I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Discussion of scanning, archiving, and printing things such as magazines, manuals, video captures, and game covers
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I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Post by greg »

I personally find it depressing how nobody makes true websites anymore. For example, there's a great game-dedicated fan pages such as this Fire Emblem site. But everything is shifting over to the blogosphere. Some retro gaming blogs are great, like magweasel.com, but increasingly the old-style home-made gaming sites are going by the wayside. I'm happy if some game sites remain even if they are not updated, such as Dave's Sega-Saturn.com page that was resurrected. I myself have maintained a Super Famicom-dedicated site for the past 13 years. Although I don't update it much anymore, it's still there and I do work on it from time to time.

Blogs are lazy and they don't have the charm that scratchbuilt homepages written in HTML have. Wordpress is okay, but I have no interest in Facebook or least of all Myspace. Fan-made gaming sites are a dying artform.

One site that I miss is Darkcityproducions's Turbo Duo Page. This link is to web.archive.org's cache of the page. The guy had an awesome Valis website on that page. A lot of this stuff isn't surviving even on the web archive site. He had a great gallery of PC Engine CD-Rom error images that are not displaying.

I pay for my own domain name and I have like a godzillion megabytes of storage space I'd never begin to fully utilize. I'd like to host this site as an archive on my own page. I've tried reaching out to the maintainer of this site, but even his hotmail account is gone.

Does anybody know what happened to darkcityproductions.com?
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Re: I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Post by greg »

Somebody at the pcenginefx forum pointed me to the new home for this website.
I'm glad that the page has found a new home.
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Re: I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Post by noiseredux »

I think this is a great idea. I loved many of those old fan sites. Remember geocities?

But I wouldn't say "blogs are lazy." That's sort of an umbrella assumption, wouldn't you say? There were plenty of lazy websites.
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Re: I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Post by greg »

Oh definitely. And so much of those Geocities websites were total crap. It's just that even with tags, blogs do not present information in the same manner as a good table of contents will. The layout design is totally different. What I meant by "lazy" is that it doesn't take the same amount of effort as building homepages from scratch.
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Re: I'm interested in archiving defunct gaming sites

Post by D.D.D. »

greg wrote:... blogs do not present information in the same manner as a good table of contents will.

Totally agree. Older sites felt more like Wikipedia in how you clicked through for info. HG101 is kinda blog-ish but more old school.

Blogs are great for updates but I wish you could change the time order like, start on today's news in chronological order.
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