Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

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Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by dsheinem »

Like many of you, I have both a "gamer" side and a "collector" side. Ideally they coincide, but not always. My gamer side seeks out games I will enjoy playing and be happy to own, but sometimes my collector side will pick something up that is supposed to be a great game, rarity, or an "important" title. The problem is that I usually find myself holding on to these games even if, after playing them, I don't really care for them.

I have several of these for each system. For example, I don't care for Castlevania SOTN ( :shock: ), but I have a black label copy that I'd be hard pressed to let go simply because the "collector" side of me thinks that it makes my PS1 collection stronger. Not having it would be a "hole." Another example would be Metal Gear for the NES. I like the MGS games, but just can't get into the 2D games. But, if it wasn't in my NES collection I'd feel like my shelf had a big empty spot. Other examples would be games like Ico for the PS2, Ecco for the Sega CD, Nights for the Saturn, Shenmue for the DC, etc. I know that these are highly regarded games and can respect the reasons that people enjoy them even if I don't. But because they are highly regarded titles, the "collector" in me couldn't imagine parting with them...

Anyone else have this problem?
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by noiseredux »

I have this problem big time. Big time, man.

For instance I have Alien Hominid for GBA. It's seriously the same game as the GameCube version, except I had to go through crazy importing to get it, and paid about 7 times as much for it as the GCN version. And WHY do I have it? Well, because it's a really rare GBA game, and I'm y'know "the Game Boy guy."

I also end up with games I don't really like because of this. I've gone through so many Pokemon games, even though I am not a Poke fan, just because they're sort of "essentials" if you're a GB collector. Sadly, I still need Red. Sigh.
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by pjvdg »

I'm a NES/SNES/Genesis/Game Gear/Master System collector and I'm ok with the fact that I'm never going to get all the games anyway so I try to find ones that are really worth their price.

For example I'd like to buy back all the NES games I had as a kid (sold them all, to much regret later) and some special ones like Elite.

But like you said, selling carts is a whole different story... that would be much more difficult for me, even if the game isn't all that great :)
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by alexis524 »

welcome to the club. i'm in that same boat too. I tend to hold on to games that i don't care for just to boost my collection and have really, no time or the desire to play again. EVAR. One look at my backloggery shows i've completed maybe 10 titles out of 360. i guess that makes me a...a hoarder. :oops:
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by dsheinem »

pjvdg wrote:I'm a NES/SNES/Genesis/Game Gear/Master System collector and I'm ok with the fact that I'm never going to get all the games anyway so I try to find ones that are really worth their price.

Oh yeah, I am not talking about completion. If that's a goal, you will obviously pick up junk and have no regrets. I'm referring to systems that you never intend to really try to collect a complete set, but for which you want a respectable library of the best and most sought after titles - even if you don't care for some of those games!
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by Merz »

I try not to collect much of anything but there are a few games I have that I wouldn't get rid of even though its been maybe 10 years since I've played them. They have some sentimental value I guess. Though I would like original and complete copies of every game I like I would never pay what some of them are worth.

Money has many uses and hanging on to an object you don't feel any use for is money wasted... or invested, Is the price of retro games expected to go up?
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by Flake »

I go through this phase every couple of years. I get obsessed with collecting the 'definitive' library for a system, getting all the games that make that system stand out.

And then I remember that I hate Resident Evil 4 and that Final Fantasy games suck.

So I just pull the collection out, do a sell off (like right now /plug), and put that money into something else.

...which usually turns out to be me trying to collect the 'definitive' library for a system, getting all the games that make that system stand out.

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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by Limewater »

I can identify with the subject line of this topic, but not necessarily the details of the first couple of posts. Just like with books, I simply can't part with a video game. I was up to three gamecubes, so I decided to give one to my nephews. I had a hard time including the copy of "Burnout" (my older nephew loves that game), even though I had only ever played it to make sure it worked. I'm probably more of a pack rat than a collector.

EDIT: Interesting note, but I think I just had to hit the submit button four times in a row to get this posted because new messages.
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by alienjesus »

For games I know are meant to be good, I'll normally keep hold of them. My opinion has changed before, and it's nice to keep hold of games that are of a certain quality, even if they werent your ideal games. Middling to bad games though, I have no issues getting rid of. I used to though (I didn't like getting rid of any games), until I recently sold 8 of my rubbish games and got Donkey Kong '94 and Link'sAwakening DX with the money I made. Still got half of the money left too :D
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Re: Keeping games you don't like to have a better collection?

Post by Gamerforlife »

Well I'm a completist. For example, if I am downloading music from an album, I will get every single track, even if there is only three or four songs I like. If I play a game I like even a little bit, I'll usually want to get all the trophies/achievements unless they are stupid, pointless or especially annoying to get. So as a collector, I'm the same way. I don't like Shenmue, but I have a copy that I don't plan on getting rid of because my Dreamcast collection would be lacking without it. It's not in the greatest condition. It's an old used copy I bought from a Blockbuster years ago. The fact that I don't love the game is probably why I haven't gotten around to getting a better copy, but it's still something I keep in my collection

I maintain a focus on getting what I like when I collect, but I'll snatch up anything that's notable regardless of my feelings towards it. I have complete copies of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and the Digital Devil Saga games even though I don't like them, just because they're Shin Megami Tensei games. Every RPG fan worth his salt knows how well respected they are, especially in Japan. They are necessary parts of every serious PS2 collection, particularly for RPG fans, which I am(though I don't consider myself a hardcore one)

To use another example, I think VGA grading is kind of silly. I think for anyone who collects sealed games there is no reason to be that obsessive about it. However, I'd like to have one in my collection some day just so I can say that I have one.
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:
Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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