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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:43 pm
by ElkinFencer10
Tanooki wrote:The NXXX controller, aka the Wii Oooooh. Fun for all ages.

As long as those ages are at least 18. Otherwise you'll be getting a visit from Chris Hansen and his TV crew.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:43 am
by Reprise
It's official. The NX will be launching worldwide in March 2017. Zelda will be released for Wii U and the NX in March 2017.

Bizarrely, Nintendo say the NX will NOT be revealed at E3 and the only game they will be showcasing is the new Zelda... WTF? I hope it's a white lie.

Nintendo also claim the NX is a "brand new concept" for games consoles...

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:05 am
by Exhuminator
Reprise wrote:Bizarrely, Nintendo say the NX will NOT be revealed at E3 and the only game they will be showcasing is the new Zelda... WTF?

Nintendo prefers Nintendo Direct. I really don't blame them on that.
Reprise wrote:Nintendo also claim the NX is a "brand new concept" for games consoles...

Hmm. I don't know how "brand new" it can be, when Wii U Zelda and NX Zelda can have a simultaneous release. There's gotta be some commonality between the systems for that to be possible. The "brand new concept" might have to do with the NX's supposed ability to offload processing to associated devices. Such as using the NX handheld as a coprocessing unit for the console itself.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:06 am
by ElkinFencer10
I am VERY pleased that it's getting a 2017 release. I'm not sure how good an idea a March release vs a holiday release will be, though. I'm disappointed by the lack of an E3 reveal, and I'm a little surprised, but as Ex said, it's also in line with Nintendo's norm.

This "brand new concept" thing makes me nervous. It will either be amazing or another disaster. Then again, I'm a Southerner, so change in general makes me nervous, so take my worries with a grain of salt. :lol: Either way, I'm excited.


Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:13 am
by fastbilly1
I am optimistic, but probably wont be day one buy. My 3ds is rarely used and my Wiiu is collecting dust since the winter.

Wild thought, what if the NX uses the Wiiu as its tv hub. You could use the NX as a handheld, but install Wiiu games through the Wiiu itself. So something like Zelda Wiiu, doesnt have to be ported, just installed. The technology is there in the price range Nintendo likes to keep new devices. That way the NX is literally a portable Wiiu but without a Disc drive.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:58 am
by Tanooki
Called it on them tossing WiiU under the bus with the next (like TP GC.) That game can't be a system seller outside of Zelda lovers who also are into huge open world games. I do question the launch time, but if they couldn't have enough ready by then good as it's better to not go off half cocked under supplied both in finished ready games and hardware.

I won't buy this out of the gate either if it's a console, they lost my trust, unless it's some weird android box with their NintendOS, then maybe I'd be more ready to jump in early than wait awhile. (Not that they'd allow side loading obviously.) The idea of not showing it at E3 seems really stupid, probably a lie, or they really have lost their minds. I think still their brand new concept will be they show off Zelda on the wiiU, then show a handheld that can run it as nice or better due to the scalable technology junk they used to rattle on about while combining their internal R&D into one for hardware dev (console+portable.) If that NX is a handheld device that can piggy back a WiiU base shelf unit to run off the TV as a choice, that would be something too (or their own unit that isn't that.)

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:04 am
by Exhuminator
Tanooki wrote:I do question the launch time

I wager Nintendo wants to use Christmas 2016 time to push and offload the last of its Wii U offerings, one last hurrah for that console. Then they'll release the NX early 2017 and slowly build up its momentum throughout the year culminating in a strong Christmas 2017 onslaught. Makes business sense to me.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:10 am
by ZBomber
I was expecting Zelda to be released simultaneously on WiiU/NX, so that isn't surprising. But what is surprising is NX won't be featured at E3.

Nintendo as a company has been making some very terrible decisions, this generation in particular. They seem to be completely out of touch with any gamer that lives outside of Japan. They're already alienating a large chunk of their fanbase that bought a WiiU that received very little support, and now they are going to miss out on an even larger chunk of the general population by not unveiling their new system on the world's biggest stage. I'm sure we'll get a Nintendo direct, but surely that will not receive as much attention. And this is coupled with the "New" 3DS debacle, the censoring of JP games, stagnated western releases, an abundance of mostly unwanted spinoff titles, randomly deleting people's Mario Maker stages without notice...

All that said, the NX will be a number one day purchase for me, mostly because of Zelda which is my favorite video game series. I've been a life-long Nintendo fan and I plan on staying on this ship til the very end. I really hope Nintendo gets their act together though. They can't afford another flop, and a mid-gen release seems to be setting itself up for that. I really don't want to see Nintendo go the way of Sega.

Also fastbilly, I like your idea. I've been assuming it would be some kind of hybrid system, and using the WiiU as a base would certainly make that possible/cost effective. However, there are already very few people that own a WiiU (so people would have to buy a Wii U AND an NX just to play on their TV), and the financial forecast from the company said they are planning on a large decline in WiiU/3DS sales, so I think that is unlikely. I really hope they do allow Wii U owners to install their games to the NX though. I think that would do a lot to push WiiU owners toward the NX. It seems there has to be some correlation with the Wii U.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:11 pm
by Sarge
I actually think launching too early would be disastrous. If they can get this ready to rock for March 2017, and get that hype train rolling going towards Christmas '17, they'll do just fine. They need some significant word-of-mouth, in my opinion, so the more space between the holidays, the better.

If indeed Zelda is a launch game, it looks like I'll be doing what I did with the Wii: day one purchase of game and system.

EDIT: Also, as for the censoring of games... that's a non-issue for me. It's not even new for Nintendo. And the changes are typically so small that I really don't get why people get so upset about it.

Re: NX Predictions Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:42 pm
by Reprise
I always predicted it would launch March 2017. I don't even know where that month came from, but just the other month my wife was asking me when I think it'll be released and I said "well, there's tons of speculation and rumours saying it'll be released in time for Christmas 2016, but I'd be betting on early 2017, probably March".

Come on, Christmas 2016 would have been too early for a console that hasn't even been unveiled. They need to time to build momentum and hype and market the shit out of the console.

Still, not unveiling it at E3 seems dumb as shit, as others have said. Nintendo avoiding E3s and doing their own little Nintendo Directs is part of their problem over the last few years, with their waning popularity.

Sarge wrote:EDIT: Also, as for the censoring of games... that's a non-issue for me. It's not even new for Nintendo. And the changes are typically so small that I really don't get why people get so upset about it.

Yeah, the censorship issues have been so ridiculously minor, it's not even worth sweating about. I HATE censorship, but in some instances, it seems more like a design choice to appeal more to a Western audience.

Plus, as ridiculous as it may seem, Nintendo did face heavy backlash for the release of Dead or Alive on the 3DS, due to "underage" characters. Not even a "uh it's those SJW liberal assholes" type backlash, but an actual "depicting characters portrayed to be underage in a sexualised manner is illegal in our country" type backlash. It's easier to avoid that kinda shit.