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Zenzizenzic now on Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:56 am
by Zenzizenzic

The Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight campaigns for Zenzizenzic are as of now live!

You'll find lots of cool stuff there, like a new trailer, beta download, exciting plans, awesome rewards and tiers and if you're quick at it you'll be able to grab the early access reward!

So check it out and if you like what you see, every bit of support would be hugely appreciated. If you have feedback, I would especially love to hear it.

Here's a bit of info about the game:
Zenzizenzic is a high paced, adrenaline infused, abstract, challenging and addictive twin stick shoot 'em up bullet hell game for Windows, Mac and Linux! It features a beautiful, cohesive and abstract art style combined with thrilling, addictive one and two player gameplay along with a soundtrack that is sure to get the adrenaline pumping!

Zenzizenzic gives the player a compelling and challenging experience that strongly motivates the feeling of "let's try one more time!". Expect five well balanced, thought out and uniquely varied levels which can be conquered with an exotic selection of weaponry, ranging from screen filling lasers to black holes and time manipulating jumps.

Zenzizenzic takes a well established genre of games and aims to lift it up to the next level through highly responsive controls, modern gameplay mechanics, a unique art style and a blasting beat. It doesn't try to reinvent the wheel of bullet hell and twin stick shoot 'em up games, it rather tries to make it the fastest, tightest and most agile of all.

The game is aimed at the players who seek a challenge. The progressive nature of the levels with each offering a new mechanic to overcome, the dynamically increasing difficulty as new enemies are introduced when the player performs well in the game and the rich and layered weapons offer the players a high skill ceiling, giving them the chance and means to test their skills to the fullest!

Zenzizenzic is scheduled for release for late July 2014 at a price point of €5.99 on digital distribution channels. It will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux. Grab it over at the Kickstarter which is currently running for 1€ off at the €5 pledge (or higher)!

And a couple of screens:
Image Image Image Image Image

Thank you kindly for your time,
Ruud Koorevaar
Developer of Zenzizenzic

Re: Zenzizenzic Kickstarter & Greenlight - Need your support

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:55 am
by Zenzizenzic
To start it off, the first 50 backer exclusive full beta access rewards (how's that for adjectives) on Kickstarter were handed out in just a few days! We can't have that, so I threw my hands up in the air, said "screw it!", went over to edit the Kickstarter page and changed the 50 to 80. You lovely folks who decide to back Zenzizenzic deserve nothing less!

So all in all, the past couple of days have been good! Here are few snippets of some awesome articles that popped up this week:

"Zenzizenzic can be favorably compared to Geometry Wars, with it’s excellent, minimal art style, high difficulty and precise gameplay. Highly recommend, it’s so damn pretty!" - Alpha Beta Gamer

"Can the world handle it? No. Absolutely not. It’s crazy. If you like crazy, however, you should check it out." - Cliqist

It seems like "crazy" is a fairly common word to describe the game, as Kotaku also states in a short:

"Announcing a new contender in the category of games with names that are difficult to pronounce, Zenzizenzic is a old-school bullet-hell style shmup that looks about as crazy as a game with that name should." - Kotaku

Crazy it is I guess! As Kaiochi in the comments at the Kotaku article says in the response to the image below:

"what the fuuuuuck is goooing onnnnn?"

Well, you know, it's just bullets and stuff and dodging enemies and things, right?

Also, last night Bestio (Twitter) streamed a bit of Zenzizenzic on his Twitch channel. If you want to see some more bits of gameplay, go check it out! And if anyone wants to stream the game, give me a shout (Twitter), I'll be sure to hang out in the chat and answer any and all questions.

Thanks for the support again!

Cheers, Ruud

Re: Zenzizenzic Kickstarter & Greenlight - Need your support

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:21 am
by Zenzizenzic
The first week is over! Happy to share that we reached 50%, passing the €1000 euro mark on the Kickstarter. There is still a ways to go, but I'd say we are on the right track!

Promotion on the game could still use a boost, so I started this initiative on the Steam Greenlight page to look for YouTubers / Twitch streamers who would be interested in playing and showing the game. Those who do will receive full beta access, and those who recommend channels will have a chance on receiving access as well. Please check it out, and if you got something to add, let me know!

Also, winners of the Steam Greenlight contest have been contacted by friends request on Steam!

Feedback on the game has been great overall. So thank you to everyone who contributed. Most notable of what I picked up and look to improve is the menu interface and 'juiciness' of in-game feedback. The menu could be a bit less clustered with stuff, so streamlining it would be a good idea. The feedback such as hitting enemies with bullets or getting hit yourself needs to be more impactful. I also want to more strongly enforce feedback on aspects such as when the player has no energy or when a boss enters the fray. A general larger amount of oomph-ness (that's a thing) will make the game feel more richer and solid and is definitely something to strive for.

So, on to week 2! Let's make it a good one!

Cheers, Ruud

Re: Zenzizenzic Kickstarter & Greenlight - Need your support

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:09 am
by Zenzizenzic
Every Thursday during the Kickstarter campaign I will share a gameplay video of a level (level 1 up to 4, level 5 will remain hidden!) and share some of the things you may encounter in that level.

This week level 2, where things get a little bit more heated as enemies actively work on making survival quite the challenge! Do note that if you do not want to get spoiled on the gameplay, then do not watch the video.

Check it out over here!


Level 2 was the level where it all started with! The enemies you see in this level are actually the enemies with which I learned a lot of basic coding bits and bobs with, such as target following and movement patterns. A lot of time was invested in this stage of development to finds ways to create interesting and effective patterns and it was probably also the most important stage.

This level was actually scrapped completely at one point and rebuilt from the ground up. While building the other levels I kept on learning about ways to make the gameplay more and more exciting. Naturally, this old level started to fall behind the others and the best way to bring it up to par was to completely redo it. A tough decision, since it feels like a step backwards, but in the end most definitely worth it!

That decision of scrapping and rebuilding was in general an important method of working during the development of Zenzizenzic. When you're quickly learning new things and you want the quality of the project to be at a stable level, it is damaging to the project in the long run if there are still, for example, old and archaic snippets of code in there. Starting from a clean slate may feel like "Oh shit, what the hell am I doing, this is going to take forever?!", but again, in the long run it will be worth it.

Also, we reached the €1300 mark on the Kickstarter! Getting closer!

Re: Zenzizenzic Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:53 am
by Zenzizenzic
For a strong push to reach €2000 on the Zenzizenzic Kickstarter I have raised the immediate full beta access reward to the first 130 backers (previously 80) for all €12 and higher pledges!

As we are now on 109 backers, there are 21 more chances left to get the immediate beta reward.

Come on over and check the Zenzizenzic Kickstarter out, give the trailer the spin!


~ Ruud

Re: Zenzizenzic now Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 7:44 am
by Zenzizenzic
Week 3 is past and we're steadily heading towards that €2000 goal on the Zenzizenzic Kickstarter!

Week 1 got us to 50% (amazing!), week 2 to 70% and week 3 almost to 90%. I'm quite happy that we were able to carry over the progress from week 2 to week 3 and I'm sure we will be able to get a good run this final week!


As usual, expect a gameplay video this Thursday, covering some of the intricacies of level 4, and possibly some cool and exciting updates in between then and now and after.

And don't forget about the Steam Greenlight campaign! If we could get Zenzizenzic on Steam it would mean the world.

So again, thank you for the support and if you might know someone who would enjoy Zenzizenzic, spreading the word really does help a lot. Let's try to get to €2000 this week!


Re: Zenzizenzic now Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:25 pm
by Zenzizenzic
Zenzizenzic got funded on Kickstarter! It is done! We made it! But there are still a couple of days left on the clock with a bunch of stretch goals left to reach, so we ain't done just yet!


Also, you can now support the Kickstarter by PayPal! All the proceeds will go towards funding the stretch goals of the Kickstarter. For more info, please head on over to:

Remember that Zenzizenzic is also on Greenlight, and the support there would be hugely appreciated. It just takes a vote, nothing more, easy like that!

And finally, a new gameplay video for level 4 is up! If you'd like to see a bit about what Zenzizenzic's level 4 is about, you can check that over here: Zenzizenzic - Gameplay Trailer: Level 4.

Thank you for the support!
- Ruud, developer of Zenzizenzic

Re: Zenzizenzic now Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:51 pm
by mjmjr25
Keep hyping this man - you're doing good.

I know there isn't much (posted) response, but rest assured folks are seeing it and appreciate the updates. You've put a lot of work into this and it looks pretty cool - keep it up.

Re: Zenzizenzic now Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:34 pm
by Zenzizenzic
mjmjr25 wrote:Keep hyping this man - you're doing good.

I know there isn't much (posted) response, but rest assured folks are seeing it and appreciate the updates. You've put a lot of work into this and it looks pretty cool - keep it up.

Haha cheers, I know, the quiet supporters are just as important :) Thanks for the kind words!

Re: Zenzizenzic now on Kickstarter & Greenlight!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:10 pm
by Zenzizenzic
Week 4 is gone and over on the Kickstarter, but a good week it was!

We got over 100% funded and we are sitting at a comfortable 135% now, including PayPal proceeds. That puts us past the first stretch goal (Gauntlet mode) and well on the way to the second (new weapon)!

If you aren’t familiar with the principle, the Gauntlet mode is about going through all the levels in a single go, with a single set of lives. Very challenging, but a lot of fun. It will require adjusting a couple of the systems in the game, such as gaining back a life for 500.000 points as that could make things a bit trivial, but I’ll make it a challenge true for any Gauntlet mode!

Just a bit to go now until the Kickstarter is over, 40 hours to be exact. Let’s hope for a good sprint the last bit.


Also, be sure to check Zenzizenzic out on Steam Greenlight and, if possible, drop a vote there, add it to your favorites, leave a comment, anything. Getting the game on Steam would be so damn amazing!

Again, thank you all so much for the support!
