What games do you have on your nes classic

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What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by mas »

So my buddy Mike added 61 more games to the nes classic to make a total of 91. I heard you can go as far as 97 but I wasn't going to push it. I have a nes with everything and anything I always play or want to finish. My list goes as follows
Adventure island
Adventure island 2
Balloon fight
Battletoads/double dragon
Bionic commando
Blades of steel
Blaster master
Bubble bobble
Castlevania 2
Castlevania 3
Chip n dale rescue rangers
Code name viper
Darkwing duck
Double dragon
Double dragon 2
Double dribble
Dr Mario
Duck tales
Duck tales 2
Final fantasy
Gargoyles quest 2
Ghost n goblins
Goonies 2
Gun nac
Ice climber
Ice hockey
Journey to silius
Kid Icarus
Kirby adventure
Kiwi kraze
Kung fu
Life force
Little nemo
Little Samson
Mario bros
Mega man 1-6
Metal gear
Metal storm
Mighty final fight
Mike Tyson punch out
Ninja gaiden
Ninja gaiden 2
Ninja gaiden 3
Power blade
Pro wrestling
RBI baseball
Rc pro am
Rad racer
River city ransom
Rush n attack
Shadow of the ninja
Solomons key
Super c
Super dodge ball
Mario bros 1-3
Tecmo bowl with real players not that crap Nintendo put out
Tecmo super bowl
Tmnt 3
Zelda 2
Track and field
Wizards and warriors
To me I got the very best of the nes library. What are your choices? Most of these were games I had as a kid.
I wonder isle anyone added the top 30-60 of the crappy games like every Ljn game
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by nightrnr »

I approve of your selections,
...especially Crystalis, which might be my favorite ARPG of all time.

You even have Super Dodge Ball, which is just way more fun than it has a right to be.

My selection might look a little different, but not by much.
I see that you took out Pac-Man; I would have too, as it's not my port of choice by far. But I may have added Pac-Mania in its stead.

I would have left out Metal Gear in favor of Heavy Barrel.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by Tanooki »

Metal Gear isn't good, I'd agree on the Heavy Barrel swap out. SNK has some amazing releases of their arcade stuff on the NES.

Also really, no Dragon Warrior IV? I'd understand 2 above any to ignore, and 3 while very good is LONG (and slow) but 1 is so short it's a fun little romp and #4 is basically 4 mini RPGs rolled into one that has a long bigger 5th game after that...it's a low color 16bit RPG in how it plays unlike the other 3.

RC Pro Am 2 is far better than the first one as well, also with the kids its a 4P game even if the system only supports 2. Not sure if it works but Gauntlet II is a stunning copy of the arcade game too.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by nightrnr »

The problem with Gauntlet II is that it lacks purpose. It's fun, but levels repeat and there's no real end to the game (if memory serves).
I know that Donkey Kong and others are the same (played for score and such), but Gauntlet just felt like it should have gone somewhere (like defeating 10 Dragons to save the realm or something).
The "it" monster was always a hoot when playing multi though.

I debated mentioning the Dragon Warriors, but they are definitely not everyone's taste.
I concur that DWIV is a masterpiece. Final Fantasy is still my 8-bit RPG, but DWIV puts it to shame in its overall vision.
I never beat that one, but it fully engaged me well into chapter 5.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by Tanooki »

We're on the same page, every point. Even Gauntlet II, but it still is mindless fun and you're right after 3-5 stages in it randomly generates a map of which stage to pull out of a hat, yet it won't do the same stage twice in a row or anywhere near it again so it doesn't get stale. It's like DK, a mindless fun point racker and nothing more, and something like that on the NCE I think would be fantastic especially with a partner. Even if you got bored, hot save and come back, can't do that on the original.

DW4 is my thing too entirely, I let it go though to get my NeoGeo cab as I got a nice deal/bundle out of it. It's fine though the DS/Android version is more engaging anyway with the few modernizations to the save format being the big one. Truth be told I still love that stupid fairly bland original one, if for anything no reason other than it's very approachable as it's short. You can commit an afternoon and destroy it if you're daring because it can be taken down in around 6 hours (I've done it back in the 90s as a bet with my best friend to keep his cart!) FF1 though I prefer it as well, even as crude as it was without re-targeting enemies, and I went and snapped up a pristine copy of the NP magazine guide in the last few weeks for when I find the time to crack into it.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by Sarge »

The next time I play through Dragon Quest III or IV, it's going to be the NES version again. I've played remakes out the wazoo at this point.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by samsonlonghair »

Well, yes. That is where remakes come out. :lol:
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by marurun »

Hey, now, don't malign the wazoo. It works hard at what it does.
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by Tanooki »

Well for me the next time I do those games DW3 will be the GBC version as i just got the Prima guide back for it locally, and DQ4 would be me buying the DS release or dealing with the mobile touch version of it. I don't care to keep $100 NES games around anymore unless I really will get the use out of it for the value. :)
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Re: What games do you have on your nes classic

Post by fastbilly1 »

None, I havent seen one yet...

I do need to draft up a list for when I find one.
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