Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Anapan »

@Repo: I hadn't heard of the series, but just added a few of Siactro's games to my collection; Thanks!

@Limewater: I think in movies the formula can easily get played out, and someone making a blatant ripoff of a played-out trope just feels too derivative. In video games, if it's something I really enjoyed, I'm usually disappointed that it ended, and would happily continue playing it. Often I'll play some of my favorite games over-and-over again. If a developer adds just a little to my favorite game mechanic I can jump right back in and continue enjoying the game, or if something more challenging is added to a sequel, I enjoy the added difficulty.
I haven't heard many people complain that there are too many Mega Man games, rather they lament that Capcom shelved the franchise for so long before bringing out Mega Man 11.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by marurun »

Anapan wrote:I haven't heard many people complain that there are too many Mega Man games, rather they lament that Capcom shelved the franchise for so long before bringing out Mega Man 11.

I have heard both and agree with both. By the end there Capcom was pumping out too many too quickly, so quality was in decline. But then we didn't get any for forever. It's like Capcom didn't know how to maybe release one every 2-3 years. It was either every year or nothing.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Raging Justice »

Limewater wrote:If this thread were about movies instead of games, everyone would be lamenting how there are no original ideas anymore, and everything is either a remake, reboot, or sequel.

What is different about gaming versus movies that would lead this to be a positive thing versus a negative thing? I have some ideas, but I'd prefer to hear what other people think.

I am personally pretty neutral regarding re-makes and remasters in gaming.

Well, speaking for myself, I am annoyed by a lot of things in modern gaming. So I actually like seeing old stuff coming back. That's my completely biased reasoning. I'm tired of Souls-likes, rogue likes, action games all having parry mechanics, open world games, and that's just my genre complaints. I haven't even gotten into annoying industry based stuff that big corporations keep doing LOL. There are entire youtube channels covering that stuff.

Funny you mentioned movies, I mentioned in the movie thread how I was pretty lukewarm on Fright Night from the 80s, yet absolutely loved the 2011 remake. Sometimes remakes are better.

REPO Man wrote:Frogun is so cool! I backed it on Kickstater last year.

Have you tried the Toree games?

I think I bought Frogun, then saw some negative reviews and ended up never playing it. Maybe I'll add it to the backlog and give it a shot at some point.

Anapan wrote:@Repo: I hadn't heard of the series, but just added a few of Siactro's games to my collection; Thanks!

@Limewater: I think in movies the formula can easily get played out, and someone making a blatant ripoff of a played-out trope just feels too derivative. In video games, if it's something I really enjoyed, I'm usually disappointed that it ended, and would happily continue playing it. Often I'll play some of my favorite games over-and-over again. If a developer adds just a little to my favorite game mechanic I can jump right back in and continue enjoying the game, or if something more challenging is added to a sequel, I enjoy the added difficulty.
I haven't heard many people complain that there are too many Mega Man games, rather they lament that Capcom shelved the franchise for so long before bringing out Mega Man 11.

I do think there are too many Mega Man games...and not enough Mega Man X games :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by MrPopo »

rogue likes

Yeah, damn those newfangled rogue likes copying from a game that only came out in <checks notes> 1980.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Anapan »

The original wasn't much fun, but the refinement the 90's did hasn't passed on well to some modern mechanics, I was totally addicted to RogueLikes in the 2k's, but have never got that back in any modern reinterpretation, at least in any platformer or 3D take on it.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Raging Justice »

I just don't find the genre interesting. I also find it tiresome that the indie scene that was once known for innovation and creativity pumps up new rogue likes on a monthly basis it feels like. I just roll my eyes every time. "Oh, another one, let's add that to the fifty thousand other ones the indie scene pumped out this year. So innovative and creative you guys are" :roll:

But hey, that's just me. I'm not gonna tell people what types of games they should play...or what games people should develop. It just feels like indie devs are all trying to cash in on what they think is trendy right now.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by Anapan »

Yea I feel the same
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by marurun »

Honestly, I think rogue-like procedural generation is just fun for indie devs to play with. It allows them to enhance replayability with a bit less work and also indulges the desire to play with systems and algorithms on the design side.
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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by REPO Man »

marurun wrote:Honestly, I think rogue-like procedural generation is just fun for indie devs to play with. It allows them to enhance replayability with a bit less work and also indulges the desire to play with systems and algorithms on the design side.

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Re: Are Old Games Making a Comeback?

Post by RCBH928 »

I agree with Limewater to an extent. I do not need 12 MegaMan games. Remakes were ok when there is a huge graphical jump but not I do not think anything since ps2 generation needs a remake. I think the developer Treasure had an aim to never release a sequel and always something new to not fall in this pit.

That being said, I am all for ports. I think its great that you can get the game you want on whatever current system is over buying the original console with the original cartridge. Downloading a 5MB file for $5 is just so much more convenient.
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