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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:30 am
by MrPopo
It's the first half of the book, which is a pretty prototypical hero's journey story. And the midway point is when the hero is at a low point before they begin to grow and affect the world. It's as if Fellowship had been adapted as two movies and had the end of the first movie be the council at Rivendell.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:53 am
by Michi
Write-ups for the last two weeks...

Doom Asylum


A group of friends and a female punk band wander around an old hospital that also happens to be inhabited by a disfigured, deranged killer, who doesn't seem to like visitors and has a penchant for dad jokes.

Oi. This movie. It's so dumb. I think it's trying to come across as stupid fun, but it falls flat and just ends up feeling stupid. And it likes to think it's more clever than it is, which just makes it dumber. It also thinks it's a comedy. But that's only true in a sense that there's a chance you may laugh at how stupid, cheap, or ridiculous everything is. Other than that it's greatest claim to fame seems to be that it stars two actresses that were featured in Penthouse and Playboy, and a much younger Kristen Davis in her very first film role. I did enjoy reading all the graffiti on the walls, though. So there's that.

Thankskilling 3


The evil Turkie is back, and he's trying to track down the last remaining copy of Thankskilling 2 so that he can somehow use it to destroy the world. Standing in his way is a handful of misfits, including the creators of Thanksgiving Land, a foul-mouthed rapping grandma, a space worm, and a puppet who has literally lost her mind.

Okay, so three things right off the bat. First, no, there's not actually a Thankskilling 2. That's part of the film's "joke." Second, don't even try to decipher the movie's story because the plot doesn't make any more sense if you watch the film. And third, don't watch the film.

There, I said it.

Where the first film was a cheap, stupid slasher, this film is actually a fantasy adventure epic, but filled with raunchy puppets. So kind of like if Avenue Q and Lord of the Rings had an illegitimate child. Which might sound fun, but trust me, it is not. The film quite literally throws just about everything the filmmakers could think to include on the screen, but instead of being fun or interesting it's just boring. And considering all the crap going on, that's saying something. When I got to the point where I wanted the film to end, I checked the time and realized, to my horror, that the movie was only half-way done, and by the time the film was over I was just happy that the movie had decided to finally end my suffering. I went in expecting 'stupid fun' or at least 'so bad, it's good' fun, but I was tricked.

Don't be like me. Don't be tricked.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 2:02 am
by Michi
New write-up time....

Gingerdead Man


A crazed killer who found his end in the electric chair, comes back from the dead so he can get revenge on the family whose testimony condemned him. With the help of some witchcraft, his ashes are used to help him be reborn... as an 8-inch tall trash-talking gingerbread cookie in his planned victim's bake shop. Heaven help us.

Oi, this movie. This is another film with a dumb premise that I was expecting to be stupid fun, but unlike Thankskilling 3, it was neither stupid nor fun. Turns out it was just painfully boring. I don't know how a movie with such a campy premise could end up being so painfully dull, but somehow Full Moon pulled it off. In some ways that should be an accomplishment within itself. Dull characters, dumb dialogue, paper-thin story, and shockingly poor video quality for a film that was released in 2005. I am not exactly looking forward to the sequels.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:18 pm
by opa
I watched the new Resident Evil movie today. I really enjoyed it. I'm a fan of the older movies for what they are (out-there, cheesy action movies) but the new film is a respectable entry that I wouldn't mind a sequel to.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:55 am
by TheSSNintendo
Watched both of the Amazing Spider-Man movies yesterday.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:19 pm
by Michi
I've decided to do new write-ups all December, so here's the next new one for my unofficial winter-themed, mostly murder month:

Chill Factor


A group of friends head out into the middle of nowhere to do a little snowmobiling. Inevitably, one of them gets seriously hurt and the group if forced to take shelter in an abandoned camp building. Being stuck in a blizzard, the friends are already in a bit of a pickle, but when they find an abandoned Ouija board and inadvertently release a demon, their already dire situation turns even more dangerous.

The film is basically a rip off of Evil Dead, but relocated to a winter-scape and filled with more religious imagery. Which would all be fine and good, if the movie's own 'in universe' logic didn't fly out the window in the final act. The film even seems to realize that parts of the plot don't make a lick of sense, and tries to explain away some of its own inconsistencies with the inclusion of a sporadic narrator who pops in and out with the occasional explanation. But even then it's still obvious that the last third of the film only happens because the writers wanted it to happen that way or thought it would look good in the movie. Other than that, the film is your typical low-budget slasher outing filled with a couple of good ideas, a lot of padding, a couple buckets of blood, and some surprisingly tastefully done nude scenes in which you don't actually see any nudity. Though I will give the film some extra credit for having a decent atmosphere and actually filming on-site out in the snow-filled wilderness. It really helps add to the ambiance.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:49 pm
by REPO Man

Definitely worth a watch.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:08 pm
by PretentiousHipster
Haven't seen it but I watched a few youtube videos on what made this film so awful lol it's making me curious to see it.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:57 am
by REPO Man

Scored the recently released Naughty Cut that Shout Factory put out. So glad I did and kinda bummed I didn't see this sooner.

Also the late great Conchata Ferrell is great in this.

Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:07 pm
by REPO Man
Not a movie, but I watched the Jinkx and Dela Holiday Special on Hulu, an unhinged special revolving around drag queens Jinkx Monsoon and BenDeLaCreme, with Dela being hella excited about Christmas, much to Jinkx's chagrin. Also Varla Jean Merman plays Dela's late grandmother manifesting as sentient eggnog. And apparently Jinkx's perpetually naked trickā€¦

is Jesus.