Wii: A failure

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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by classicgamer5 »

AmishSamurai wrote:You say nobody is putting forth logical arguments, but yours consists of fingers in ears and "LA! LA! LA! WII IS A FAILURE BRINGS NOTHING NEW FUCKING CASUALFAGS BAWWWWW!"


This here is a failure. Not the radiating fail from it.


This is currently the highest-selling console this generation, and one of Nintendo's greatest successes.

I want the black system, anyone know the release date?
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by pelham123 »

There's about 4 or 5 titles that I've really enjoyed on the Wii... but then, there's only about 4 titles I've enjoyed on XBOX 360 and 3 titles I like on Playstation 3. The console certainly has not lived up to its hype, the controls turned out to be not as revolutionary as imagined... but it's not a failure as a games machine. I've been playing both Sin & Punishment 2 and New Super Mario Bros. these past few weeks, whilst my other consoles sit gathering dust. In retrospect, with only another month left in the year - I think that New Super Mario Bros. is probably my game of 2009. For those interested... Shadow Complex, Ikaruga, REZ HD, Portal. Uncharted (1&2), MGS4 and Shatter. The other wii titles are Murumasa, House of the Dead Overkill and Muscle March(!)
GSZX1337 wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that the OP's referring to his Dreamcast as a girl?

both let you stick things in them for amusement...
both usually end up costing you a fortune over time...
and both whine incessantly...
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by elvis »

kingmohd84 wrote:Would any one be upset if I announced the Wii a videogame failure?
Maybe a lot of you will, but truth is, this is how I see it.

What's your definition of "failure"?

Nintendo's definition of "success" is making money. And they're doing plenty of that. In fact, for the first 3 years straight of the Wii/360/PS3 battle, Nintendo were making more money than Sony and Microsoft COMBINED (limited to console and game sales).

silverback wrote:I fail to see the sense in not equipping the wii with HD output, its stupid.

Stupid from whose point of view? Nintendo made profit from every console sold from day dot. Microsoft and Sony lost money on consoles for the first 2 years (hoping to recoup the losses in game sales later on). Nintendo managed to do so thanks entirely to being a low-cost console (both for production and for shelf-price during the early years).

All the anti-Wii comments in this thread are pretty interesting, but what people fail to realise is that forum-going people like yourselves represent about 1% of the Wii market. Most Wii players are going to be people who aren't terribly tech-savvy, don't have a second current-gen console, and don't spend much time on the tubes outside of facebook.

These are also the sorts of people who can't tell the difference between standard and hi def, nor stereo/5.1. We all know people like these - friends of my wife went out and bought a "high def" TV (1024x768 res 42" cheap POS) and went on about how great the "hi def" image was (watching DVDs via composite cable, forcing SD res from their $50 DVD player). Guess what: they also own a Wii, and think it's the best thing since sliced bread playing Mario Kart and Wii Bowling (and all in standard def, 4:3 stretched horribly to 16:9 because they can't figure out how to change the aspect ratio). And all Nintendo hear is the sound of money.

"Success", "failure", "smart", "stupid" - all words that depend entirely on which side of the fence you sit on. Hardcore gamer? Yeah, the Wii probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense to you. Nintendo don't care though, as they're still printing their own money. :)

For the record, I own a Wii and a dozen games that I absolutely adore. I've only just purchased a PS3 (hasn't arrived yet) and am looking forward to a number of titles on it. I don't have bias towards (or against) any particular console or brand, as I realise they all fill different sectors of the market, and provide me with different types of titles.
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by RCBH928 »

I do understand a lot of the points that all of you make,
and perhaps I wasn't clear or have not used the word "failure" in the right way.

Clearing things up, when I said a failure I didn't mean this stuff:

*Wii is a financial failure
*Wii is a dull system, or not fun to play
*Wii has 0 good games

What I meant is that the Wii as a console is not special in any way, we were not going to miss any games the Wii brought to the table.
I know some of you would tell me the Wii has motion controls, YES, but I WISH they would use. Its just for point and click, and shaking. Even Nintendo does not utilize it.

Every one says that the Wii opens a new market for the "casual" gamer. Can any one please explain to me what games are possible on Wii that are NOT possible even on last generation systems?
I know it has motion control, but last I heard motion controls gets boring and tiresome after some time. Plus I honestly believe pressing buttons is easier than pressing buttons AND moving.

I may be making my point in the wrong crowd, because this is a retro forum, and this what the Wii is, Everything old. It is a bunch of old games, remakes, ports, and inferior multiplats.

I am sorry, I have to go with reviews, because I simply do not have the money or time to go through 1000's of games to know which game works for me. I look at the review and see if it will appeal to me.

Maybe we can settle something,
tell me games that are on the Wii that are not possible on ps3/360, or have no equivalent . Sure, Wii Sport+Resort , but honestly will you buy a console for 2 games?
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by Ack »

Well, if you've got genre preferences, I would think to start there. If you like fighters, search them out. If you like shooters, try those. It's not as hard as you think to sift through it all.

I would say Let's Tap couldn't be done on another console, at least not with their current technology.

The ease of light gun games is quite nice too, so Ghost Squad, House of the Dead: Overkill, House of the Dead 2 & 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles...I have to buy special controllers for other consoles to play light gun games, whereas the Wiimote comes just like I require. Point and clicks like Broken Sword can be done, but again, the Wiimote makes this considerably easier without having to buy specialty controllers such as a mouse, or just sitting down and suffering through the experience, as I did with the X-Files game on PS1.

The Wiimote also guides the flashlight in Ju-On and The Calling in an interesting manner...basically where I point the Wiimote is where the flashlight is supposed to go in The Calling, while Ju-On's is apparently based on a similar design. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories uses a similar mechanic, though it arguably could have been done similarly to Alan Wake for the Xbox 360, though that's from what I've seen in game footage, not from having played(neither is out yet). It may be that the mechanics are far different, and only the Wii could handle Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Fragile looks similar in its flashlight control as well.

I would argue that Red Steel couldn't be done...yes, the first person gun battles could, and a similar targeting reticule was in use in GoldenEye on the N64, if you were willing to hold a button to aim, but the sword mechanics in Red Steel could not be done.

Titles like Wii Sports or the newest Punch-Out!! could likely be done, but they would be significantly less interesting without the motion mechanics involved. Perhaps it is that degree of interactivity that makes them worth playing.

Anyway, those are just a few examples from my admittedly limited experience with the console.
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by Hobie-wan »

kingmohd84 wrote:I do understand a lot of the points that all of you make,
and perhaps I wasn't clear or have not used the word "failure" in the right way.

Clearing things up, when I said a failure I didn't mean this stuff:

*Wii is a financial failure
*Wii is a dull system, or not fun to play
*Wii has 0 good games

So just what are you basing you opinion that it is a failure then?
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by Dylan »

Hobie-wan wrote:
kingmohd84 wrote:I do understand a lot of the points that all of you make,
and perhaps I wasn't clear or have not used the word "failure" in the right way.

Clearing things up, when I said a failure I didn't mean this stuff:

*Wii is a financial failure
*Wii is a dull system, or not fun to play
*Wii has 0 good games

So just what are you basing you opinion that it is a failure then?

Wondering this myself.
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by noiseredux »

kingmohd84 wrote:*Wii is a financial failure

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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by elvis »

kingmohd84 wrote:What I meant is that the Wii as a console is not special in any way, we were not going to miss any games the Wii brought to the table.

There are plenty of Wii exclusives that make it worth the cost of entry (assuming you like the genres - see Ack's previous post).

As for the "reviews" comment above, there are a number of games on metacritic rated way below what I considered to be their true value. Ghost Squad in my very personal opinion is a brilliant light gun game (a genre I love to bits), and the 69/100 mark is 20 points lower than what I'd give it. (Again, citing personal preference).

Ack wrote:The ease of light gun games is quite nice too, so Ghost Squad, House of the Dead: Overkill, House of the Dead 2 & 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles...I have to buy special controllers for other consoles to play light gun games, whereas the Wiimote comes just like I require. Point and clicks like Broken Sword can be done, but again, the Wiimote makes this considerably easier without having to buy specialty controllers such as a mouse, or just sitting down and suffering through the experience, as I did with the X-Files game on PS1.

Ack covers the point brilliantly, so I'll merely quote in agreement.

I certainly don't think the Wii is a failure, and I definitely appreciate some of the titles it has brought to us. I'm looking forward to my copy of Tatsunoko versus Capcom arriving some time in January - another Wii exclusive, and another genre of game I absolutely love.
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Re: Wii: A failure

Post by miked »

Well the Wii is obviously not a failure. In sales and games.

I had a Wii that I bought at launch for a year. Now that first year was pretty rough. NOTHING that good really came out, and after I beat Metroid Prime 3 I sold it. In my defense I had lost my job and desperate times call for desperate measures.

Then good games started rolling out like mad shortly after. I think the library kicks some ass now and those early days are old news, but people act like thats still the case. I still regret selling it and might have made a few "Wii sucks" comments just to give me an easy excuse, but I really do miss it.

I hope the wii keeps selling like wild though, because it sure will be nice to roll into gamestop for a $30 Wii in a few years. People might even be giving them away with how many that are being sold.
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