Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

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Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by Omerta »

Figured this one will need a dedicated thread in the coming months considering the amount of Souls-borne fans on the forum.

Please post your updates, speculation, excitement, etc.

Bandai Namco - Dark Souls 3 -Announcement Trailer

So... y'all ready for this?
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by MrEco »

Very ready.

I'm a little nervous though.

To be honest, Demon's Souls constantly kicked my ass. Even on the occasions when I go back to it, it still kicks my ass. Dark Souls kicked my ass the first few times, but no longer kicks my ass. Dark Souls 2 never really kicked my ass. Bloodborne occasionally kicked my ass, but for the most part lacked in ass kicking capability.

Basically what I'm saying is that every Souls/Borne game has gotten easier than the last, except for Bloodborne which was a bit of a challenge sometimes.

I'm really hoping that Dark Souls 3 does not continue the trend and become even easier. I'm hoping it can be back up to the difficulty of Demon's or Dark 1.
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by Omerta »

Not surprising, but it sounds like it will actually play more like Bloodborne than a Souls game.

Miyazaki wrote:“The player character moves faster than the previous two installments and can be controlled more intuitively.”

“There are a lot of tough situations waiting for players but at the same time we’re offering reasonable solutions, [such as] this faster moving character control system.”

“We will be deepening the features attached to each weapon... That will widen the range of the tactical options that the player has during a battle and the role-playing elements of the game.”

Considering the minor E3 slip-up, I wonder how/if everything is tied together. The implication is that there's some resolution in the third game, but it's tough to determine since the stories thus far have been very lightly tied together if at all.

gamesradar.com wrote:"But above all, we are blessed to have such a supportive and loving community," stated Herve Hoerdt, Vice President of Marketing & Digital at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe, "and we are happy to dedicate this final episode to them!" However, director Hidetaka Miyazaki has since clarified that this isn't actually the case. Rather, it sounds like DS3 will be the last game in the current iteration of Dark Souls, a turning point game, before new themes and genres potentially step in to replace the traditional dark, high-fantasy vibe.
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by hashiriya1 »

I wanted to try out the Souls games based on all the praise they get so I just started Demon's Souls and I'm about 20 hours in. Hopefully I can get through Dark Souls I, II, Bloodborne before DSIII comes out. Demon's Souls is pretty addictive and it's surprisingly fun.
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by Omerta »

It's definitely doable. Just don't expect to have a normal life if you want to wring every drop of goodness out of them. Like have a job... or a significant other... or bathe...
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by hashiriya1 »

Omerta wrote:It's definitely doable. Just don't expect to have a normal life if you want to wring every drop of goodness out of them. Like have a job... or a significant other... or bathe...

Well shit, I have/do all 3. :(
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by MrPopo »

Played this at PAX. It was a 10 minute demo so I didn't have much chance to check out all the new nuances, but the core gameplay is what we had in Dark Souls II. The shield is back in all its glory. The dragon bridge is back as well; when I started up it I saw a lot of enemies and heard the dragon's roar and went back down the stairs in time to dodge the flames. Then he courteously cleared out the lower route for me as well. The area I was in included a lot of hollow-esque humans praying to various icons that ignored me. I could one shot them, and I don't remember if they gave souls when I killed them. But a few of them when I got close turned out to be real enemies who would pull out weapons and attack. I'm curious as to what their deal is. And there was one point where one of them exploded into some sort of fast crazy ooze monster that indiscriminately flailed around trying to kill me. I didn't get to the boss because I was taking my time and doing the methodical walk with shield raised as the games have trained me to do, whereas other people were trying to rush through and getting trashed. I did see at least one person get to the boss, though, but his resources were depleted enough and his reflexes were Bloodborne enough that he was quickly destroyed. One neat new thing I saw was that there was a weapon that was a pair of scimitars. When you first equip them you just hold a single scimitar, but if you press the two-hand button you pull out a second one and start dual wielding. I didn't check what the moves were like because I wanted my shield, but it looks like they're going to try and make dual wielding more coherent.
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Re: Dark Souls III - Praise the Sun!

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

Hey I am very interested. I am playing Dark Souls for the first time right now on PC and am loving it (currently rang the second bell and was exploring and stumbled upon the asylum from the beginning! Good time!)

I hear that Dark Souls II is worse/easier than the original. Curious to see how it will play out when I play it. Will definitely be investing in the series. I have Demon Souls on PS3, but was told to wait until I beat Dark Souls to go back and play that.
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