Random Gaming Thoughts

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by marurun »

isiolia wrote:
marurun wrote:I think if they were a bit longer they would work better for pointing. But they're so small. And they also rely solely on gyros and not an LED bar, so it's probably harder to reorient.

JoyCons have an IR sensor in the bottom of 'em. Dual Shock 4s can be used for motion control via gyro only, though I've rarely seen it used in a "pointing" fashion (Blue Estate can use them as pseudo light guns just using that though, offhand).

The right JoyCon has an IR sensor that has a lot of hypothetical functionality, but I'm not aware, as of yet, of it being used with any kind of sensor bar or similar device in a motion control capacity. It very likely could be used that way, but I'm not yet aware of any announced plans to do so. But I suspect the Switch's gyro-based motion control capacity is likely more advanced than Wii Motion+.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

isiolia wrote:To an extent, sure. Going back to your original point about Nintendo returning focus to the core audience... maybe your answer for that is right there. The Wii came out in late 2006, and the first iPhone in 2007. For as well as the Wii ended up selling, smartphones ended up eclipsing it many times over. The kind of (objectively) casual gamers that some of the Wii's design direction was meant to capture ended up far more likely to just play games on their phone or tablet.

Excellent observation! The Wii was designed in an era where people were using simple phones and to fill the gaming desires, they needed a separate gaming device, now their smartphones double-up as a gaming device which has free online-multiplayer service too. There is a lot of social games to keep them engaged and connect with their social networks beyond what any 1 console can and on the go.

isiolia wrote:
I don't think it's quite the same thing. The Wii sold to a lot of people that just weren't otherwise in the market for a game console. To some extent, they did the same with the DS too, with things like Brain Training titles. At least, that's what I saw - the first person in my family to own a DS was my mom. She ended up buying at least one of my brothers one too, and literally the only things they had for them were those little brain teaser type titles. All abandoned for mobile stuff.

The Switch is more of a combined strategy. It's taking the folks that would have bought a Nintendo console anyway, for the first party IPs, for couch multiplayer, etc, and merging that customer base with the portable one, which they've dominated since ever. The success of the platform is bringing in the ports, just like it always does. It's a broadly successful system, but pretty much within the established customer base.
Arguably, stuff like Labo or some of the initial releases like 1-2-Switch are attempts at appealing to other audiences, but they don't exactly seem to have succeeded in doing that like Wii Sports did.

I couldn't agree more

Nintendo sure is dominant and actually almost the single provider of hand-held gaming, but unintentionally the android/ios platform has outgrew it to become the dominant hand-held/mobile gaming device. I really do believe there are more gamers, more games, and developers make more money on android/ios than DS or The Switch.

Games quality, though, is for a different topic...

marurun wrote:The right JoyCon has an IR sensor that has a lot of hypothetical functionality, but I'm not aware, as of yet, of it being used with any kind of sensor bar or similar device in a motion control capacity. It very likely could be used that way, but I'm not yet aware of any announced plans to do so. But I suspect the Switch's gyro-based motion control capacity is likely more advanced than Wii Motion+.

This is interesting to build in hardware but not use it, usually manufacturers drop hardware to make it cheaper. Reminds me of the PSX serial and parallel ports on the PSX. I wonder how many people made use of it.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

I think android/ios gaming would be a lot better if they built real games instead of games that just force you into non-stop ads and microtransactions.

There are definitely some good ios games out there, but they are hard to find in such a crowded store that is filled with garbage. I would much rather every game just have an option to pay for the game and completely disable all ads and microtransactions, if that happens I may dive more into the market but as it is now it is usually more trouble than its worth.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by marurun »

pook99 wrote:I think android/ios gaming would be a lot better if they built real games instead of games that just force you into non-stop ads and microtransactions.

There are definitely some good ios games out there, but they are hard to find in such a crowded store that is filled with garbage. I would much rather every game just have an option to pay for the game and completely disable all ads and microtransactions, if that happens I may dive more into the market but as it is now it is usually more trouble than its worth.

There are lots and lots of totally "real" games in both the Google Play and Apple App Stores, though fewer now than there used to be. The reason there are fewer now and more of the micro-transaction games is because people didn't buy enough "real" games on mobile devices. Touch screens make for a poor interaction model, and especially on iOS, controller support has always been an issue. Also, people rely on their phones for so much these days, it's hard to convince them to drain their batteries on dedicated games. And to carry a controller around with them all the time? No sale. Honestly, those addictive F2P games are what make the most money. Just like MMOs in the late aughts, developers go where the money is. Or at least where the chance of a big score is. Sad as it may be, it is what it is.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

pook99 wrote:I think android/ios gaming would be a lot better if they built real games instead of games that just force you into non-stop ads and microtransactions.

There are definitely some good ios games out there, but they are hard to find in such a crowded store that is filled with garbage. I would much rather every game just have an option to pay for the game and completely disable all ads and microtransactions, if that happens I may dive more into the market but as it is now it is usually more trouble than its worth.

1)There are "real" and with one time payment. Many of those games are "ports" . Here are some examples: Tropico, Civ VI, Baldur Gate, Planescape torment.

2)There are "touch screen original" games or games that work with touch screen better than controllers/keyboard-mouse. Ex.. Plants vs Zombies, The Room,

I assume things will get better with Xbox&PS4 controller support coming soon. Its true that smartdevices "shovelware" is a lot, but the same could be said about PCs. Game publishers just don't spend on advertising their mobile games like on console, also the media neglect mobile releases. I can not blame developers for the microtransaction and ads based games. Its what works and its what brings so much money in. Can't blame them for trying to maximize their profits. Personally, I am surprised people accepted the pay-to-play model. It was one of the things that people wanted consoles, the arcades will suck you dry.

The real problem with smartphone games is that you don't know when the support will be dropped as the OS is updated yearly.

One thing I would like to know is, on what console generation is the current graphics power of smartphones? If its on par with PS2, then its absolutely mind shattering that you can carry a PS2 in your hands!!
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

Ziggy587 wrote:I'm not a fan of cutscene heavy games. My feelings are if I want to sit and watch something then I'll watch TV or a movie. If I want to play a game, then I don't want to just sit there and watch something.

That said, I don't dislike cutscenes in games. I just prefer they not be too long. And when I get the feeling that I'm watching more than I'm playing, that's where I tend to draw the line.

Yeah, I mostly agree. Once in a while a story will really grip me but for the most part long winded cutscenes just annoy me and is probably the primary reason I play so many retro games and retro inspired indies. I booted up kingdom hearts 3 for the first time a week or 2 ago, played for about 40 minutes and actually controlled my character for about 4 of those minutes, it just sucked away my motivation for playing the game completely. I will get back to it eventually.

I get particularly annoyed when a retro platformer has a long winded opening, I mean I loved the cutscenes in Ninja Gaiden, and still do, but nowadays I feel like some of the cutscenes are way too long and irreverant.

I also hate long winded tutorials on simple games, good indie games just have signs in the background showing you what you can do and a simple obstacle that teaches you how to navigate that skill, I cannot stand long tutorial levels with long winded dialogue like " you can fire your weapon by pressing x, try firing your weapon now to blow that robot away" I'm like yeah, I played video games before I don't need a tutorial on how to jump and attack just show me what I can do and I'm good to go.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I've been playing Mother 3 on my Japanese Wii U eShop, and I only noticed booting it up this time that it flashes the Gameboy Player logo at the start. I wonder if that's why these GBA games never made it to the 3DS eShops: different emulation solutions? That still doesn't explain why there are GB/GBC games on the 3DS eShop and not on the Wii U's, granted, but I really wish they'd made a bit more of an effort to make those two storefronts have nearly equal libraries. Or at least I wish everything on 3DS had been put on Wii U, the more powerful hardware (at least until the Wii U stopped being relevant). Why not GB/GBC games on mah BIG TV?
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

@marurun and RCBH: I have played some really fun games on my android, the problem is finding them in a store that is so full of shovel ware and micro transaction filled games. I get that it is a more lucrative model so it will be featured more heavily on the store but I definitely wish there were better filters to sort through the store.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

PartridgeSenpai wrote:I've been playing Mother 3 on my Japanese Wii U eShop, and I only noticed booting it up this time that it flashes the Gameboy Player logo at the start. I wonder if that's why these GBA games never made it to the 3DS eShops: different emulation solutions? That still doesn't explain why there are GB/GBC games on the 3DS eShop and not on the Wii U's, granted, but I really wish they'd made a bit more of an effort to make those two storefronts have nearly equal libraries. Or at least I wish everything on 3DS had been put on Wii U, the more powerful hardware (at least until the Wii U stopped being relevant). Why not GB/GBC games on mah BIG TV?

Hook your PC up to your tv and play them on emulator, I had a good time playing through operation C on my 42 inch screen tv that it clearly was not designed for.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

pook99 wrote:
PartridgeSenpai wrote:I've been playing Mother 3 on my Japanese Wii U eShop, and I only noticed booting it up this time that it flashes the Gameboy Player logo at the start. I wonder if that's why these GBA games never made it to the 3DS eShops: different emulation solutions? That still doesn't explain why there are GB/GBC games on the 3DS eShop and not on the Wii U's, granted, but I really wish they'd made a bit more of an effort to make those two storefronts have nearly equal libraries. Or at least I wish everything on 3DS had been put on Wii U, the more powerful hardware (at least until the Wii U stopped being relevant). Why not GB/GBC games on mah BIG TV?

Hook your PC up to your tv and play them on emulator, I had a good time playing through operation C on my 42 inch screen tv that it clearly was not designed for.

I mean I understand that other solutions exist. I was just pondering why Nintendo decided to keep GB/GBC games off the Wii U VC. I mean if I REALLY wanted to play GB games on a big TV legit, I could always go out and just get a proper Gameboy Player or Super Gameboy or what have you.
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