Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

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Raging Justice
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Raging Justice »

There are levels in this game that are pure trash, like Bulrush Express and Countdown to Dropdown, and then there are levels that are platforming bliss. It's a bit inconsistent.

It's also annoying that the game doesn't have a restart checkpoint feature. So you needed to bounce off an enemy to get to a platform, but you killed that enemy...guess you need to go kill yourself now to go back to the checkpoint :roll:

There are spots in the game where if you didn't do something you were supposed to do in order to get certain items you're stuck unless you kill yourself or start the level over. There's one hidden area where you ride an ice block and have to try and grab stuff. If you miss anything when the ice block gets to the end, tough shit. You can't do it over again. Annoying.

Still having fun overall with Wonder, but it's flaws are starting to reveal themselves to me and some stages just suck.
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Raging Justice »

I'm also sick and goddamn tired of being FORCED to use nothing but the glide badge all of the time because of the douchey decision to have those stupid flag pole jumps be part of 100% completion. I can't even play around with the other badges because I don't feel like having to play every goddamn level over again every time I miss those stupid, fucking flag pole jumps at the end.

Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

Game's pissing me off now.
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by opa »

I've made it to world 2 (cloud land) and I'm not really feeling it. Do the later stages get better?
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Raging Justice »

Amazes me that Wonder doesn't have a single good boss fight. You keep doing the same lame fight against Bowser jr. over and over again with minor variations each time. Jesus Christ. Super Mario Bros. 2 on the NES had more interesting bosses than Wonder does. How old is that game?

There's so much bullshit design in this game. One level has a spike pit that seems impossible to avoid so you have to take damage or just straight up die if you don't have any power ups. One of those stupid battle ship stages had a big, purple, 10 flower thing that for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get without falling into the pit and dying. The game still saves the fact that you got it even if you die, but that's just fucking lame.

People are calling this better than Super Mario World. Super Mario World never pissed me off the way Wonder does. Those stupid, fucking, timed, KO levels. Who actually thought those stupid things would be fun? Fuck every last one of those goddamn stages.

Wonder reminds me of why I hate the new Donkey Kong Country games. They have an obnoxious level of difficulty that was not present in the Super Nintendo trilogy. The original DKC was actually a pretty chill game, especially the water levels.

I actually got all the way to the last world in Wonder (the Magma Bog level) even though I convinced myself I would stop playing. I've 100 percented every level so far, including every bonus world level I've unlocked, and I'm probably halfway through the stages in Magma Bog. I'm giving this game a chance (especially since I've spent money on it) but the more I play it the more I dislike it and I'm pretty close to the end of the game now. I'm currently trying to finish the last KO level which is driving me up a fucking wall, especially with those stupid, fucking, piranha creatures that just randomly move around the goddamn screen. I never know when they are going to come after me or just try and eat a fucking coin. It's so obnoxiously random, especially when you're dealing with a strict, fucking, timer.

Astrobot Rescue Mission and New Super Lucky's Tale (also available on the Switch) > Super Mario Bros. Wonder.
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by alienjesus »

Honestly, I personally find Mario Wonder easier than the classic Mario games. Sorry you’re nout having fun with it, maybe you should stop forcing yourself to keep playing a game you clearly don’t like?

I loved it personally. Cleared it 100%
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Ziggy »

Raging Justice, it sounds like you were having a lot of fun with this game but became burnt out. Perhaps take a break and come back to it.

I beat only a couple of the special stages so far. Yes, they can be very frustrating. I have to be in the mood for them, so I'm taking a break from it right now.

When I think back to how I use to play video games as a kid, a game like this I would be playing for weeks or months before I beat it. Perhaps years before I completed 100% of it. Now these days, I'll beat a game like this in a week and 100% it in under a month. It's easy to get burnt out when playing like this. And I find that it doesn't leave a lasting positive impression as much as a game did back in the day when I played it over several months or years.

I wouldn't even attempt to compare Wonder to World. But as far as getting pissed off at a game... When I was younger, I would often get frustrated with games. Super Mario World probably made me extremely mad many times. I just can't specifically remember how, but I know that it did. When I play a game like this as an adult, I get annoyed if I don't beat a a level on my first go. Or 100% a level on the first go. But when I played Super Mario World for the first time, I had to play most levels DOZENS of times before I could beat them. It's funny how as a kid you're more willing to fall off the bike. Adults aren't as willing to keep trying after failing at something. The special world stages in Super Mario World, I had to play them many, many times before I could beat them. I probably rage quite many times, but I kept coming back to it anyway.

opa wrote:I've made it to world 2 (cloud land) and I'm not really feeling it. Do the later stages get better?

I feel like if you don't like it by now, you never will. You do get more caps that will give you different abilities. And you definitely haven't seen all that the game has to offer. But as far as the core gameplay, you've already experienced it.
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Raging Justice »

For anyone who wants to 100 percent this game, have fun with the last two bonus levels. The last one is so short on checkpoints that every time you die you'll have to replay two entire sections again to get back to the one you died in. There is ZERO power ups, so every hit you take is a one hit kill.

Remember those talking flowers that I once said were charming? Well listening to that obnoxious douche bag repeat the same lines over and over again in a pathetic attempt to "boost my morale" after watching me die 50 times makes me wish I could light him on fire and listen to him scream.

Fuck this game. Fuck whoever designed it. I hope you have a massive heartache and rot in hell.

Time to chuck the physical copy I wasted my money on on ebay so I can sell it to some schmuck who bought into the hype surrounding this garbage game
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Raging Justice »

My last comment on this, I'll stop wasting everyone's time with my bitching.

You beat "The Final Test" in the bonus world, thinking that you're finally done with the game after finishing that obnoxious, infuriating level (which has ZERO checkpoints), only for the game to LITERALLY FUCKING TROLL YOU by then unlocking "The Final Final Test", which is even MORE obnoxious and infuriating. That's what I meant when I mentioned the last two bonus worlds. You think the second to last one is the actual last one because THAT'S WHAT THE GAME FUCKING TELLS YOU!!!



Super Mario Bros. Wonder comes on like this fun game for the whole family, a virtual party on a cartridge and gradually turns into a sadistic game that trolls you as you progress further into it, all while these stupid talking flowers are still acting like the game is still so much fun and we're all just having a grand ole time.
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by alienjesus »

Raging Justice wrote:all while these stupid talking flowers are still acting like the game is still so much fun and we're all just having a grand ole time.

Thats because the game was still so much fun and most people were still having a grand ole time. :lol:
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Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder is...

Post by Ziggy »

The special worlds in Super Mario games have historically been frustratingly hard (I have no idea how many hours it took me before I beat Tubular for the first time). They are also optional, as in you can ignore them and still roll the credits. They are there because a lot of people enjoy the extra challenge after beating the game.
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