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Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:07 am
by Gunstar Green
JayJaySut wrote:Just my thoughts, Phil Fish said some prickish things, but the hate that he got was ridiculously disproportionate to it. I mean honestly I was pretty excited for Fez 2 but now It will probably never happened because a bunch of angry people went out of their way to give him shit, just look at the comments on the Polytron site for evidence. I mean that's his official site people created accounts just to hate on him. It probably wouldn't have happened as much if he hadn't tried to fight back, that was a mistake. It's one thing to not like something but these people tried to spread that hate and negativity as far as they could, they made it unavoidable. As for the thick skin thing I don't think we should be asking him to have thicker skin but should instead be asking the gaming community not to be such dicks all the time. It's obviously a lot harder to change the whole community then it is to change one guy but if anything more people like Phil Fish would be a positive thing if only because it would get gamers used to the idea that game developers are people who don't exist just to give them exactly what they want.

It's not just the gaming community. This will happen to ANYONE who puts themselves out there to the public no matter what they do.

People love to hate things more than they love to love things. If they see that the hate is getting to you they'll pile it on and make it worse. You either ignore the haters and focus on the positive or you have a meltdown like Fish.

I don't really dislike the guy myself because I feel like he's got some legitimate emotional problems judging by the videos and interviews I've seen with him. But you can't expect the world to tone down its ass-hattery for him just because he can't handle it.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:09 am
by KDub
ZeroAX wrote:
MrPopo wrote:
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:I thought it was pretty well known that Phil Fish is a total asshole? I didn't buy the original Fez on the principal of supporting him.

This. He's a jackass and deserves to fail.

[edit] And this sums up everything

What did he say that makes him a total asshole? (honest question I haven't followed this guy one bit. not even why he left the industry. just read that he did leave).

and :lol: :lol: :lol: worked with the xbone DRM :P

During a conference he was a part of a panel and it was during a Q&A. An audience member stood up and asked about their influence from classic Japanese games. The man being very Japanese (Could barely speak english) and a game developer as well was very touched by the idea that they were influenced by the work of his home country and his biggest passion. When he was done with his question Phil grabs the microphone and says "Japanese games suck!". The guys face was one of shock, hurt and major embarrassment in front of a large audience.

There are plenty more but that was the first big one and that sets the tone of who Phil Fish is; a lame, hipster bully who had one game that he almost didn't finish and acted like he was the king of video game development.

I wouldn't play his games for anything. Being an artist my whole life I've seen and dealt with far too many bullies like him and refuse to be any support to them any more.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:15 am
by Erik_Twice
Some artists are jerks. I see nothing newsworthy about Phil Fish or any of the other indies.

But, of course, gaming is getting more and more yellow press.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:17 am
by AppleQueso
Phil Fish constantly makes antagonistic remarks. It was absolutely inevitable that one day something he said would cause a lot of backlash. He constantly tries to piss people off, yet when he's actually wildly successful at being controversial, he throws a temper tantrum and quits the industry?

What a turd. You'd think someone like that would be able to handle a bit of heat. Otherwise, why act the way he does?

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:02 am
by dsheinem
AppleQueso wrote: Otherwise, why act the way he does?

Because we're talking about him.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:06 am
by KDub
Yeah he really really likes the attention it brings him. During his recent twitter tantrum he said he was leaving the business and shutting down his twitter only to come back a little bit later to boast that we was trending...

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:28 am
by ZeroAX
KDub wrote:During a conference he was a part of a panel and it was during a Q&A. An audience member stood up and asked about their influence from classic Japanese games. The man being very Japanese (Could barely speak english) and a game developer as well was very touched by the idea that they were influenced by the work of his home country and his biggest passion. When he was done with his question Phil grabs the microphone and says "Japanese games suck!". The guys face was one of shock, hurt and major embarrassment in front of a large audience.

There are plenty more but that was the first big one and that sets the tone of who Phil Fish is; a lame, hipster bully who had one game that he almost didn't finish and acted like he was the king of video game development.

I wouldn't play his games for anything. Being an artist my whole life I've seen and dealt with far too many bullies like him and refuse to be any support to them any more.

Ok that's enough for me, fuck this guy.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:09 pm
by Xeogred
He had it coming.

And I didn't even care for Fez much.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:17 pm
by AppleQueso
dsheinem wrote:
AppleQueso wrote: Otherwise, why act the way he does?

Because we're talking about him.

KDub wrote:Yeah he really really likes the attention it brings him. During his recent twitter tantrum he said he was leaving the business and shutting down his twitter only to come back a little bit later to boast that we was trending...

If he loves the attention so much, why is he throwing such a huge fit over it? I really don't get people like this.

Re: Fez 2 cancelled

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:29 pm
by ZeroAX
AppleQueso wrote:If he loves the attention so much, why is he throwing such a huge fit over it? I really don't get people like this.

He enjoyes people defending him I guess. Drama queen syndrom.