Pacific Drive - New First Person Vehicular Survival Game

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Pacific Drive - New First Person Vehicular Survival Game

Post by Ziggy »

Image ... fic_Drive/

This game was just released a few days ago. It's a survival game in the first person perspective. You're on foot and in a car, and your car is like your companion. You find and salvage materials to craft things and make repairs to your vehicle. The atmosphere is really cool. I would say just check out a few videos to get the idea. The looting or item collecting is reminding me of Bioshock, especially since people are talking to me on a radio. You have a backpack and your car trunk to store things in, and moving and sorting items is reminding me of Resident Evil 4. And I've only played about an hour so far, so I don't really know what's going on as far as the story goes, but I'm getting a sort of Stranger Things vibe. And it also kinda feels like I'm in The Walking Dead when they go out scavenging.

Launch Trailer:

Here's a let's play with commentary:

That's a long let's play, but watching the first 10 minutes of it made me purchase the game for myself LOL.

So when you want to get out of your car, you need to shift into park and turn the ignition off. I didn't do this the first time, and my car started to roll away. So I had to run behind it to get it to stop rolling, which got me an achievement for getting hit by my own car LOL.
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Re: Pacific Drive - New First Person Vehicular Survival Game

Post by Ack »

Oh yeah, I have been wanting to play Pacific Drive since I first saw the announcement. Glad it's finally out and holding up to my mental hype. I probably won't be picking it up for a little bit, but I cannot wait to scavenge.
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Re: Pacific Drive - New First Person Vehicular Survival Game

Post by Anapan »

I saw some gameplay when YouTubers got pre-release builds a while back. It looks really fun. The car modding seemed kinda weird, but otherwise, it's an innovative idea. Might pick it up a bit later.
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Re: Pacific Drive - New First Person Vehicular Survival Game

Post by MrPopo »

They had a demo out before release, but when I loaded it up I found the control customization was incomplete. You couldn't rebind mouse buttons (since fixed, according to the latest patchnotes) and there was not any setting for the first person move controls; I assume those are inherited from the driving controls, but I didn't test it because I already couldn't properly bind due to the mouse button issue (I have move forward on right click). I might check in on this after my upcoming game slate is finished and I have downtime.
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