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What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 7:54 pm
by Ziggy
I was mainly interested in seeing who still uses Windows 7 since support is ending at the end of the year, but I figured this would be a fun thread.

What is your OS of choice right now? Why so? And if you use multiple OSes, which one do you consider to be your "main" OS, or which one do you use the most?

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 8:05 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
Outdated gaming computer with Windows 7. Runs quickly and flawlessly. Hate everything about Windows 8 and 10, especially the latter.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 8:22 pm
by o.pwuaioc
Fedora 30 (Linux). Fedora was my first introduction to Linux back in 04. Though I didn't stick with it through the years (apparently that was a very smart decision!), dancing between Windows and Linux until settling on Windows 7, I switched completely over to Linux (deciding on Fedora after trying a few) when they announced Win7's end of life. Figured I'd get a head start since at teh time Win8 was garbage and even Win10 has some privacy issues I'd rather avoid.

I do have Windows 10 on my Surface tablet/laptop, but there's little use for it outside Rome: Total War and Skyrim these days.

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Outdated gaming computer with Windows 7. Runs quickly and flawlessly. Hate everything about Windows 8 and 10, especially the latter.

Come to the dark (Linux) side, ol' friend. It's not perfect, but I'd switch over if I were you right before they pull the plug. Keep on Win7 machine that's not connected to the internet for games, if you like.

If you're at all computer-handy (not even computer-savvy!), Linux isn't all that difficult to run and maintain.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 8:25 pm
by bmoc
I primarily use Windows 10 and have been since it came out. My wife's laptop is Windows 7 and probably wont push her to upgrade until security updates finally cease.

I haven't seen a Windows 8 PC for a long time. I think most folks with 8 took advantage of the free upgrade to 10.

Work is a whole other story. I still deal primarily with Windows 10 for the moment but add in server operating systems and mobile. I'm also delving into Cisco IOS.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:00 pm
by Gunstar Green
I updated to 10 when it came out. My girlfriend still uses 7.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 6:04 am
by Anapan
Windows 7 because I only change OS if I have to. I made a Windows 10 VM and spent a several hours disabling "features" and hacking the registry to make it act like Windows 7. It will be viable when I'm forced to upgrade at some point in the future, but lack of support won't be enough to abandon 7.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 8:24 am
by ElkinFencer10
Windows 8 was bad, but I love Windows 10.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:06 am
by marurun
There are a lot of things I don’t like about 10, but it works. There’s always shit I hate about Windows. 10 just has some new shit to dislike.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 1:50 pm
by isiolia
My main computers are running Windows 10. I have others with older Windows versions, MacOS, Linux, etc.

Predominately, I'm using Windows because it has such wide support for hardware and software out of the box. In turn, Windows 10 has the most current level of support, and as I work in IT, it's useful for me to stay up to date with it. Anything out there has pros and cons, so sure, there are aspects of 10 I don't care for, but it's the best suited to what I'm using it for.

Re: What is your main OS and why? (Poll)

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:11 pm
by samsonlonghair
I have been using OS X for years now. OS X has a slick user interface with all the power of a full Unix-style command line. Its the best of both worlds. What’s not to like?