Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Key-Glyph »

Thanks so much for the recommendations so far, folks. I'm going to enjoy this experience quite a bit.

I'm keeping track of everyone's suggestions, and I've decided to add an extra bit of flavor to this. No one has to do this part, but when I get started on one of the games you put forward, I'd love to hear you imagine how I might have borrowed it or heard about it from you if we'd known each other as kids. You can either insert me into a real memory or make up something you feel could've actually happened. Only if you're up to it, though -- no pressure if not.

I'm going to start with G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, which I'm "borrowing" from Ack.

So we're six years old, Ack, presumably in kindergarten or first grade together. How did you hip me to this game? Did you talk about it on the playground so much that I asked if I could come over and play it? Did you get it as a gift at a birthday party that I'd been invited to? Did we do a borrow trade, your G.I. Joe for some other cart of mine?

And lastly... did you have the manual? If you didn't -- or if you refused to lend it to me (!!) -- then I'm not going to look up anything about the game before I play it. I'll just pepper you with questions here, as if we're meeting on the blacktop every day to compare notes and/or roast each other. :lol:

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Ack »

Haha, very interesting. Ok, so in 1991, I'm in first grade. I rented this game from the video game section of the Family Video built in a strip mall down past the grocery store, which is way better than the year before when they were still in a gas station. Plus how they have the Elvis clock with the swinging legs and the Child's Play movie poster.

And I don't have to talk you into it, because we're already watching the cartoon, and we're playing with G.I. Joes in each other's yards. Sometimes we sneak a figure to school, but never with the guns because we lose them too easily. So we have toys and pretend to be our favorite Joes, like Falcon, Shipwreck, and Snake Eyes, on the playground, and then I reveal the big news: it's a VIDEO GAME, and I have it at home on my Nintendo! You coming after school to play? Nope, no manual, and I don't know what all the buttons do, but it's gonna be awesome!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Key-Glyph »

Ack wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 9:08 pm So we have toys and pretend to be our favorite Joes, like Falcon, Shipwreck, and Snake Eyes, on the playground, and then I reveal the big news: it's a VIDEO GAME, and I have it at home on my Nintendo! You coming after school to play? Nope, no manual, and I don't know what all the buttons do, but it's gonna be awesome!

This is perfection. :lol:

I'll get started after homework tonight and I'll tell you at recess tomorrow if I figured out anything you didn't know about the controls!!

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Ack »

I came, I saw, I kicked alien ass. Marathon has been beaten, one more in a long list of tackled games in a genre I love. I'll have to go back and do a Total Carnage run for it at some point, but for now, my work is done.

So what is the significance of Marathon? Well, it put Bungie on the map as an FPS developer, and after a few more games, Microsoft would swoop them up to make Halo. They also created the killer app Doom clone that Mac owners had been clamoring for. There are three games I associate with '90s Mac, and it's Myst, Marathon, and Escape Velocity. Good times.

Marathon also implemented a means to convey story via text and level design, and it did so the same year that System Shock was revolutionizing the same approach on the PC. In fact, I equate the two, far more than I would equate Marathon to Doom. I'll go more into this in the Games Beaten thread once I write up my thoughts, but overall, Marathon is generally held in high regard, and while it has rough edges, I think it's earned its place in the pantheon of classic FPS.

One down. Nine to go.

To celebrate, I installed Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force and ran through its tutorial. It's another FPS, this time from the post-Half Life era where much had become standardized in how the genre was represented and controlled. I felt right at home.

Ack's List:
1. Marathon
2. Command & Conquer
3. Rome: Total War
4. Rage
5. Outlast
6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
7. Thief II
8. Ultima IV
9. Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force
10. Tactics Ogre: Reborn
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by marurun »

Game on, summer stars! Reading this thread is going to be my summer guilty pleasure.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by alienjesus »

I finished up the last game I was played yesterday, so today I started up my first summer game. I decided to ease in with something a bit shorter and less challenging, so I opted for Spyro the Dragon.

I have actually played this one before - I started it a few years ago, played through some of the first two worlds, and then found my disc kept crashing in world 3. I remember finding it a little frustrating to control, finding it hard to collect all the gems in each level and rushing through towards the end.

Replaying now, on my freshly resurfaced disc, has been a completely different experience. Certainly I still had some teething troubles with the controls - the camera especially is troublesome being mapped to the L2 and R2 buttons (which I'm not used to, as a long time N64 player) and also being slow and inverted to my preferences. However, I found myself enjoying my time with it way more, I've 100% cleared all the levels I've tackled so far, and I'm having a good time. I'm 61% through now according to my save file, and am working through the levels in the 4th hub world.

There are a few mechanics I'm not sure about. I'm a bit mixed on the flying levels so far - they feel a bit too focused on one optimal route and don't offer enough freedom due to a tight time limit . The bosses in the game have all been universally terrible so far too, I think they maybe should have used the flying mechanics for bosses to make them stand out more. There's also a supercharge mechanic recently introduced where you run down a special slope to start a super dash and the game wants you to use this to launch off of ramps into huge jumps - but I found balancing the dash, jump and glide together quite difficult and imprecise, and I've lost quite a few lives to it.

Still, it's been a good time so far. Not up to the quality of the best 3D platformers on N64 from the same era, but one of the better attempts I've played on PS1. I'll probably try and work through the rest of the game over the course of this week.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Key-Glyph »

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (NES)

All right, we did it. And it only took us until the final stage to understand how the leveling system works. Yo Joe!!

About the game:

This wound up being a nostalgic one to start off with, because although I'd never played it before, it brought back the exact feelings I used to have while playing NES games at age five: engrossed yet sometimes resentful. :lol: It has all the knockback and aggressive respawn rates you'd expect, plus the "war of attrition" style of boss fight I came to associate with the console itself. It's interesting to me that somewhere in my childhood I absorbed the notion that bosses in platformers should/must be completable without taking damage; of course I know it's not true, but even to this day when I'm meant to take hits by design, my subconscious automatically assumes that I'm doing something wrong. Why can't I figure this out? Why can't I avoid that?? I'm always looking for the pattern I can't see, the pattern I believe must be there.

Sometimes my only way out of this is through intervention. Ack had to rescue me from this spiral once, after I ran to him on the playground and rambled semi-coherently about Roadpig. I was spending too much time trying to find a pattern in falling boulders when the answer was simply to absorb the hits, direct my knockback (which always knocks you backwards from the direction your sprite is facing, not from where the hit comes from), and continue to fire.

Here's what's really cool about this game, though. In addition to swapping your characters TMNT-style, the soldiers 1) have nuanced stats and 2) get stronger as they defeat more enemies. Once I figured out the leveling bit I got really excited about replaying this. Future runs will absolutely rule now that I know what I'm doing and won't lose my soldiers on every level. I was essentially playing through the game in peashooter mode. This is what happens when you don't have the manual to read. :lol:

Things I absolutely loved: punching a jet out of the sky (I hadn't realized ammo was limited at first and ran out during a boss fight); the little stage introductions (parachuting into the desert!); Snake Eyes (why is this guy so cool??). The mix of exploratory levels against action is really great too, and some bosses just ruled (that Destro chase!!).

About G.I. Joe:

The other really fun thing about playing this game was my complete lack of familiarity with G.I. Joe. I seriously didn't know anything about the franchise. At all. I'd seen commercials for the toys growing up, but they made the Joe universe seem... kind of serious? So please imagine my delight when I saw there was a quarterback solider with a grenade launcher.

It was a lot of fun talking to my partner about this, too. He didn't grow up with the toys or show either, but he recognized some of the characters. "Of course Snake Eyes is in this," he said. "Everyone loves Snake Eyes." Yep. Guilty.

It seems to me that if the Ninja Turtles hadn't completely dominated my childhood scene there would have been a lot for me to like here. G.I. Joe has that 80s/90s kind of cool to it -- outlandish, silly coolness. The sort of cool that made me want to play Contra Hard Corps as a kid after seeing Brad Fang.

I was also inspired to go back and watch a bunch of the Homestar Runner Cheat Commandos episodes, which hit on a different level now.

Here's your game back, Ack. Thanks for letting me borrow it.

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by Ack »

Hahaha, glad you liked it. To take some of the edge off, I present to you ice cream.

Ice Cream Soldier.


Yo Joe!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by alienjesus »

1. Faxanadu (NES)
2. Phantasy Star Online (GC)
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
4. Mario Golf (GBC)
5. Dragon Quest V (DS)]
6. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (Switch)
7. Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
8. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
9. Radiant Silvergun (Saturn)
10. Star Control 2 (3DO)

That's my first game beaten for this years challenge. I beat the game and also completed it (120%!) and I had a decent time. It's still definitely not on the level of the likes of Mario or Banjo, but Spyro is a fun time if you can gel with some of the camera and control funkiness that comes with the 5th gen of gaming.

I think there were a few flaws with the game in the form of very weak boss fights and a few obnoxious secrets involving the super dash ability which the game doesn't really hint towards or prepare you for in normal gameplay. I don't think the asks of what the player has to pull off are too unreasonable, but the leap in logic to figure out what you need to do definitely should have been better directed.

I think I'll probably start up LittleBigPlanet for my next game on the list, after which I was planning on moving on to Faxanadu. I know Spacebooger has Faxanadu on his list so if you want to play that at the same time, I'll probably be starting it a week or two from now.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2024

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Have fun with LittleBigPlanet! I recall really liking that one.
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