What secrets does the PSTV hold?

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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by ArugulaZ »

A little late to the party, and I just signed up on Racketboy so I don't know the protocol for posting here, but here's something I'd recommend if you're getting a PSTV...

https://www.amazon.com/MAYFLASH-Univers ... B0089OBLDO

The Mayflash adapter is one of the very few adapters that will work with a PSTV. Plug it in, and you'll have access to a lot more controllers (and joysticks!) than the PS3 and PS4 pads that work by default. It's a must for Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max.

As for hacking, you will need a PSTV with 3.60 firmware. You should be able to update it through the USB port... just get the firmware and put it on a flash drive. Do not go over 3.60! They're working on hacks for later firmwares but 3.60 is best. After that you need to put Henkaku Enso on your system. Visit the site on your PSTV and it should do the rest. Once hacked your PSTV will stay hacked, unless you do something silly like update the firmware. (Don't do that. In fact, go into the settings and TELL your PSTV not to do that.)


What else? The PSTV is just a Vita without the screen. It can do most anything a Vita can, except camera apps. Whitelist apps will give you compatibility with Vita-only games, but camera functionality will crash it. Get Adrenaline (look it up) and it doubles as a PSP, playing nearly all of its games. PSOne games are likewise highly compatible if put in the right format. There are Final Burn and Amiga emulators that work very well on the PSTV, and a Super NES emulator is in the works.

Yes, it was a commercial failure, but the PSTV is useful if you're willing to put in the work. I bought two of them back when they were being clearanced out and I definitely wouldn't complain about the cost to value ratio. It's way more reliable for PSP emulation than my Android TV.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by JoeAwesome »

ArugulaZ wrote:As for hacking, you will need a PSTV with 3.60 firmware... Do not go over 3.60! They're working on hacks for later firmwares but 3.60 is best...Whitelist apps will give you compatibility with Vita-only games, but camera functionality will crash it.

Bits of misinformation. There's already hacks for FWs up to 3.68. There's minor "inconveniences" to hacked FWs after 3.60, including clicking a couple of buttons on reboot or going to site on reboot (or downloading an offline installer), but otherwise, it's the exact same. The problem with using 3.60 CFW is you have to resort to maidumps for 3.61+ FW games (generally not recommended), or wait for the letmaidie versions to be uploaded.

Also, camera functionality can crash some non-whitelisted games, but there are plugins to get past those hurdles as well.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by nightrnr »

Hey ArugalaZ, made good on your threat to join I see, --excellent--).

Both of my vita TV's were already on 3.65 when I got them, but I put my Vita 1000 to 3.65 so that I could reclaim my memory card with my PSP games on them. Also nice to have all 3 systems standardized.

As long as I can run Adrenaline on them(with alternative storage), I care not what else it misses out on from 3.60.

Still need to take the next step though. I've only just got my foot through the door installing h-encore. Hard part's over, I think (I may have a rough time with getting flash drives and/or SD2Vita to recognize, I don't quite grasp the guides on this).

That Mayflash adapter might be a godsend for me so thanks for the rec. If it works with my PS2 to Saturn adapter, I'll be ecstatic. Long way off to test though. Life is keeping me away from this right now.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by JoeAwesome »

nightrnr wrote:Hard part's over, I think (I may have a rough time with getting flash drives and/or SD2Vita to recognize, I don't quite grasp the guides on this).

It's not too difficult. I recommend CelesteBlue's Storage Manager. With the flash drive, it's pretty easy, but the SD2Vita required me formatting the memory card with the zzBlank.img. Once that was done, though, the instructions should be easy to follow.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by nightrnr »

JoeAwesome wrote:It's not too difficult. I recommend [url=<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">https://github.com/CelesteBlue-dev/PSVita-StorageMgr</span>]CelesteBlue's Storage Manager[/url]. With the flash drive, it's pretty easy, but the SD2Vita required me formatting the memory card with the <span class="skimlinks-unlinked">zzBlank.img</span>. Once that was done, though, the instructions should be easy to follow.

Neat. Thanks for the link. I will try that out in the near future.
I may just ignore my SD2VITA's then (they were cheap and I don't like how they fit). USB is more convenient for the Vita TV anyways.
As for my Vita 1000, it's a 3G model, and I did install that other SD adapter, so I'll have to figure that out later.

I think PSP games on the big screen will be a real trip. But for now I have other things to tend to, sadly.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by ArugulaZ »

Not to start a big firmware turf war, but I'm happy with the 3.60 I'm using on all my Vitae. I guess I could upgrade, but it sounds like it's going to make things that used to be easy harder than necessary. I've got a lot of digital downloads backed up on my computer thanks to QCMA, but if I ever lose those to a crash, I may have no choice but to step up to 3.68. For now, though, I'm most comfortable with the older firmware. Things just work, and I don't want to risk losing that functionality.

Thanks for suggesting that I join Racketboy, Nightrnr. I don't visit a lot of forums but I suppose I should spread my wings a little... the usual haunts are getting boring.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by nightrnr »

Oh, no need to tiptoe on this. 3.60 is still the golden firmware. It's just that great progress has already been made on 3.68 (and 3.65 retains even more benefits and a way to still log in to PSN as of this post). Many of us were were waiting for a fresh exploit out of necessity.

I think most users on 3.60 are keeping it as is though. Really there are few reasons to update if you already have it setup.

I actually hmm'ed and haw'ed a lot before updating my portable, but it just made more sense for me (and a couple of my games required an update).

As for our forum, I think we may have had some of our best years in the past (meaning there are some past members I miss), but I often get good insights, links, and info and everyone is pretty civil. There's really no place that I'd rather post my habits. You ought to like it here :) .
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by JoeAwesome »

nightrnr wrote:I think PSP games on the big screen will be a real trip. But for now I have other things to tend to, sadly.

In my limited experience, I had a couple of PSP games play slowly (or not at all) with an external hard drive on my PSTV. The memory card worked much better.

I won't say 3.60 is bad, just outdated for some features (PSN) and games. If you don't need that, that's fine. My PSTV is on 3.60, but my Vita is on 3.65. I do think about updating the PSTV to 3.65, but it's not something urgent.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by opa »

My pstv is just gathering dust. It's currently on 3.61 so I could do the 3.65 exploit but I may just hold out for future hacks. I'd like for modding to be as simple as the psp is now. May just wait a couple years and see where it stands; the current mod has way too many steps to just play some psp games. PPSSPP works well enough for my needs.
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Re: What secrets does the PSTV hold?

Post by opa »

Well my earlier self doesn't know crap. It required a lot of reading but I did sit down yesterday and got enso and adrenaline installed on my pstv. PSP games look/run great (well... visually great for psp games any way). I still need to mount a usb memory solution and test out whitelisted games.

The PSTV is actually useful now. It is unfortunate that Sony released it without a chance to succeed. I can understand not allowing the five games that used the touchscreen to be played but blocking everything else is still a head scratcher.
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