KF2 Early Access

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Re: KF2 Early Access

Post by fastbilly1 »

My wife bought it for me and started it downloading when I was working on something for her in the garage Saturday morning. She left for the day and it was an hour or so before I discovered what she had done. So on my box, it runs ok, I get a pretty steady 30fps on low with 50 zeds. Since I am using a gaming computer I built almost a decade ago, thats pretty awesome. I have not tried multiplayer yet but here are some ramblings from someone with a couple hundred hours in each KF0 and KF1:
- Many tier one guns are pretty much bullet hoses. The AR15 takes a couple shots to down the new low tier zed, but thats ok since you never have to buy one. In the three rounds I played I found several dozen. Honestly, the AR15 feels like it is a slightly better MP7M from KF1.

- Spawning in with tier 1 weapons is odd. It means the action should be faster, but it is not. It is kinda like everyone is level 5 in KF1 by default. So in a standard long game, instead of just the first wave being everyone run around and loot, the first few.

- Sirens are more dangerous than ever before. Less because of the health hit, more because they take out lights, and stagger very oddly.

- Leveling is much faster this time around since you can fully level off perk. I got level 1 commando before support and I was playing support, since I kept using one of the AR15s on trash and saving the hunting for big stuff. Simply every class has two requirements to level, similar to last KF, but they are no where near as indepth. In KF1 Support required welding doors and shotgun kills, in KF2 they require the shotgun kills OR welding and at much lower amounts. I got level 1 in Support in two games, in KF1 that would have taken atleast a dozen - hell I am still only level 3 because of that damn welding requirement (in KF2 I would be at max level support with my KF1 profile).

- Maplist is short, but not much shorter than it was when the first KF launched on steam. They had six maps on launch, now we have three. Not a huge deal, just something to note. I should add that there are guys that have figured out how to port all of KF1s maps over with a high level of accuracy so in a short amount of time we may have a L4D2 scenario (where the original is surpassed). Note I said port, not remake - they have figured out a chain of editors that allow them to port the old maps with only losing things like spawnpoints and some lighting (which need to be updated anyway).

- Gameplay is changed, it is geared more like a modern shooter, less like a super refined UT2k4 mod. Which is great, its different but still feels familiar. Guns have changed, zeds added, but the core of the run and gun gameplay is still similar. No longer is it Delta Force styled pull the knife out to run, you have a sprint key. But because of this they took out the flashback weapon key (it is rumored to be added in later though). The whole vendor is a robot thing that has to shutdown during waves is stupid though. It made sense that the lady had to close up, but a robot, that is silly.

- New zeds are unnoticeable for the most part on normal. Cysts are baby Clots that fall down, Slashers are baby Gorefasts that are smaller so they do not get stuck on physics objects as much. But Clots grabbing you and rotating the camera...that gets old.

- I am not a great run and gun player in KF1, but I made it to round 3 in a short game, and round 7&8 in long games on normal soloed (short and one long in Biotics, the other long in Paris). My death each time was fleshpound spawning around the corner infront of me while running from one behind. My well ingrained KF1 Fleshpound tactics do not work in 2, nor should they. This will be fixed once other classes are released and I have a team and am not soloing.

- It scales beyond six with a simple ini fix and not with some crazy jacked up server programs like KF1 needed. This insanity should explain everything:

All in all, it is as they said before, it is KF1.5. I have no desire to play KF0 ever again while KF1 will still be my go to with friends until everyone has KF2 and we can host a listen server.
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Re: KF2 Early Access

Post by Ack »

Gotta say, I love how the Gorefasts move now. The Scrakes too. It just looks like they mean business.

And running and gunning in KF1 on Normal isn't so bad, it just means you have to adopt different tactics depending on your class. I stuck with Firebug for it so I could mitigate Husk attacks and light suckers on fire from far off and forget them. On Hard though...I haven't tried in a while, but I was only successful a couple of times there with the Firebug. Guess I should give it another go sometime.
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