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Re: Etrian Odyssey: Share your opinions, memories, and scars

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:36 pm
by Kuruwin
Yeah. I kinda doubt that they will push to get the game localized closer to Jap release. 3DS still getting surprisingly many games this year but how alive will it be on 2019.

Re: Etrian Odyssey: Share your opinions, memories, and scars

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:45 pm
by MrPopo
There's also Persona Q2 coming at some point.

Re: Etrian Odyssey: Share your opinions, memories, and scars

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:15 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
Sekaiju to Fushigi no Dungeon 2 isn't ever gonna be localized, huh?

Re: Etrian Odyssey: Share your opinions, memories, and scars

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:21 pm
by MrPopo
I doubt it. Mystery Dungeon just doesn't sell enough to be worth localization.

Re: Etrian Odyssey: Share your opinions, memories, and scars

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:42 pm
by laurenhiya21
I haven't played too much of EO, but they definitely interest me a bit so I definitely want to explore it more at some point.

Answering your questions...

What are your experiences with the Etrian Odyssey series?
I've played a little bit of EO2 and a fair amount of EO4 but that's it so far.

Do you have any favorite entries?
No not yet. I haven't really played enough of them to have a favourite, but I do want to play more.

What did you think when modern EO started offering easier difficulty levels?
I love having an option for an easier difficulty. I'm not a fan of ultra punishing games so it's nice for me to have the option.

Do you deeply enjoy cartography?
It's probably my favourite thing about the games. I have enjoyed drawing my own maps for other games in the past (not that I've done it that often) so it's pretty much just an in-game version of that.

If you are a fan of EO, did you try the Mystery Dungeon version?
I have not yet, but I definitely want to.

And howabout the Persona Q games? (Yes PQ2 is in the works.)
I also haven't played it yet but I want to.

Do you think Atlus produces EO too fast and too often, or is there no such thing as too much EO?
I'm still kind of new to EO games so I'm not really sure haha. There's many games in the series that I haven't tried yet, so there's still a lot of them for me to try out.

What changes would you make to the EO formula if you could?
I'm not sure if it's a common thing in EO games, but I dropped EO4 because it had some really annoying puzzley bosses that I just couldn't get past. I don't remember it too well other than just being super frustrated by it.