Splitfish EdgeFX and Splitfish Tilt SensorI went nuts when I saw the Gamestop link last night. As in the Virtua On Twinstick, a very limited market. When this specialized FPS game controller first came out it was going for seventy bucks.
There are so few USB Mouse supported games on the PS2. The EdgeFX controller fills in the gap nicely for FPS games. The sensor mouse operates as the right analog stick. No driver or adaptor headaches just the PS2 controller port. I just went a round with PS2 FPS
BLACK and now have very precise control of look and aim. The left hand nunchuck (came out before Wii) can be detached from the lapboard and is used for controlling movement. Novel in that there is on the fly knob adjustment for the sensitivity of the mouse. This is great when going sniper mode. The mouse also has a rumble feature easily clicked on-off on the top if you want to make the aim interesting.
My only disappointment is the mouse is tied to the right hand analog stick only. This kills any games that would be enhanced by a mouse cursor such as REZ and Real Time Strategy games. Meh a minor complaint, now that I have a beautiful FPS dedicated controller. Dreamcast has the Panther so have to compare if the trakball or mouse is better.
PS2 Myst III Exile uses either analog stick for moving the cursor around the screen. Weird that it does not have an option for a regular USB Mouse. However, with the Nunchuck and Mouse controlling movement gives the best of both types of control, one in each hand. Added is the capability of on the fly dialing the knob on the side of the Nunchuck for Mouse sensitivity.
PS2 Myst does have an issue of each screen having a delay load which makes for a slower play compared to the PC version. However, the movement is seamless when the PS2 game is installed to PS2 fat internal drive. A great way to explore the Myst World, play the game on the big screen.
Splitfish Tilt SensorSplit Fish really made some innovative controls, maybe too radical to hold in the market. I also have two Tilt Sensors for the PS2, great for Marble Madness type games
Mojo and
Mercury Meltdown.
CRTGAMER wrote:Super Monkey Ball Deluxe with Tilt Sensor - viewtopic.php?f=33&t=34728&p=525219#p525219
Adding realism vs winning a levelI played PS2 Super Monkeyball Deluxe last night with a Spitfish Tilt Sensor. It snaps right on a standard PSX controller. The Tilt Sensor can work by itself or in tandem with the PS2 Analog stick. I found that tipping the controller adds a realistic feel in tilting the landscape, but the stick is best for a tighter control. Sometimes the Analog stick is too tight though, a corner can be taken too fast with the stick.
Also picked up a PSP Action Replay for $19.99 at Gamestop. A rarity considering Gamestop or any store hardly has Action Replays anymore. This will only work with Sony PSP Update 6.20 or older. Crap Crap, 6.30 kills it. Son still debating on this.
BLAH! HA! HA! HA! Bought brand new!
I got two Splitfish EdgeFX controllers for $2.99 each!
I was looking for a proper PS2 FPS related quote to close this out.
Nothing that can top the Duke though. So:
Duke Nukem wrote:COME GET SOME!
Here you go, get yours.
Click, but don't call to allow time for Employee to buy, just drive straight to the store!