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Christmas 2023

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:39 pm
by opa
This is kind of late in the day but Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope y'all were able to spend time with friends/family. Hopefully everyone had a good day!

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:55 pm
by Ziggy
Merry Christmas, Racketboy Forum!

What did you all do today? Or yesterday, or the weekend?

Anyone get anything gaming related?

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:09 am
by Note
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a great time today!

This year, my girlfriend and I stayed at home in NY. My mom and sister recently moved down to Virginia and went to North Carolina for the holiday, to my brother-in-law's parents' place. We made that trip for Thanksgiving and didn't feel up to doing the trek again so soon.

Yesterday, I was running around cooking. I made a pernil (slow roasted pork) that I cooked for about six hours and arroz con gandules to go with it. In the evening we watched Home Alone and Elf. Lol.

Today, I had a more laidback day. Watched some basketball and A Christmas Story, which is my favorite Christmas movie. After dinner, we played some couch co-op Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, which I gifted to my partner since she's a big Zelda fan.

Missed seeing my mom and sister, but overall it was a nice day.

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:06 am
by Raging Justice
Spent time with friends and family, ate lots of food, played some pool and drank some German beer

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:36 am
by Anapan
My Christmas was pretty laid-back. I cooked a bunch of stuff beforehand (butter buns, lemon ricotta cookies etc.) and bowed-out to my mom's superior cooking of the main dishes. When asked to prepare the pineapple, everyone was amazed or exasperated that I took the rind off so lightly and then removed every spine-cone. I dislike fruit, but it should be prepared properly. I reserved the core for future meat tenderization.

My two favorite gifts were a limited rerun of the heavy Wind-River sweatshirt that was discontinued years ago, and a battery-powered "compressed air" gun that is actually incredible at stoking a fire. Nothing game related.

I turned that un-bid Tiny TV2 from the auction into a Sonic the Hedgehog meme-filled cursed item. It has YouTube hits like "Sonic Sez 'Sexual Harassment is No Good!'" "Sega Mega Drive Indian Commercial" "Sonic Dance Group" "Hey guys, I found Sonic" "The Ultimate Sonic The Hedgehog Recap Cartoon" "Sonic Mania Minus" "Sonic R Outtakes Animatic" and "Sonic High School" among others totaling it's cap of 50 videos. My niece said she likes it, tho I think she'll burn it with fire when she gets the chance, as it should be.

My nephew was so stoked to receive the Star-Wars Legion set I won from Blu's auction earlier this year. He said he'd been eyeing parts of it in the hobby-shops he'd visited, and almost bought some with earned money. He's planning to try a campaign-day before school gets back in.

My sister-in-law remains crazy, but restrained herself unlike all previous years and left early.

Spent a lot of time on the phone after everyone went to bed with co-workers and friends.

Totally awesome compared to most other years where I had to step between things with family members.

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:36 am
by Ziggy
I watched A Christmas Story the other day. It's also one of my favorite Christmas movies, if not my favorite. I haven't seen it in a few years though, just because I got kinda sick of how shoved in your face it's been. But since I hadn't seen it in a while, I did enjoy watching it quite a bit. I started watching A Christmas Story Christmas, where the original actor that played Ralphie reprises his role. As well as some others from the original film, and I think that's awesome. But right in the beginning of the movie, Ralphie's mother calls and tells him the Old Man just died. So the movie quickly takes a pretty solemn tone and stays there. That's not exactly what I want in a Christmas movie! I actually turned it off, but I may finish it still. And I too also watched Home Alone. That's another one I haven't seen in a while, but it's still such a great movie.

Christmas day I spent with my parents, my brother and his wife, and my aunt and uncle. My cousin (that aunt and uncle's son) was suppose to come with his wife and two kids, but my cousin has been sick the past few days and when they woke up Christmas morning one of his kids was also sick with a sore throat and fever. So they stayed home. It's always a bummer being sick on a holiday. And everyone was pretty disappointed that they couldn't make it. We were all looking forward to having kids around on Christmas. But we had a good time nonetheless. Good food and laughs.

I didn't get anything gaming related, which isn't abnormal these years. But I did get a game for my brother, Skyrim on PS4. To my surprise, he knew exactly what it was and why I got it for him. He doesn't game a whole lot, but he was enjoying playing Breath of the Wild on his Wii U. He was playing it on and off for years. Then, when Tears of the Kingdom came out, he was inspired to go back and finish Breath of the Wild. But when he turned on his Wii U he found out it has that dreaded corrupt memory issue. He gave it to me to fix, but I haven't had the time too do it yet. So he smiled when he opened Skyrim and asked if it's to hold him over until I fix his Wii U. And that's exactly why I got it for him LOL.

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:26 am
by Note
Sounds like you had a nice Christmas, Anapan. That's hilarious you turned that Tiny TV2 into a "cursed" item, never heard of applying the cursed item trope from RPGs to real life! Lol. That's really cool that one of the items from the auction brought some joy to your nephew. Those lemon ricotta cookies sound awesome too, can't say I've tried those before.

Ziggy, sorry to hear some of your relatives got sick and couldn't make it. That's too bad, but it sounds like you all had a great time. And I'm glad to hear your brother enjoyed getting Skyrim. You gotta get around to fixing his Wii U though! Lol.

I've been dealing with a wisdom tooth coming in, which started to bother me last week, so that put a little damper on the holiday, but I think we made the best of it.

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:57 am
by Ack
I'm getting over a cold, but I'm up at my in-laws' place in Virginia Beach. We started Christmas Day off with the greatest of holiday traditions: cheesecake for breakfast. Y'all gotta get in on this.

After that, it was presents time. I received a variety of books, tools, clothes, and food, but I know what you folks are curious about: the games! My family gave me Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, Eastward, and Tactics Ogre Reborn for the Switch. And a buddy sent me Cruelty Squad on Steam.

After that, it was lasagna for dinner and football all day. All in all, it was an excellent day.

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:34 am
by Golgo 14
Anapan wrote:Spent a lot of time on the phone after everyone went to bed with co-workers and friends.

Damn, your family knows how to party :lol:

Re: Christmas 2023

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:51 am
by Note
Ack wrote:After that, it was presents time. I received a variety of books, tools, clothes, and food, but I know what you folks are curious about: the games! My family gave me Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, Eastward, and Tactics Ogre Reborn for the Switch. And a buddy sent me Cruelty Squad on Steam.

Sounds like a great day, Ack! Hope you continue to feel better. Cheesecake for breakfast sounds amazing. Lol. You'll have to let us know what you think of Eastward when you get around to it. I've been curious about that game.