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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 6:32 am
by REPO Man

It was on AMC+, but I believe it's also on Shudder.

Eight young people decide to stay in the mall all night but soon regret it when a trio of security robots malfunction and begin to murder them.

Fun fact: the scene where one character gets her head blown up was used in a Sienna D'enema gag dub of Jem and the Holograms entitled Jiz: A Very Special Drug Episode.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:43 am
by REPO Man
Yesterday, I watched Xanadu while I was doing laundry. I forgot how much fun this film is.

And later that night, I watched They/Them on Peacock. If the film leaned more towards either being a thriller or an '80s-inspired slasher in lieu of trying to be a bit of both it might have been a bit better, and considering how good it was, that's saying something.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:22 am
by REPO Man
Last night I watched Encanto before bed. I found it quite charming.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:35 am
by REPO Man
After finding out about Killer Klowns From Outer Space getting a video game adaptation I just had to rewatch this excellent cult classic.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:23 am
by REPO Man
Evil Dead 2, easily one of the best pieces of splatstick horror ever.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:32 am
by Raging Justice
RRR a.k.a. Roudram Ranam Rudhiram a.k.a Rise Roar Revolt



There may not be a bigger action spectacle released this year. It would be easy to describe this as a big, dumb, action movie full of special effects, CGI, and crazy set pieces. It definitely is that, but that would be selling the movie short a bit. There's a lot of interesting elements here. It's a period piece movie steeped in Indian history and mythology. It's also a very epic, grandiose, somewhat melodramatic, operatic, musical (like a lot of movies from India's "Bollywood") with the type of over the top action that would not be out of place in an anime.

It's a long movie, but it's so full of energy, emotion, and charm, and it has moments that will surprise you, so it stays engaging. It tells a good story. Still, it's three hours long so be aware of that. The original theatrical release even has an intermission mid movie.



The CGI can be pretty dodgy and low budget feeling at times too. This really only applies to any scene involving animals, as the movie does crazy shit with wildlife in this movie that you just can't do with real animals LOL.

So yeah, it's not really a perfect movie, but my god did I have a good time watching it. It's fun and has some truly memorable action set pieces. This movie reminds me a bit of those crazy Stephen Chow movies like Kung Fu Hustle. It's available on Netflix, though that version has a Hindi dub rather than the original audio. On the plus side though, the dub features all of the original actors, but being that it's a dub you will notice some lip syncing issues. Though you may not notice it much as you will be spending a lot of time looking at subtitles.

So this may sound ridiculous, but this is a gaming site after all so what the hell. There are actually elements of the story that had me thinking about X and Zero from the Mega Man X series. This is lightly spoilerish:

The color/element thing that the movie hits on a lot. One guy is water (blue) and more of a boy scout type hero and is also a protector who'd probably love to avoid violence but gets put into situations where it is his only option. He's X. The other guy is fire (red) and is far more aggressive in nature and seems willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals with a cold, calm, collected attitude. Inevitably he ends up questioning what he's fighting for and if some of the awful things he is willing to do in pursuit of his goals are justified for the greater good. He's the guy walking a fine line between being a hero or a villain and there is always a dark aura surrounding him in the movie (not literally, but figuratively). He's Zero. In true Mega Man X fashion, the story line plays around with the idea of these two close friends being fated to fight each other, possibly to the death. It's like the whole Mega Man X thing of two people whose lives are fated to be intertwined either as friends or enemies. Ultimately though, they fight for the same goals (like X and Zero), which is to save their people (kind of like X/Zero fighting for reploids), and or portrayed as far more larger than life than any other characters in the movie.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:10 am
by PretentiousHipster
Slowly getting back into movies. Saw a select few:

Curdled: I assume this was made by Tarantino's protégé? The film failed and was really hated, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. It's about a woman obsessed with murder that works for a crime scene cleanup company. Incredibly cute, charming, and dare I say wholesome, especially when considering its plot. I'm surprised this isn't considered a cult classic, especially when there is a huge following on true crime these days.

Recoil: Perfect if you're into absurd 90s action movies, but it lacked that vulgar style that I prefer with my action films. It also wastes too much time on a bad plot, and the action sequences can be just a bit too long, making it lack in variety.

Banshee: I was curious to see this because it was made during the Fast and Furious craze. Someone steals a car, and it turns out it was owned by a serial killer who tortures his way to get back to her. That part was hilarious, but the lead was not convincing at all to me.

The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography: A political film so I won't go too in-depth into it, but it's amazing how depressing and disturbing some porn can be if you watch it without the mindset of getting off on it.

The Homesman: Tommy Lee Jones actually directed this. Honestly easily one of the best westerns I've seen. Incredibly in-depth and flawed characters.

Blood Bath: Hilarious 60s vampire film, but actually a cool look at the male gaze, if you don't mind it being unsubtle, but then again it's directed by an exploitation director and an artsy feminist director. Lots of shots of cleavage and at the same time men admiring the looks of women through paintings. A great mix of trash and a more in-depth look.

Pompeii: As bad as most of his films are, I do consider Paul W. S. Anderson to a great director in terms of vulgar auterism, so basically maximalism. This was a hilarious melodrama at first, but the "pompeii" part made it stand out. The melodrama literally gets intterupted mid-scene because of the volcanic eruption. I wonder if Titanic did the same approach (didn't see it in ages), because it honestly came across as subversive. Kiefer Sutherland being the castling choice of an evil Roman senator was a hilarious choice :lol:

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:48 am
by REPO Man
I've seen Banshee before. It starred Taryn Manning and Christian Campbell, right? I thought Christian Campbell was gorgeous in this. He was also great in Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical.

Also, am I crazy or does he and his sister Neve look like twins? If there was a Wonder Twins film made in the 90s the would have been EXCELLENT choices.

Any if anyone watches French New Wave cinema have probably already heard that Jean-Luc Godard passed away recently. Seems like just yesterday I saw his iconic film Breathless for the first time.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:53 am
by Limewater
PretentiousHipster wrote:Pompeii: As bad as most of his films are, I do consider Paul W. S. Anderson to a great director in terms of vulgar auterism, so basically maximalism. This was a hilarious melodrama at first, but the "pompeii" part made it stand out. The melodrama literally gets intterupted mid-scene because of the volcanic eruption. I wonder if Titanic did the same approach (didn't see it in ages), because it honestly came across as subversive. Kiefer Sutherland being the castling choice of an evil Roman senator was a hilarious choice :lol:

I almost feel bad for Paul W. S. Anderson. Almost.

How many times has the following happened?

Fan: I loved There Will be Blood!
PWSA: I didn't direct that...
Fan: Oh. Sorry... But Bottle Rocket was amazing!
PWSA: ... I made the Resident Evil movies.
Fan: Kate Beckinsale made such a beautiful vampire!
PWSA: I want to be alone now.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:22 pm
by Michi
I haven't updated in...well, forever. So I'm just gonna try to make a series of quick posts to try to catch up-

Haunted Dormitory: White Paper Girl (2017)


More Chinese ghost sleuthing shenanigans. Except the ending for this one is even more dumb than the other one. The film is cheesy, but it would at least be a fun cheesy if the subtitles were well put-together. But their not, so it's kind of a chore to watch through this odd Scooby-Doo-like, ghost story.

Cold Light of Day


A Docu-drama based on the Scottish serial killer Dennis Nilsen, who strangled and killed at least a dozen young men and boys in London between 1978 and 1983. It's not a bio-pic, as it takes too many liberties with the facts, but it's still a very accurate and creepy portrayal of a very disturbed dude. The effects are a little hokey, but they're enough to give you a pretty clear image of the real-life things he did.



A movie about a kindly old lady to gets turned into a werewolf/vampire/ghoulish beast, and the dutiful son who tries to keep her out of trouble despite the immense toll it's taking on his own life. It's the kind of horror movie that's not really a horror movie, because it's main focus is on the bond between a mother and her son. It's rather touching if you think about it, really, because that's not something that's often focused on in horror movies. But at the same time those moments really bog down the horror aspects peppered throughout, so the movie walks away with some serous tonal issues.

Within the Rock


A Made-for-TV Sci-Fi channel movie made in the mid-90s, back when the spelling of the channels name made sense and before it fell into that spectacularly crappy period. This is pretty much an Alien rip-off, but it's a decent Alien rip-off, so I'll cut it some slack. But mind you, I only said 'decent'. The story is decent, the cast is decent, and they had a decent enough budget to make the monster look pretty gnarly if you don't stare at it too long. But the plotting has some issues (be prepared for a lot of HOT DRILLING ACTION!), the characters make some very painfully stupid decisions, and the CGI is utter crap. But thankfully that last bit only amounts to a couple of minutes of footage, so it's not too bad. Overall, not a bad dumb sci-fi movie to waste your time with.



Oh, look! Another Made-for-TV movie, except this one is from the 70's. It's...not great. But it's also surprisingly dark considering the time-frame it was made in. There also aren't as many gargoyles as you'd expect for a film titled as such. I'm also horribly confused by their motivations. They're supposed to be destroying humanity, but they seem to spend most of their time kidnapping humans, rather than killing them. Very odd. But also very of it's time, considering they added in a random, pointless car chase scene. Oh well, at least the make-up effects were pretty good (thanks, Stan Winston!)

River's Edge


Yes, I watch things other than horror occasionally. Be amazed.

This one is a crime drama based on a real-life murder that happened in Milpitas, California in 1981 where a kid killed his girlfriend, showed the body to damn near everyone he knew, and no one said a thing about it for days. Which is basically the plot of this film, along with some included, not so subtle commentary about the dangers of drugs, the moral degradation of today's youth, and, basically, how everyone sucks. It technically counts as a "Teen" flick, but instead of something like Pretty in Pink, this film's focus is murder and death, and the dangers of the growing ambivalence of latch-key kids. It's got a great cast including Dennis Hopper and a slightly crazy Crispin Glover, though, so at the very least you should walk away either highly entertained or concerned for their sanity.

That's all for now, but I've got, like, 17 more to go, so I'll be back to post more later.