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Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:46 am
by PartridgeSenpai
Kitty looks not nearly as concerned as he should be that he is being EATED

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:02 pm
by Jagosaurus
Jagosaurus wrote:Well... she's 11. She acts both young/spunky and old/cranky these days. A very loyal dog who never leaves my side if it's up to her. She's my 8 lb guard dog :)


So guys... sadden to say Bella (pictured above) had to be put to sleep earlier this month. She was 13.5 years old. I was in the room with her. Tough.

Her quality of life had dropped drastically over the last couple years. She was going blind, had only half her teeth (yes, we cleaned them & had bad professional removed by vet), was nearing complete deafness, & they're pretty sure she was experiencing kidney failure.

It was a rough week, but it was the right decision. I was dreading this thread being bumped... but then I actually went & looked at the pics I'd posted that day.

She sat through 10,000s of hours of remote laptop work, TV, & games with me over the past decade. We lost a good friend, but man... the years were good 8)

Edit: Fun gaming related pic about 6 years ago


Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:22 pm
by marurun
Sorry to hear you lost such an important part of the family. Pets really are family.

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:37 pm
by Jagosaurus
@marurun, appreciate that. She wasn't my dog, but we protected the same ppl for 10+ years. I was the one who fed/water-ed her, & let her outside the most so she'd chill with me when everyone went to bed :lol: ... I was okay with her putting everyone else in the fam first. We had that in common. Cool dog man. It'll be awhile before I do it again.

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:05 pm
by Anapan
@Jag Sorry to hear that. The one pictured is Fuchikoma Mk. 6 (I usually adopt old cats, and nickname family members' cats the same name if they're living in my house). I'm the one who ends up getting them put down when necessary.

I think Fuchi 6's special power is default regurgitation. I'm taking care of my nephew's cat as well, and recently the two of them have started competing to eat all the food. They end up leaving it on the floor wet but unchewed even shortly after winning. Had to restrict the amount in each of their dishes.

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 8:10 pm
by Ziggy
So sorry to hear that, Jag.

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 10:47 pm
by Ack
Yeah, sorry to hear, Jag. But it sounds like you had a wonderful dog who enjoyed life with you.

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:49 am
by Jagosaurus
Thanks gents. 8)

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:20 am
by samsonlonghair
That stinks, Jag. Sorry to hear that. :(

Re: Pet Pics

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:27 pm
by Note
Hey Jag, just wanted to say sorry about your dog. It's tough losing a pet that's been around for so long and brought joy to your family.