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Reviews by Talon The Retro Gamer

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:23 pm
by TalonTheRetroGamer
I have a very small YouTube channel (160 subs) where I repair old-school video game stuff and do reviews on older games. I've done 3 reviews so far, and all of them have been about SNES games. Here are the links (they're in order of their release date, newest first):

HyperZone (SNES, 1991) Review | HAL's Forgotten SNES Rail Shooter - Talon The Retro Gamer

Race Drivin' (SNES, 1992) Review | The Worst SNES Game - Talon The Retro Gamer

F-Zero (SNES, 1990) Review | My Favorite Racing Game - Talon The Retro Gamer

I would start with the HyperZone or Race Drivin' reviews over the F-Zero one, but I feel like all of them are decent.

Hope you all will enjoy them! Also, I can use any feedback you might have on them.