Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I guess I'll talk about the game I'm currently playing in the wider sense of the price tags its series carries. Atelier meruru is the 13th game in the Atelier series, and the 3rd game on PS3. All of those games (and damn near every game in the series before it) are pretty easily found for 300 to 800 yen ($3 to $8), *except* for when you get to the first game released cross-generationally. Atelier Sophie is the first game on PS4 as well as PS3, and that game is absolutely impossible to find for less than 1500 yen here. Just that huge jump in price (for a game that, as far as I understand it, wasn't particularly popular or anything), is very very weird to me O_o.

I mean I guess to a point it's just part of the general trend of PS4 games generally being quite a bit more expensive overall, but that doesn't go as far to explain why even the PS3 version is so expensive. Like, the price differences can't be down to "well more people have a PS4 than a PS3 these days", because if that was the case, then why would both the PS3 *and* the PS4 versions be more expensive than all their other PS3 counterparts (granted the PS4 version is significantly more expensive than the PS3 version, but still). Very odd O_o
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by PretentiousHipster »

These are the games I'm playing now with their respective prices:

Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars
Monster Lab

I don't wanna go too in-depth of my thoughts of them since I wanna save those for the videos, but I feel like Monster Lab is a great mobile sort of game despite the annoying wiimote minigames. The first 2 are absolutely essential wii games to me.

I might do Anachronox as well. That goes for sale for $1 at times.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by Note »

Have a few ideas for games I think I'll play for this month ...

Mick and Mack Global Gladiators on the Genesis, this is a game I was randomly gifted by my parents, I think for Christmas when I got my Genesis. The cart only goes for about $10, even complete you can get it for no more than $15. I always liked the art style to the game, and I believe I heard that Virgin used the same engine that was used to create Aladdin. The copy I have nowadays has some writing on the cart, so I might try to track down a clean one.

Altered Beast is another game I'm considering for this month. I know it's still really cheap, but I actually don't have a copy! I've gotta see if I can track down a good condition one. Love the dark atmosphere of this game and the cheesy voice overs. My cousins' had the Model 1 Genesis with this game as the pack-in so I have some fond memories playing it back then. By the time I got my system, Sonic 2 was the pack-in game. Rise from your grave!

Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 for the SNES is another game I've had a lot of fun with but haven't played much the past few years. Really liked this game when I was a kid and even brought it to my college dorm and got people into it then too. I saw Markies beat the season mode last year (I think it was last year), which reminded me I need to get back to this one.

Aladdin and Sonic 2 are also contenders for this month. I have to check the prices on Aladdin, but I think it still goes for pretty cheap.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by marurun »

I think there are a lot of cheap titles that could also quality as summer classics for those who are participating in that challenge. Especially on Genesis.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by Syndicate »

...I'm looking at Global Gladiators as well and toss in Sonic Spinball or Sub-Terrnia. I also picked up Junction recently so tgat could be a relaxing option for the July TR.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Looking through gane prices today, I think I’ve found two very inexpensive NES games I want to play this month:

Legacy of the Wizard - Released in Japan less than one year after Metroid, Legacy of the Wizard (a/k/a Dragon Slayer IV) is one of the foundational metroidvania games. While people appreciate it now, however, it wasn’t exactly a hit, and loose copies still sell for less than $10.

RoboWarrior - RoboWarrior (a/k/a Bomber King) is a strange bridge between the Bomberman and Blaster Master series. (The Gameboy sequel was localized as Blaster Master Boy, and in a sense RoboWarrior is the first Blaster Master game.) Loose copies routinely sell for less than $5.

Wish me luck with these! I’ve made a few runs at Legacy of the Wizard before, but it’s really dense. This time, I will shamelessly consult a walkthrough with the goal of seeing the game’s ending by month end.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Started Legacy of the Wizard last night. I read the manual online, which helps a lot. I also read up on strategies a bit. This game is super-dense, though, with dozens of false walls and impenetrable mazes. Still, I was able to get the first crown playing as Pochi, the family pet. I promptly died fighting the first boss, though, since I ran out of magic. Oh well…back to the beginning for me! :lol:
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by Markies »

A month ago, I watched somebody stream the entirety of Legacy of the Wizard.

I'm glad I did because I then removed it from my Wishlist. :P

I do like that when you fall, you fall like Kirby and land on your face.

You really do need to follow a FAQ and some of those puzzles are so hard. Also, the bosses can kill you in seconds.

I really do wish you the best of luck.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Tough luck, poor people! The block-pushing mechanics in Legacy of the Wizard are absolute garbage. They are really counterintuitive and finicky, and to advance, the game requires you to exploit them in strange ways. (Push a block diagonally down from underneath it and then jump on it very precisely a dozen times to ride it over a pit!) If you fail, and you will fail, the game punishes you severely, sometimes setting you way back. I really don’t know how people completed this game without some sort of guide

That said, and despite heaps of frustration, I have now completed Xemn’s section of the dungeon (without using save states!). Accordingly, I should now be completely done with block pushing for the rest of the game.
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Re: Together Retro July 2021 - Alms for the Poor

Post by Note »

Over the weekend I found a couple Genesis games I was looking for and it happens that they qualify for this month's TR theme too. Last night I was playing Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition and managed to finish the game. When I was young, I didn't own a copy of this version of SF II, as I had it on the SNES, but my friend in the neighborhood did and I had fun memories of playing the game at his place, so it was really fun to revisit this one. While the SNES releases are more polished, I think this game is still worth checking out. My only knock is the sound definitely could've been handled better -- right away you'll notice the sound effects and music seem a bit off.

Also, I always really liked that this release had it's own unique cover art -- the illustration of Guile and M. Bison fighting is pretty awesome.

I played it using the 8bitdo 2.4g six button controller, as that's been my main controller for Genesis titles. However, this is the first fighting game I've played with the controller, so this was a good test. The d-pad is super comfortable and it's awesome to have the six button layout, but I was having a bit of an issue getting the moves out consistently. With the d-pad being thicker, I think perhaps the inputs don't come in as accurately?

If anyone has the same game or other fighting games and same controller, would enjoy hearing if anyone else had a similar experience, as I usually don't have an issue getting off those quarter circle motions.
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