First 50:51. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
52. Tic-Tac-Toe / Shooting Gallery / Doodle / Quadra-Doodle (Channel F)
53. Robot War / Torpedo Alley (Channel F)
54. Pinball Challenge (Channel F)
55. Elevator Action (Xbox - Taito Legends)
56. Elevator Action II (PlayStation 2 - Taito Legends 2)
57. Altered Beast (Xbox 360 - Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection)
58. Congo Bongo (Xbox 360 - Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection)
59. International Soccer (Commodore 64)
60. Out of this World! / Helicopter Rescue! (Odyssey²)
61. Alien Invaders - Plus! (Odyssey²)
62. Ice Hockey (Atari 2600)
63. River Raid (Atari 2600)
64. Frankenstein's Monster (Atari 2600)
65. Ys II (Famicom)
66. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (Turbo CD)
67. Gremlins (Atari 2600)
68. Frogs and Flies (Atari 2600)
69. Ice Climber (NES)
70. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (PlayStation 2)
71. Ghosts 'n Goblins (PSP - Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded)
72. Ikari Warriors (Atari 2600)
73. Donkey Kong Junior (Atari 2600)
74. Donkey Kong Junior (ColecoVision)Back when Mario was a villain!
Two okay ports here. Both are missing a level found in the arcade version (though not the same one). I don't own this on Intellivision, sadly.
Levels 1 and 2 of the Atari port are easy. Level 2 only contains a single enemy! Difficulty ramps up in level 3 where it's hard to dodge the "lizards" unless you're jumping in a very specific pattern.
The Coleco game looks nice, though it's a bit trickier to grab the vines here and of course the controller itself is a bit stiff and awkward. I can't figure out how the game "loops" after stage three..... It seems be choosing levels randomly or maybe it's going backwards?
If you own these two older-than-dirt systems then check out DKJ. Otherwise, the NES port is better all around.