Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

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Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by MrPopo »

It's that time of the bimonth again!


This month we're stepping into the way back machine and playing a first person dungeon crawler from 1991. The Might & Magic games are first person dungeon crawlers in the vein of Wizardry. But where Wizardry helped really kick off the genre, Might & Magic really refined things. The Might & Magic games are far more playable than their contemporary Wizardry games, and III is where the series steps out of the super cryptic early era and comes to resemble something that a modern gamer might recognize.


The game starts by giving you a fully equipped party, but half the fun is creating a party of your own. One interesting thing is that each race and gender combination has two portraits, and the game does not allow you to reuse portraits. This means you'll need to delete the starting party if you want to use their portraits, and also that you are forced to have some diversity in your party make up. You have a wide selection of classes available that all serve different roles, and a balanced party is key. I highly recommend you check out the following for more information on character creation:


Once you're set you can begin exploring. All enemies are initially seen at a distance, and can be engaged with ranged weapons and magic. But beware; enemies can use the same tactics on you. Once you close into melee range things switch into turn based combat with turn order based on your speed. You can only fight three enemies at a time, but if there are more around they can reinforce the monsters as you kill them. In combat you can attack with weapons, cast spells, or defend to increase your armor class.


One of the unique things about the Might & Magic games is that instead of you exploring one large and deep dungeon you instead are exploring a large world from that first person perspective. Dungeons end up only having a floor or two. You really get a sense of exploration similar to what you'll find in the Elder Scrolls game. You'll definitely want to refer to the world map as you explore, as it will give you hints as to the major landmarks.

Some other tips:

1. The temple can cast a blessing on you. The number of donations for the blessing to take effect will depend on the current day, but the more donations the stronger the blessing will be. These blessings are especially potent early in the game and can help get through early encounters.
2. Don't forget to Rest when your health or spell points are low. Unless interrupted, your rest will fully refill health and spell points and clear out minor debuffs.
3. Interior areas can be cleared out of enemies.
4. Locked doors can be picked by someone with Thievery or bashed down.
5. When someone loses all their health their health bar turns blue and they go unconscious. You can get them back into the fight with a healing spell that raises their current negative health value back into positive. However, if they take a hit while their health is negative they will move into a dead state and need the attention of the temple (or high level cleric spells). Enemies don't normally target unconscious characters but beware of hit-all magic.
6. Save, save, save. At minimum save every time you leave town to go exploring. There is no auto save.
7. When you have enough experience to level you need to see a trainer. You keep earning experience, though, so if you go a long time before seeing the trainer then you can gain several levels in one visit.
8. The only thing that irrevocably blocks you are solid walls. Mountains can be climbed and forests can be navigated with the right skills, while less dense forests don't even need that much. So try to move through everything.
9. Turning will not cause enemies to get a turn (shoot at you, move towards you). However, it will retrigger trap squares. So if you need to move out of a trap square by moving a square to the side of you use the strafe buttons.
10. Have fun!
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by CFFJR »

I installed this afternoon. Hopefully I'll get to it soon... :lol:

Have you beaten this one before Popo?
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by MrPopo »

The only Might & Magic game I've beaten is the first one. So I'm really looking forward to playing through this one. I would normally have done the second entry beforehand, but since there's no character import from 2 to 3 like there is from 1 to 2 there's less of a need to do so.
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by noiseredux »

oh holy crap, great pick. I might have to actually participate this time. Then again, I have Skyrim going. But still, this could be a great excuse to finally play one of these games. Hmm.
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by Ack »

As an RPG fan, I've never beaten any Might and Magic games. Heck, I've only played the NES port of the first Might and Magic. I feel like I owe it to myself as a fan of the genre to beat at least one eventually, especially because they just feel largely forgotten when talking RPGs(heck, most classic WRPGs seem forgotten) in the corners of the internet that I haunt. I plan to jump in with this one...

...though it's gonna take a bit. I plan to beat Thief Gold and then likely Call of Duty 2 before I get to this one.
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by MrPopo »

So a bit of a log of what I've done so far.

I started off by making a very melee focused party. Rather than the pure casters I'm running the three physical/caster hybrids (Paladin, Ranger, Archer). Then I'm adding to that a Fighter, a Barbarian, and a Ninja. From my experience with MM1 the magic spells are all really nice, but since you can rest in between combats the disadvantage that the hybrids have (half the spell points) is greatly lessened. All the spells in MM3 only scale based on your level (if they scale at all), so I don't have to worry about not doing much damage with them on the hybrids.

Now, I started playing this a few days early because I knew it was coming. I cleared out Fountainhead of the handful of monsters inhabiting it and getting my bearings. Since the game has a day night cycle I need to take that into account when I do my shopping; half the stuff I need is open during the day and half is open during the night. I elected to do the town dungeon before I headed outside. It was filled with barrels, many of which gave me permanent stat boosts. I also discovered a bunch of skulls that I could trade to someone back in town for money and experience; I was able to gain my first couple levels this way. It wasn't long before I was in front of my first "boss", though that's a bit generous. Really, it was just a tougher version of the enemies I had already been fighting, and he fell quickly.

At this point, I'm feeling pretty good about my party, so I headed out to the overworld. The enemies there were quite easy to dispatch, but then I decided to take a journey into the nearby dungeon. This was going to be my wakeup call; the enemies have lots of health and a few can lay on some good damage. More pressingly, there are a lot of unavoidable pit traps that really sapped my health. It took me several trips to clear my way through; I did get some nice treasure as part of it and several more levels. In one wing I discovered a statue that gave everyone in my party the Crusader skill; this will let me enter the castles and gain access to several quests in the game. I also had my first encounter with a magic user; there was an evil cleric at the end of the longest path who liked to spam hit all magic. And to get to him I had to destroy a large number of undead. Fortunately, I came prepared; my Paladin discovered a scroll that taught her Turn Undead earlier in the dungeon. The enemy cleric laid in the hurt but we laid in more and I ended up victorious. I was rewarded with some more treasure as well as a very cryptic clue; a list of cardinal directions. This might refer to a lost woods section later on, or maybe an order of interacting with objects in those cardinal directions. We shall see.

So then I decided to make my way further into the world. I quickly discovered the second town (invested with undead, naturally) and learned the magic word to teleport to it using the magic mirror; although it's only one area over from the starting town I'm sure it'll come in handy as I get further afield. I also discovered trainers to give me mountaineering and pathfinding, so the ocean is the last thing keeping me from travelling wherever I want. With this new access I was able to discover some loot bags on the world map as well as a number of wells that boost my stats temporarily. I'll have to remember them and make use of them as I continue on. I took a quick jaunt through the dungeon of the second town (it's some sort of port town but the exact name escapes me) which was mostly a series of dead ends that may or may not have treasure in them. There was an NPC I rescued who gave me the next step in a quest I had picked up in the second town; he directed me to yet another NPC to get more clues.

I decided this was a good stopping point for the night. I think I've reached the point where I want to start taking real notes; though I'm not going to bother making my own map thanks to the in game tools I do want to note clues and important locations so I can find them again.
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by Ack »

Damn, Popo, that sounds like fun. This is gonna be tough to follow you, because I really want to play but have some other stuff I need to get through first.

Question: is there a limit to how many skills a party member can pick up?
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by MrPopo »

There doesn't appear to be. Some skills only function when everyone in the party has them (swimming, crusader) while others just require one (cartography, danger sense). Mountaineering and pathfinding are the odd ones out because they need two or more people to have them.
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by Stark » ... ed_edition

Is this the only way to get it digitally right now?
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Re: Together RPG - Might & Magic III - 6/1-8/1

Post by noiseredux »

Stark wrote:

Is this the only way to get it digitally right now?

I don't see III in that bundle?

Nevermind. I'm an idiot. I'll buy this too haha.
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