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Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:11 pm
by Tanooki
With the new forum here dedicated to the arcade it only made sense to create a topic for people to display and discuss their collections and pick ups with related materials.

I think considering they went into the same venue, pinball would work in this thread too.

Have some cool arcade cabinets or pinball tables? Find some really neat marquees, back glass or odd toys and memorabilia?

Feel free to explain it, show it, whatever you like.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:52 am
by Ziggy
Ugh, I no longer own any arcade hardware.

Once upon a time, I wanted a Mortal Kombat II cabinet. It's probably my brother's and my favorite game to play 2-player together. I bought the complete PCB for the game, and had an authentic control panel overlay and marquee. I even picked up a PCB, CPO, and marquee for MK1 too, as I knew I'd be able to swap games in the same cab. I was planning to build and recreate an exact MKII cab. But for various reasons (money, space, time) I ended up selling off all the stuff I bought. Though I still have the MKII marquee, I've been meaning to turn into a back lit wall mounted sign.

Anyway, I totally regret selling off the MKII board. MK1 I don't really care, but I really wish I kept that MKII board. About a year ago I realized I don't really need a cabinet (nor do I have the room for it). I'd really like to get the authentic game board and build a consolized version of it, with two controller inputs and TV output. But I checked eBay and it seems the prices on the game boards have gone way up. When I got mine, quite a few years ago, it was sub $100. Now there's not as many of them for sale and they're all several hundred dollars.

Son of a bitch.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:46 pm
by Tanooki
I can see how that stings, I can kind of relate. Thankfully I have the room but it still eats up some space for sure with the MVS. I figure if space ever got awful I'd wait it out and find a nice consolized MVS, probably just a 2 slot since they're easier to manage with Unibios and all that. I figure in time someone will wire regularly not just lame RCA cables but HDMI to it as that stuff is on the way out like it or not.

Wish this thread would take off some, so I'll put this out there to start it.

This month in two nice deals online I got a pair of bundles from both just north of me in Ohio which netted me 5 stellar want of mine at a really great rate thankfully but damn it cleaned me out.

Bundle 1 was: 3 Count Bout, Blue's Journey, and Captain Tomaday -- all just the games and in pretty nice shape too.

Bundle 2 was the big one: Garou Mark of the Wolves and Andro Dunos both in shockboxes.

This link here is pics of every single thing I've picked up.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:53 pm
by Bradtemple87
I'll post pictures and info soon. We are moving everything around in the house.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:36 pm
by Sarge
I want a Neo Geo. Hopefully I'll break down and buy one someday. Need to find the right deal, and preferably something close by so I can pick it up.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:43 pm
by ElkinFencer10
I was lucky enough to get a good price on an MVS cabinet from the7k about a year ago. I've got an MVS-to-JAMMA converter so I can buy JAMMA boards, but I have yet to do so. Right now, all I have is my 1 slot MVS board with eight or nine games and my kind-of-sort-of-but-not-really-JAMMA Hyper Neo Geo 64 fighting board with all four games.

I do hope to start a small collection of JAMMA compliant boards in the next year or two, though.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:26 pm
by aaron
I'll post some pics when I can, but my current lineup is:

2 Blast City candy cabs
New Astro City candy cab
Neo Geo MVS-2-19 (with a custom blue/white motif, running Windjammers and a multi)
Namco 20-Year Reunion home edition (Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga)

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Last Action Hero
The Simpsons (Data East)
Night Moves (cocktail pin)

I sold off a good portion of my PCB collection but right now I have an ST-V with Radiant Silvergun, CPS2 Dimahoo, Gradius IV, Virtua Fighter 2, Sonic Championship, a PC Engine with a JAMMA adapter, and I have three of the Raspberry Pi JAMMA setups that sells.

I'm also working on a custom Minecraft "arcade game" for my son made out of an old registration kiosk.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:55 pm
by marurun
Do you still operate a barcade?

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:06 pm
by aaron
marurun wrote:Do you still operate a barcade?

I was unceremoniously ousted from that venture a year ago (almost to the day, actually). Hard way to learn the importance of the old adage "get it in writing."

I focus all of my arcade and gaming energy toward playing and enjoying the games now, rather than operating and profiting off of them, and I think overall I'm happier for it. I've entered a few pinball tournaments and I'm going to attempt to play in the PAPA circuit next year.

Re: Your Arcade Collection Stuff and Latest Pick Ups

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:37 pm
by marurun
I am very sorry to hear that. That sucks. I hope you are otherwise doing well.