7.
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by marurun »

System 6 with MultiFinder was teh best OS ever, brocephus
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by opa »

Windows 3.1 or get out
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by fastbilly1 »

You fools, OS/2 is the best. Look at how OSX today is like OS/2 of the 90s. And Trials of Battle...
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by RCBH928 »

fastbilly1 wrote:I use Win10 as my primary. But I use Win10IOT, Ubuntu, Centos/Redhat, and Server2k16, pretty much daily right now.

As much as I would love to get into a solid early 90s OS wars, it just doesnt matter anymore. OS2 is better than Win3.1 which is better than OS7.

I am really interested to know why Linux users would rather run one distro over the other especially in enterprise environment, like Why CentOS and not Debian ELTS or Suse? What does any of those can do that LinuxMint or Manjaro can't?
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by o.pwuaioc »

RCBH928 wrote:
fastbilly1 wrote:I use Win10 as my primary. But I use Win10IOT, Ubuntu, Centos/Redhat, and Server2k16, pretty much daily right now.

As much as I would love to get into a solid early 90s OS wars, it just doesnt matter anymore. OS2 is better than Win3.1 which is better than OS7.

I am really interested to know why Linux users would rather run one distro over the other especially in enterprise environment, like Why CentOS and not Debian ELTS or Suse? What does any of those can do that LinuxMint or Manjaro can't?

Generally people choose a distro based on three or four reasons:

1. Stability v. latest updates ("bleeding edge")
2. Packages offered in official repos
3. Default compatibility with hardware (monitors, wifi, etc)

A fourth criterion, that certain je ne sais quoi, also plays a part.

So for me I chose Fedora because 1) it comprised nicely between stability and frequent updates, 2) it contained only free software in official repros but had a very easy to setup "unofficial" repros for everything else, 3) worked with all my hardware out of the box, and I just liked it (and remembered it fondly as my first Linux system, so there's the nostalgia aspect as well).
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by fastbilly1 »

RCBH928 wrote:
fastbilly1 wrote:I use Win10 as my primary. But I use Win10IOT, Ubuntu, Centos/Redhat, and Server2k16, pretty much daily right now.

As much as I would love to get into a solid early 90s OS wars, it just doesnt matter anymore. OS2 is better than Win3.1 which is better than OS7.

I am really interested to know why Linux users would rather run one distro over the other especially in enterprise environment, like Why CentOS and not Debian ELTS or Suse? What does any of those can do that LinuxMint or Manjaro can't?

Super easy, CentOS/Redhat because corporate said so. Full stop. In an enterprise environment you are stuck with what corporate wants to do. When you are in the decision making position you run into a different set of issues specifically licensing and security. We use alot of Redhat servers and the decision for it was mostly security and compatibility with proprietary hardware like Moonshots (Ubuntu is now Moonshot compatible but was not when I first deployed them last year). But for a concise answer, o.pwuaioc nailed it.

I have always been an Ubuntu fan in that it was the first version of Linux that I was able to get working on my own - back in 05. I had dabbled in Mandrake and DSL before that, but I made everything work on Ubuntu because it worked for me. I did have a foray into Xandros for building MAME cabinets for a while and Mint after the Ubuntu GUI shift.
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by BomberDino »

I think OS wars are still fun and it still matters. Just like with consoles, sometimes it's about software taking advantage of the design/architecture. Just recently, I upgraded someone's 2010 MacBook from Snow Leopard to High Sierra. The kids can now use it for online schooling. At the same time, using Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC), I made a bootable backup. They can run their previous Snow Leopard installation straight off an external hard drive whenever they need to. I've never come across something as simple and powerful as CCC for Windows. (Maybe there is, I don't know.)

I still have the original x86 BeOS release in its original box. I sometimes wonder if one day I'll come across some sort of Operating System museum where they maintain old systems. They might even have older systems for guests to play with; I could install BeOS and relive the glory days. (Honestly, BeOS was a poor general purpose OS.)
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Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Post by Ziggy »

BomberDino wrote:I still have the original x86 BeOS release in its original box. I sometimes wonder if one day I'll come across some sort of Operating System museum where they maintain old systems. They might even have older systems for guests to play with; I could install BeOS and relive the glory days. (Honestly, BeOS was a poor general purpose OS.)

I think YouTubers like The 8-bit Guy and Lazy Game Reviews should get together and make that museum. In fact, I kinda remember one or both of them saying that they would like to do exactly that one day. Maybe it was someone else on YouTube that said that, but I'm pretty sure it was one of those two guys.
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