Good Supervision games

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Good Supervision games

Post by Betagam7 »

I've just picked up one of these bendy handhelds. I know all about its horrible reputation for ghosting and mostly Sachen dominated games.

I picked up the game 'Chimera' with it, mostly because I was intrigued to see a port of a good C64 isometric puzzler on a handheld that is mostly associated with awful 3rd party gameboy ports.

I'd like to know if there are any other games that stand out for this system as being worth adding to my collection.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Good Supervision games

Post by Betagam7 »

Guessing the answer is 'There are none.' :lol:

Well, at least my Supervision and game made it here okay! I've got Crystball and Alien coming too so I'll give them a whirl. Anyone enjoy anything on this system?



I do have one other question. Anybody able to identify which version of the Supervision this is. I was the thinking the German Hartung version due to it having a red dpad, however all the picks I have of that one online show Hartung branding and a red rim around the screen which isn't present on mine.
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Re: Good Supervision games

Post by Anapan »

I can't say I've ever seen any Supervision games for sale ever. I've seen a couple of Watara Supervisions in the wild, but that's it - loose consoles with no games.
I would've bought the system if I could play at least one okay game on it.
Granted, I'm in Canada. The obscure games are pretty uncommon here compared to most countries.

I want to play that exclusive triangle-tetris game (Pyramid?). It looks fun, and different.

I read that Sachen (the pirate nintendo game group) was an official paid developer for the system. Some of their Gameboy games are pretty solid, if basic and derivitive (clones). I expect the ports would be worth their plastic and silicon weight price if you see them. ... upervision

I've never had enough interest to try it, but MESS and a dedicated Windows emulator "Potator" can fully emulate the Watara Supervision (it's CPU and other hardware are the same as many other devices). It'd be as easy as downloading a rom pack and you could try nearly all of them out to see which you consider worthwhile. AFAIK, unlike the Gameboy mono, none of the games developed for this system went beyond the basic mapper0 stuff (think single-screen NES Donkey-Kong, Mario, Popeye etc.) No company exploited the hardware's capabilities to do anything much more than atari 2600 type games.
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Re: Good Supervision games

Post by Betagam7 »

Anapan wrote:I can't say I've ever seen any Supervision games for sale ever. I've seen a couple of Watara Supervisions in the wild, but that's it - loose consoles with no games.
I would've bought the system if I could play at least one okay game on it.
Granted, I'm in Canada. The obscure games are pretty uncommon here compared to most countries.

I want to play that exclusive triangle-tetris game (Pyramid?). It looks fun, and different.

I read that Sachen (the pirate nintendo game group) was an official paid developer for the system. Some of their Gameboy games are pretty solid, if basic and derivitive (clones). I expect the ports would be worth their plastic and silicon weight price if you see them. ... upervision

I've never had enough interest to try it, but MESS and a dedicated Windows emulator "Potator" can fully emulate the Watara Supervision (it's CPU and other hardware are the same as many other devices). It'd be as easy as downloading a rom pack and you could try nearly all of them out to see which you consider worthwhile. AFAIK, unlike the Gameboy mono, none of the games developed for this system went beyond the basic mapper0 stuff (think single-screen NES Donkey-Kong, Mario, Popeye etc.) No company exploited the hardware's capabilities to do anything much more than atari 2600 type games.

Thanks for the info. I've since received copies of Alien and Crystball. Alien is an extremely poor R-Type Clone in the crappiest sense. Boring repetitive attack waves over dull generic backgrounds and the only use of the charge beam is to kill the occasional indestructible homing enemy.

Crystball is actually quite good fun. It's much better and more innovative than it's boring GB counterpart 'Alleyway'. However I've reached an impasse at stage 20 and believe that the level may be next to impossible to complete.

I've also received disturbing information about Chimera and several other games for the system suggesting that they may be unfinished or impossible to complete due to bad programming or glitches. Any info on this gratefully received.
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